An arrogant and arrogant man stood in the door. He first glanced at the little meat waiter, then turned his eyes to me and Luke, and finally fixed his eyes on my face.

After pondering for a few seconds, he asked: "Are you a foreign elder?"

"It's under" I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" The man didn't treat me politely because I was a foreign elder. On the contrary, he stared at me with extremely disgusting eyes.

"Excuse me, is this the gathering place of the national power organization?"

The man frowned and said displeased: "What does this have to do with you?"

Afterwards, he said coldly: "This is a private realm, go quickly!"

After speaking, he closed the door with a bang.

From the beginning to the end, my smile remained the same without any reduction.

Turning to the little fresh meat waiter, I saw the helplessness in his eyes, so I smiled and patted his shoulder, and said: "Go away, if you hear any sound in a while, don't come back, don't bring people over, more It is necessary to prevent anyone who has nothing to do with the national power organization from entering here, but if the other party is a member of the national power organization, just let it go, can it?"

While talking, I took out a gold coin from my arms and put it in his hand: "This is your reward."

The little fresh meat waiter gritted his teeth, tangled for a second, then nodded in response.

When his figure disappeared at the end of the corridor, I slowly pulled out the demon sword, condensed the killing intent, and aimed at the door, just counting the swords.

Swish Swish!

After a soft sound, the door shattered into several pieces.

The sound of the broken pieces of wood caught the attention of the people in the house. The adventurer who opened the door before saw me, and without thinking about it, he raised his fist and punched, and shouted, "Dare to be so rude and find death!"

However, before he rushed out of the door, I took the lead to greet him, waved a knife, and stabbed him with precision.


"Uh..." The man had a look of disbelief, was dull for a few seconds, and muttered: "You... dare to..."

With a knife, he waved his hand, Xiaoshou.

The huge head flew up, accompanied by splashes of blood, like fireworks blooming on New Year's Eve.

"Who are you?" At the outskirts of the crowd, a sturdy man stared at me coldly and shouted: "Dare to trespass into the national power organization, and dare to attack again. Is it a long life?"

I didn't have a word, my eyes narrowed slightly, and a shot of the Raptors cut air.

The Phantom of the Light Dragon several times in a row directly knocked out the adventurers on the path. Among them, many adventurers were seriously injured, some adventurers were slightly injured, and a small number of adventurers were unfortunately killed on the spot.

"This is here to smash the place! Copy guy! Fuck him to death!"

Accompanied by a yell of ignorance, the adventurers took up their weapons one after another and madly attacked my leaving back.

In addition to these adventurers who took up weapons to fight back in a hurry, there are also some adventurers who plan to escape. After all, not all adventurers have the idea of ​​fighting to the death. There are many adventurers who are One thing is worse than one thing less.

There are also many adventurers who are simply forced to join the national power organization. They have never worked hard and suddenly encountered an unreasonable killer. They will not care about the face of the national power organization and save their lives. Is king.

For these adventurers, Luke stepped aside and chose to let them pass.

Because before that, I said to Luke that most of these adventurers who chose to escape directly were forced to join the national power organization. They didn’t have much sense of belonging to the national power organization. My trip was mainly a blow. Those adventurers who have a sense of belonging to the national power organization, and even take pride in joining the national power organization, rather than those who have no sense of belonging.

After fighting for a quarter of an hour, all the national forces that should be fleeing have escaped cleanly, and the rest are adventurers who have a sense of belonging to the national power organization.

Among these, the vast majority are lower-level national powers, a small part are intermediate-level national powers, and there is no higher-level national power.

The reason why I know it so clearly is because the gathering place of higher-level national forces is in another place.

Here, the strongest is the middle-level national power.

Facing the gaze of a group of national forces, I also felt a little pressure, but only a little bit.

Taking a deep breath, he slowly pulled out the Odachi too and held it in his hand.

With dual knives in hand, I dare not say that I have the world, but the general middle-level national power can do nothing about me.

"Foreign elders, you openly attacked the national power organization because you want to rebel and fail!"

A middle-level national power held a staff and looked at me coldly. Every word he said was as cold as ice.

"Ming people don't talk secretly" I said lightly: "I'm here this time to seek justice."

"Pleasing for justice?" The mid-level national power snorted coldly, "What justice is there for you to ask for justice?"

"Naturally," I said solemnly: "Someone in your organization attacked my fiancée and injured her. I came to ask for this justice."

"We don't know any of your fiancées" The Intermediate National Force said with a strong tone and indifferent: "I only know that if you don't give us a satisfactory explanation today, don't want to leave here."

"Don't think that the elders can do whatever they want. This is the world of elves and fairies, not ordinary humans like you."

"Before I explain it to you, I still hope that you can give me justice." I shook the two knives lightly, and I said lightly: "Otherwise, don't blame me for being unreasonable."

"Hahahaha" the middle-level national power burst into laughter: "You are just a rookie who was lucky enough to defeat a few junior national powers, so dare to speak so loudly?"

"Whether you're arrogant or not, you have to fight to know!"

With a low shout, I brazenly shot and took the body of the intermediate national power.

"Hmph! Overwhelming!" He snorted, then cast a spell silently, and a wall of ice cones made of ice crystals formed out of thin air and slammed into me.

The two knives swung fiercely, instantly cutting the ice crystal wall into several pieces of broken ice and knocking it out of a big hole.


I gave a low yell, the sword flashed, and went straight to the middle-level national power.

He might think that it will take me at least a while to break through the ice cone wall, or I will avoid it, but he never thought that I could break the ice cone wall directly in such an understatement, which greatly exceeded his expectations. .

Fortunately, he is also a well-known middle-level national power, and his ability to fight in real time is still very strong. As I approached, I didn't forget to release a magic barrier to wrap myself up.

This magical barrier is indeed quite effective if it encounters an ordinary attack, but it is a pity that he encounters a double sword full of killing intent.

After repeated hacking, several cracks appeared in the almost transparent magic barrier, and the cracks continued to expand with the attack. A few seconds later, there was a soft bang, the barrier shattered and turned into a stream of light.

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