That night, when I announced to my family that I was about to leave Moonlight City, my family had mixed reactions.

Most of them hold an indifferent attitude, like Barbara, Kagali and others hold an attitude of wishing to leave immediately. I don’t know why their attitude towards Moonlight City is so bad, let alone Moonlight. Where did the city provoke them, but obviously, there must be something that makes them feel dissatisfied.

After all, Barbara may be fooling around, but Kagali definitely won't.

And Princess Analita and Little Princess Analetta were very melancholy and sad.

This is the homeland where they were born and raised, their hometown, and leaving their hometown is too cruel for them.

Can't bear to see them sad, I tried to comfort them: "You can stay with your sister."

The reason for saying this is because the two princesses are not members of the Fearless Guild, at most they are temporary residents, even if they stay, they will not be rejected by anyone.

But once you choose to leave with us, it's different.

That is tantamount to tacitly acquiescing that he is a person of the fearless guild, which is regarded as a betrayal in the eyes of the noble group that rejects us.

And betrayal is hard to forgive.

Even though, they are the sisters of the Elf Queen.

I thought that persuading would be better. In fact, it did have a little effect, but as Xiao Leimi cried because she was reluctant to part with her mischievous friend, the whole scene was out of control.

At first, Xiao Lemi cried non-stop, this sad atmosphere spread quickly, infected with the introverted Lizi, and then Lizi also cried, and then she looked confused, not knowing what happened. Lily of the kidnappers also cried, and then the little lantern and Kongkongyi, and then a group of Kongkongyi burst into tears.

When a group of Kongkongyi cried together, the hall was filled with weird crying, like a haunted house full of resentful spirits in a ghost movie.

The cry quickly spread to the yard, to the neighbors, and then all the neighbors suffered.

They were shocked that they thought it was the monster who had come out of the dungeon and came to the innocent people of Moonlight City.

Fortunately, when Phoenix was crying at its strongest, she uttered a squeaky cry and deterred all the crying. This saved the risk of being complained and then being checked by the water meter by the city guard.

The time soon arrived the next day.

Early in the morning, we left the tree house in large bags and headed towards the airship base.

Just last night, Boss Renne and a group of people who assassinated the department had already taken advantage of the night to leave Moonlight City.

Jin Siqi also handed over her position as the president of the Adventurer’s Guild to another person. It is said that the adventurer who took over her as the president of the guild, said with great sentiment that he was only temporarily taking over the post of president. When Jin Siqi wants to take over as president again, he will definitely offer it with both hands.

Daphne also stepped down as president of the Chamber of Commerce, which was rejected by many representatives of the Chamber of Commerce.

The reason for being rejected is that Daphne has a genius in business acumen, and secondly, she has a keen insight into business opportunities. The most important point is that the person standing behind her is me, the son of Master Dewey. Heir to a huge business empire.

With my golden sign, even people in the chamber of commerce choose to invest in some ventures and have confidence-what should I do if the investment fails, ask the president for help, anyway, as long as it succeeds in the future, I can return the money again. .

Once Daphne gave up the chairmanship, the representatives of the chambers of commerce under her command would no longer have the protection of venture capital, and could only return to the days of careful investment in the past.

With such a big gap, how could they let Daphne say that she would leave her post?

But Daphne is a girl who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She has to implement what she has set.

So after a dispute, Daphne retired firmly as the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

This also caused Daphne to come back very late.

Kailan came back with her front and back feet.

Because Kailan has a wealth of revolver technology, and a small number of Celestial people inheritance-these inheritance is also an upgrade of science and technology for Moonlight City.

In addition, she also has the potential for research and development and improvement of equipment-enhanced machines, which caused certain institutions in Moonlight City to be reluctant to let Kailan leave.

At least tonight, they plan to detain her.

Although Kailan is a drunkard, she is not stupid. She quickly sensed the other party’s intentions and said bluntly that if she did not let her go, An Xiaoyi would most likely drive the apostles to attack Moonlight City. At that time, you guys. The group of guys will be the sinners who caused the death of Moonlight City!

Under the alarmist talk, the group of people had no choice but to let Kailan leave.

This is why I left Moonlight City with my family early in the morning. Those guys will definitely not give up. They will definitely detain Kailan for some unreasonable charges, and maybe they will detain Xiao Lemi. , Emily and Lulu, Lucy.

After all, Lulu and Lucy, as well as Emily, are all potential newcomers that the National Power Organization is optimistic about, and they may become the leaders of the Moonlight City National Power Organization in the future.

With a family of young and old, we rushed to the airship base at a very fast speed, but when we were about to take off, we were stopped by Moonlight City officials.

They didn't dare to board the boat without authorization. That was equivalent to slapping Master Dewey, which would make Master Dewey completely guilty with Moonlight City. This responsibility, even Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, or the elders, or the noble group, could not bear.

In order to avoid trouble, I stood at the top of the suspended ladder of the airship, looking at the official personnel.

As expected, the official asked me to surrender Kailan, saying that she was in danger of stealing state secrets.

I sneered and said that Kailan was in the R&D center besides being at home, helping Moonlight City to research the manufacture of equipment enhancement machines and revolver guns. Besides, I went to the dungeon to hunt monsters. Where is it possible to come into contact with secrets?

Officials said that they didn't know why Kailan did that, but they just insisted that Kailan had stolen the secrets of Moonlight City at the scientific research institution.

In short, Kailan was forcibly detained in a shameless manner.

Later, I was also angry, and directly stated that you can send people on the airship to search Kailan, but if you can’t find evidence, I will declare war on Moonlight City in the name of insulting my personality—the alliance between Fort Witch and the Apostle All forces, together declared war on Moonlight City.

Obviously, these guys were ready to pour dirty water on Kailan. They immediately agreed to my request and sent a small team to get on the boat.

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