On the second day after I received the information that Moonlight City was unfavorable, there was something in the sky, engulfed in strong winds and faint smoke, moving towards Fort Witch, which covered the sun.

The appearance of this thing shocked the adventurers patrolling outside and hurried to report.

After listening to the report, the heart that I had just hung up was put back in my stomach.

Because I knew it was not an outsider, but my friend, the evil dragon Spitz.

Called a self-propelled car, I came to the exit and stepped on the ground. It happened that a gust of wind followed and my hair was blowing.

Turning my head to look at the source of the violent wind, I couldn't help but smile and said, "Why are you here suddenly?"

"Isn't it welcome?" Spitz grinned, grinning with a huge dragon mouth.

The dwarf adventurer on the side quickly stood in front of me, ready to attack.

"An La An La, relax." I patted the dwarf adventurer on the shoulder. I smiled and said, "He won't hurt me. Go back."

"But, Your Highness..."

"Don't worry." I smiled and passed through a group of dwarf adventurers, and came to Spitz, leaning on his leg, and said in a relaxed tone: "This is my buddy. He came to me to reminisce about the past."

The dwarf adventurer heard the words, looked at each other, and nodded tacitly: "Yes, Your Highness."

"Hey, wait" I stopped them before they were about to go elsewhere.

The dwarf adventurer stopped again and respectfully said: "Please give orders."

"Get me some jars of spirits, the stronger the better."


The dwarf adventurer quickly went underground.

"Yeah, they are all my lord~" When the figure of the last dwarf adventurer disappeared from the field of vision, Spitz couldn't help teasing.

Cursing my lips, I said: "My foster father is the real emperor of Fort Witchcraft, and my two uncles are both kings of Fort Witchcraft. You said they don't call me your Highness, what do you call me?"

"Since you have such a high status in Fort Witch, why not settle here from the beginning?" Spitz scratched his chin, puzzled.

"I never thought about it so much before" I said: "It just flies randomly, wherever it goes."

Spitz looked at me with a question mark, looked at me up and down, wondering: "You can still fly?"

"I mean, there was an emergency at the time, and I just waited for a magic airship. I will settle in which town the magic airship flies to."

"What if you fall into the sea halfway?" Spitz said maliciously.

"Can you not curse?" I said uncomfortably: "And, have you ever seen a magic airship that fell into the sea?"

"Where do I know?" Spitz also curled his lips and said, "I haven't been to Hefeng Continent for long."

"Hey, forget it, don't talk nonsense to you." Putting away the nonsense, I said seriously: "Seriously, you are here, are you looking for me?"

"If you don't find you, who do you look for?" Spitz stared at me as if staring at a fool, hehe said: "This Fort Vitch, besides you, who do I know?"

"You also know my foster father."

"I am not familiar with him."

Spitz raised his head and said proudly.

"Okay" I said with a slight shame, "So, what are you looking for?"

"Moonlight City sent an envoy to Dragon Island and got in touch with me."

"What?" I frowned, and said displeased: "The people in Moonlight City, how dare you drive the magic airship at will?"

"Magic airship?" Spitz's eyes widened: "What magic airship?"

"If the messenger wants to log on to Dragon Island, he has to take a magic airship to get his wish, or else? Is it possible that he has to go by boat?"

"Yes," Spitz said, "I came here by boat."


Really passed by by boat!

Is the will of the noble group and the national power organization too authoritative and has to be followed, or is the elves too straightforward to know how to change?

Does this sea mean that it can be crossed by crossing it?

Almost everyone in the Hefeng Continent knows that there are endless horrors in the sea. It is extremely dangerous to say that the ferry passes by and flies close to the sea. If you are not careful, you will die.

Moonlight City even dared to send adventurers to cross the sea by boat. Isn't it afraid that the messenger will be buried in the midway?

Thinking of this, I can't help but admire the people in Moonlight City.

But at the same time, I couldn't help feeling curiosity: "How many ships did Moonlight City send out to visit you?"

Spitz shook his head: "Where did I know, anyway, when the information arrives, their mission will be completed."

"That's right" I nodded.

Spitz's view of humans has been hovering between the ants who can hurt themselves and the ants who are unable to hurt themselves. Just as humans don't care about the survival of ants, Spitz never cares about the survival of humans.

"Why are they looking for you?" I wondered: "Isn't it related to the national war?"

"You guessed it," Spitz said: "It's related to the national war."

"They hope that I can support the battlefield as an ally."

"I guess you must have refused, right?"

"No" Spitz shook his head.

I immediately became anxious: "You are stupid. It is so easy to reach a peaceful coexistence relationship with humans. Once you participate in a war, you will probably be pushed against humanity by people with ulterior motives with unfavorable words!"

"Moreover, once you participate in the war and win, if other countries criticize Moonlight City, Moonlight City may not cherish your identity as an ally, but will pick yourself out the first time. As for you, you will end up like that. , They won't care!"

"Don't worry," Spitz chuckled, "I had expected what you thought, so although I didn't refuse, I didn't agree. I just told the messenger and asked him to go back and wait for the news."

"You are... a delaying tactic?"

"Yes," Spitz said: "You and the Elf Queen of Moonlight City, and the granddaughter of the Elf Queen, will definitely become husband and wife in the future, so you want to get rid of the relationship between Moonlight City and you can't get rid of it. As your friend, I probably can’t get rid of this relationship. If you can’t get rid of the relationship, don’t make a fuss too much and keep silent. It’s probably the best way to solve the problem."

After thinking a little bit, I nodded: "Well, it's true, it seems you are thinking more long-term than me."

"Presumably, you must have your own decision about whether to participate in the national war?"

"That's for sure" Spitz laughed and said, "I won't participate in the national war unless you invite me."

"That's right." I sighed in relief, patted his dragon's legs, and said, "I don't know whether the messenger's ship can successfully reach Moonlight City."

"If you can pass the news back, it's okay. If you can't pass it back, hum, if you want to come, you will have to continue to be bothered in the future."

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