This sneer caused a group of superior national forces to fall into silence.

Half of the people still raised their eyebrows at me, and half of them had their eyes darkened.

Come to think of it, these people began to think about what I meant in this sentence.

In addition to their own strength, there is another important reason why many higher-level national forces are able to stand at the peak of the national power organization. That is, their insights are quite extraordinary.

If there is only brute force but no insight, this kind of adventurer is only worthy of being an intermediate player in national power, and his future will stop at intermediate national power.

Only those who are both civil and military are eligible to be promoted to higher levels of national power.

It is also for this reason, whether it is aiming at me, or looking deep, silent for a moment.

"Conscientiously, how many times has your national power organization harassed my family? Huh? Have I retaliated against you?"

"No!" I said loudly: "Every time I challenge, I fight, and I have never really slaughtered any national power. The reason why I am like this is not because I am afraid of national power, but because everyone lives in Moonlight City. It’s better to look at each other as enemies than to look at each other as strangers, at least not to cause trouble to each other."

"But, what did you do?" I said coldly: "Not only did I repeatedly harass my fiancee Emily, but even attacked my fiancee Bai Yunying! If Bai Yunying was not strong and sensitive, maybe it would Died in that sneak attack!"

"You bullshit!" One of the national powers couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly: "How could we be so mean!"

"I don't know if you can be so mean, but I know, there must be such a mean person."

"In this case, you can find revenge from despicable people. Why do you want to slaughter so many new seedlings of the national power organization? As everyone knows, it is precisely because of them that the strength of the Moonlight City National Power Organization will continue to survive. Invisibly deter foreign enemies!"

I snorted coldly: "It sounds good. If I want you to surrender the national power, will you be obedient? Moreover, even if you know who that person is, you will definitely plead with the so-called righteousness to let me put down the hatred. In this way, if you want revenge, don’t you have to have another massacre? Maybe the next massacre will be more tragic than this one, because all those who persuade me will also be regarded as enemies by me. Beheaded!"

"At that time, maybe many higher-level national forces will be beheaded at once. That is a serious blow to the overall strength of Moonlight City."

"Since you know it's a serious blow, why are you still stubborn?"

"Why should I compromise?" I coldly snorted, "I am a lonely guest. I am not tolerated by the elves and goblins of Moonlight City. If you are bullied to the head and cannot effectively fight back, in the future, Is it necessary for a slightly stronger guild or organization to ride on my head and threaten my family?"

"I don't want this kind of future!" I roared, and I said coldly: "Since you don't tolerate me and want to bully my family, you have to pay the price, and this—"

Reached out and pointed at the corpse: "It's the price!"

At this moment, one of the national powers said, "Even if what you said is reasonable, but after all, so many elves have been slaughtered, how do you explain to your majesty?"

"Then it depends on how your Majesty intends to deal with me." I said lightly: "My behavior was not deliberate killing, but an improper counterattack, guilty, but not serious, am I right?"

The man pondered for a few seconds and said: "What you said makes sense."

"Even if it makes sense, what?" Another national force said coldly: "Since he dares to slaughter so many people of our clan, he must be punished. I believe that your Majesty will not betray the law because of personal affair. We are fair!"

This person's words seem to praise your majesty, but in fact they threaten your majesty with words and must give me heavy punishment.

However, I don't care.

If Moonlight City can’t stay any longer, I can live in Fort Witchcraft, and I can guarantee that the National Power Organization of Fort Witchcraft will not dare to take us like this, and the people of Fort Witchcraft will treat me and my family sincerely. Just like to their own compatriots.

No, it should be said that we are compatriots in the eyes of the Witchburg people, but we are different in appearance and height.

Of course, it's not that the Witchberg people do this to everyone, they only do this to people they recognize.

"My business is over. Please come back, everyone." I turned around, waved my hand, and said, "If there is anything else I want to say, please speak to your majesty's court."

After that, he turned and left.

Luke flickered, appeared behind me, and left with me.

On the way.

"Are you really going to open Moonlight City?" Luke Weng asked angrily.

"Well, I had this plan long ago."

"Then settle in Fort Witch?" Luke asked again.

I raised my head in surprise, looked at Luke, and said, "How do you know?"

"Master Dewey talked about you, saying that you are his adopted son."

"Yeah" I nodded and said, "Yes, I am the son of Master Dewey, and I do have the idea of ​​Fort Witchcraft."

"Just an idea?" Luke asked again, "Do you have other plans?"

I nodded and said, "I have another plan, to go to an island and build a country."

"You want to build a country?" Luke stopped and looked at me curiously.

"I have this plan," I said, "but it's just a joke. After all, the subjects of this country are only people like my guild."

"Heh" Luke chuckled and continued to move on.

"But now, the country has not been established, and there is not even a decent building. There is only an isolated island on the sea, which is not suitable for living in a bag."

"You can ask your foster father to help build it."

"How can there be so many manpower!" I complained: "Dragon Island sent hundreds of master craftsmen, your island sent hundreds of master craftsmen, and the island of Anthun sent dozens of master craftsmen, and the rest The master craftsman sent Dirigi and Silok to the island to assist them in building the castle. Now the master-level architect who can still be used in Fort Witch is already stretched out."

"Well" Luke nodded and continued on.

In a short while, we arrived home.

Without telling the family what might happen, I just took off my clothes with a smile, took a shower, and changed into new clothes.

"How is it?" Emily asked quietly as she passed the bathroom door.

"It's done." I said with a smile: "I have basically killed the national forces that hurt you and harassed you."

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