Everyone climbed up one after another, Xu Tengbo looked in shock.

I cut off the broken filament and took a closer look at the brilliance of the roof.

The filaments are like hairs, undetectable, and when they slightly wave their arms, they can sway with the fluctuations of the airflow, which shows the light weight.

However, it is such a thread that is as light as a hair, but it is enough to bear the weight of many people such as Xu Tengbo, and it can still be subjected to my slash without combat skills. It is really amazing. I was horrified.

He handed the filament to Xu Tengbo, who was stunned and horrified, and asked falsely and pretendingly: "How do you feel?"

At this time, even though Xu Tengbo was breathing well, he still didn't wake up from fear. He looked straight at me like an idiot, his eyes were terrifying, as if he had lost his soul.

At this time, I became a little worried, and I couldn't help but pat his shoulder, and said, "Are you okay?"

Xu Tengbo was lightly patted by me, and his whole body trembled, and then, as if he was returning to his soul, he made a soft ‘ah’, and he fell to the ground, his face instantly white as paper.

"Hey, are you okay?" Unexplained, I finally felt something wrong, and hurriedly bent down to check Xu Tengbo's physical condition.

But I'm not a pastor. How can I know how to investigate the condition, so I can only look up and down indiscriminately while cursing in my heart why I didn't expect to bring a pastor out with me?

At this moment, the Iron Wolf Guild leader came forward, squatted down, and began to examine Xu Tengbo's body.

After checking a little, he said: "It's okay, but I'm scared. Let's rest here for a while."

I nodded, and then a group of people sat side by side against the wall. Sitting in this way has many advantages. When the body is stuck by the sudden filament, it can hold the raised rock wall to block it, and the others can just take time. Come to rescue.

As soon as I sat down, I couldn't wait to ask the leader of the Iron Wolf Guild: "Are you a pastor?"

The Iron Wolf Guild leader nodded.

"No wonder, I think you used special expertise when you checked Xu Tengbo." I asked again: "So, have you done a fading task?"

He nodded again.

"Already done?"

He shook his head.

I'm a little crazy, I'm not good at this kind of guy who looks more than words.

When I was thinking, should I be chatting with Harold Yula and the others, the Iron Wolf leader suddenly said: "My name is Monroe, and your name is An Xiaoyi, right?"

I nodded.

"I think you are young, how could you have such a serious killing intent?" Monroe frowned, his face was very serious, and said: "What did you do before?"

"How long ago did you say it?"

"Hmm..." Monroe was silent for a moment, and said, "What did you do before you became an adventurer?"

"Oh, you said at that time" I thought about it, but don't hide it: "At that time, I was an otaku. I was a houseman. I might not go out of the house once a year."

These words directly caused everyone to be confused, not only confused, but also confused.

"What does the otaku mean?"

Yura asked me, tilting her head.

"Oh, otaku" I thought for a while, and said, "I just take it at home every day, the door doesn't go out, and I don't communicate directly with other people face to face. It's the highest state of eating and waiting to die."

After listening, Yula smiled: "It's very appropriate to say that, except for going home every day, just soaking in the dungeon, killing monsters is only one person playing alone, never seeing you and the second person in a team."

Heh, the word ‘otaku’ was actually defined by Yula.

Monroe thought about it, and then said, "Then you haven't done any other professions?"

Seeing his interrogating eyes, I spread my hands: "Are you torturing the prisoner?"

His attitude eased a little, and said: "Sorry, I'm a little bit... uncomfortable with the murderous intent you just broke out of just now. I'm lost."

"It's okay, I can understand" I chuckled and said, "Don't say it's you, those monsters in the dungeon, seeing me in that state will run away, oh, don't mind, I don't take you Comparing with those monsters, but saying that your senses are very keen, yes, that's it."

While explaining, I satirized him with all kinds of mocking words.

Monroe moved his mouth, but in the end, he didn't say a word.

Harold fiddled with the thin thread I handed him for a while, and said, "I didn't expect this thin thread to be so tough. Can you guess what material it is?"

I shook my head: "I don't know, maybe it's spider silk, but I rarely see ghost face spiders using spider silk as a means of attack."

"You have only seen the ghost face spider a few times" Jin Siqi mocked.

"Oh? It seems that you have seen a ghost-faced spider spin a silk attack~"

Jin Siqi did not speak, but snorted coldly.

Monroe took the filament, looked at it carefully for a while, and said to Yura, "Yura, use fire magic."

Yura understood what he meant, raised the magic wand, and lightly tapped at the filament, hula, a tiny fireball flew out of the magic wand head and hit the filament.

The filaments were instantly like scorched hair, shrunk, and within a few seconds, they turned into fly ash, and at the same time, the surrounding space filled with a strange smell.

The smell is a bit burnt, a bit choking, and there are two sensations of cliff and burning plastic.

More like the smell of burning hair.

When I was in junior high school, I used a lighter to burn the hair of the girl at the front desk.

That also gave me a taste of what it was like to be beaten by girls for the first time so far. Compared to boys' punches, they are better at kicking and kicking people.

In short, on the way home that night, people who knew me would ask me: Did you tease the wild cat?

It's a bit far away...

Hair is composed of protein, and burning hair is equivalent to burning protein. That strange smell is unforgettable.

At this moment, the smell of burning filaments is also this strange smell.

I concluded in my heart: This may be spider silk.

But I did not say. First of all, where is the source of the filament, I did not find it. Second, without any scientific basis, I said it was a spider silk. They could still feel that it was a hidden weapon played by someone. .

In short, the conclusion is based on exact conditions. Since I have no definite evidence, there is no way to prove what it is.

As I was trying to figure it out, I listened to Monroe: "Do you know where the source of the thin thread is?"

Several other people shook their heads, and I said, "Aren't they in the depths of the cave?"

"How did you know?" Monroe asked again.

I took it for granted: "This is the thin thread I cut. Of course I will know."

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