"Entrapment?" I looked dazed: "Why do you say this?"

Spitz did not go around the corner, and said bluntly: "The maker Luke was indirectly destroyed by the power of the black nightmare. Not only did he die, but even his men were also destroyed. Now you have the original black nightmare. Give it to your majesty, don't you think that the dragon clan will also be destroyed because of this?"

I was stunned, and then smiled and waved my hand, saying, "Your brains are getting bigger too."

Spitz didn't understand it too much, but after a little thought, he understood what I meant: "Are you saying I'm unreasonably worried?"

"Isn't it?" I said: "Think about it carefully, is Luke's defeat really because of a black nightmare?"

Spitz was silent for a few seconds before responding in a deep voice, "Besides this, what else is there?"

"If Luke doesn't gain the power of the black nightmare, I'm afraid he will die faster."

Spitz had a question mark in his eyes and looked puzzled.

"Let me ask you this, Bakar doesn't have the power of a black nightmare. Why did your dragon race almost disappear in the past?"

"That was because of Helder's conspiracy... Are you trying to say that Luke's defeat was also because of Helder's conspiracy?"

After a pause, he said again: "But didn't it mean that when Helder led his army into Luke's Castle, he had lost his mind and killed all his subordinates?"

Frowning, I asked blankly: "Where did you hear this?"

"In the human mouth."

"Did that person break into Silent City?" I asked again.

Spitz pondered for a few seconds, then shook his head: "No."

"Since you haven't even entered Silent City, do you dare to believe what that person said?"

"Otherwise?" Spitz asked back: "If I don't believe him, who do I believe?"

"Uh...this is also a problem."

Slightly agreeing with Spitz’s point of view, I continued: "Let’s not argue about whether the person speaks reliably or not, but only talk about the black nightmare. If the black nightmare can really make the user lose his mind, you feel weak and weak. Why was Becky of the United States safe and sound to be captured by Herder to the Demon Realm and imprisoned?"

"Becky?" Spitz asked puzzledly.

"Yes, it's also called Naughty Beck" I explained: "It was a doll made by Luke that was found by Luke, and he kept it with him."

"Magic Doll!" Spitz's expression was shocked: "It's not a legend!"

"Huh?" I stared at his exaggerated expression with disgust: "Is it so shocking?"

"Of course it's worth the shock!" Spitz said, "That's a magic puppet! It's the highest-end puppet crafting technique in the demon world!"

"The most high-end... how high-end is it?"

"Ordinary doll manufacturing techniques, the dolls created will only have souls at most, can do some things independently, and have a certain combat effectiveness, but the magical dolls are different!"

He had a serious expression and a serious expression, and said: "The magic puppets are the top puppet craftsmanship created by the inhabitants of the magic world in the ancient times, inspired by the great will."

"The principle of this puppet manufacturing technique is based on the manufacturing principle of Beyana, the **** of the original demon world. It not only has the same thinking mode as humans, but also far surpasses humans in terms of intelligence and combat capabilities. , Is even more amazing. In addition, they even have fertility and can give birth to offspring that are almost exactly the same as the humans in the Demon World!"

"You can give birth to offspring!" This really shocked me.

In my opinion, dolls or puppets, in one case, should not be able to combine with humans to give birth to offspring.

"If it's just an ordinary puppet, it is very difficult to give birth to offspring. This is not only a technical problem, but also a soul level problem, because every living entity needs at least one independent The soul can support its survival and growth. If there is no soul infusion, even if it has the form of a human, it cannot grow up like a human."

"However, magic puppets have almost the same way of living and reproducing as humans, and the offspring that are born are not only very similar to humans, but also have the same fertility capabilities as humans."

"It sounds very high-end!" I admired.

"Yes, that's why I was so shocked. I believe you can understand my emotions now."

"I can understand" I said: "After you say that, I also think that Becky is indeed too human, especially her paranoid character and love to tease people, it is like a person who is alone and hates loneliness. , Always want to avoid lonely children."

Suddenly, I thought of a question: "Do you think Alice is also a magic puppet?"

"Alice?" Spitz was stunned, then his eyes flashed, and said: "You mean, the clone of Held?"

"Alice is not a clone of Herder, she is just a doll of Herder."

"If it is really a doll, I think...Yes, she should also be a magical doll."

"You seem to be very uncertain" I said: "In your time, didn't Alice descend on the Hefeng Continent?"

"It has come" Spitz said: "But she can only hide in some small towns."

"Why don't you try to find a backer?" I wondered and asked, "Isn't it better to integrate into the world by doing this?"

"She didn't dare, or Herder didn't dare" Spitz said: "Although I don't know how to do it, the two ancient races should have the ability to easily discern the authenticity. If Alice dares to show up , In the next second, Helder’s soul may be detained from the Demon Realm by the two ancient races."

"Take the soul... over here?" Frowning, I dared not say: "Are you kidding me?"

"Do I need this?" Spitz asked, staring at me.

After a pause, he said again: "Don't think you are a descendant of the ancient goblin tribe. You know the ancient goblin tribe very well. Your bloodline is full of seals, and there is no awakening bloodline power. Many knowledge passed down through inheritance. You don't know at all, and naturally you don't understand many things."

"Knowledge...Is this thing passed down through blood?" I scratched my head, I wondered: "Isn't it passed down through reading, writing, and writing?"

"Some are, some are not, but the two ancient races belong to the same category."

"It's probably because the knowledge of the two ancient races is too complicated. It will take too much time to teach through books or precepts and deeds. Therefore, the knowledge is passed on through blood. This way, it will save time and also The knowledge can be passed on to future generations without any difference."

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