The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3482: Princess's choice

"Old man, you are upset."

I shook my head and said solemnly.

Father Taylor took a deep breath and calmed down the excitement again.

"You said" Taylor said, "Why?"

"Obviously, the reason why the fairy queen chose the call crystal of the adventurer base is because someone forced her to do so behind her back."

"Forcing?" Taylor understood everything in an instant: "Could it be that all of this is a conspiracy of national power organizations and aristocratic groups?"

"That's it," I said: "I believe that at this moment, grandma is praying in her heart. I hope you don't believe it and go to Moonlight City alone, because all this is a conspiracy."

Tyler looked ugly and whispered: "Trick me to Moonlight City, then detained, as a bargaining chip, threatening you?"

"I think that there are reasons for this, and on the other hand, you are not grandma’s personal belongings, so they have the right to dispose of you at will. They know what I am like. Once you are tortured, I will not stand by. ."

"Whether I shot or not, I lost this game."

Taylor frowned, pondered for a long time, and then slowly nodded and said: "Yes, it's dangerous, I almost fell on them."

With that, he punched the armrest of the sofa hard, and heard a click, the armrest was overwhelmed and broke.

Looking at the drooping handrail, my eyes twitched, and I grieved: "Old man, this sofa is very expensive."

Taylor glanced awkwardly at the armrest, coughed lightly, and immediately changed the subject: "Since they dare to use Trika, it means that they also dare to use Anasta's little girl, Xiaoyi, you go to Analita now. And Analetta, tell her the truth!"

"Where are the two princesses now?" I asked curiously.

"coffee shop."

"Okay" I answered and walked out the door quickly, not even caring about the broken armrest of the sofa.

When I came to the cafe, I found that there were still full seats. There were even a lot of guests who reserved seats specially before leaving happily.

I thought that the business of the cafe in Fort Witch would not be very popular. After all, the dwarves don’t like coffee. Most goblins only like to drink the specialty coffee of Fort Witch. The coffee in the cafe is imported from Dasay City. of.

In terms of taste, the coffee in Dasay City is lighter than the coffee in Fort Vitch. If you are used to drinking Fort Vickie coffee, you may feel that the coffee in Dasay City is not tasteful enough.

But the fact is that the coffee brewed in the café, a specialty of Dasay City, has been well received in Fort Witch!

What is the principle?

Looking at the crowd of guests, I was puzzled: the people of Fort Witch were not used to the coffee of Da Sai City-the Goblin King once said at an international coffee conference.

But why, why do they love Dasay City coffee so much?

With doubts, I deliberately interviewed several goblins who were about to leave after drinking coffee. The answer I got turned out to be-the coffee brewed in this cafe is delicious, much better than the one made by myself.

Really hammered, the reason why the Goblin King said that he was not used to drinking Dasai City coffee is not that Dasai City coffee is really not suitable for the taste of the Witchburg people, but the barista who brews the coffee is not good.

After a little contemplation, I suddenly recovered, and patted my forehead: I forgot, there is still work to be done.

I quickly found the proprietress and said to look for Princess Analita and Princess Analita.

The answer I got turned out to be—the two princesses had just left not long.

"Did you leave by yourself, or was someone looking for it?" I asked.

The proprietress thought for a while and said: "The people who were looking for them, looking for them, look like they should be the staff of the adventurer base."

I was shocked. As expected by Father Taylor, the aristocratic group and national power organization in Moonlight City wanted to call the two princesses back in the name of the Elf Queen.

I really want to call back, I believe that the end of the two princesses will probably be miserable.

The best ending is to be imprisoned.

The worst outcome is being used as a tool for marriage.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly left the cafe and went straight to the adventurer's base.

When I got to the place, I heard that the two princesses had already left. I don't know where they went.

This broke me in a hurry, and immediately ran towards the magic airship base. When I arrived at the airship base, I heard from the staff that I did not see the two princesses, that is to say, they were not in the future airship base.

Where will it go?

After pondering for a few seconds, I rushed home again, opened the door, and saw the two princesses Analita and Analeta sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper.

Seeing that the two women are safe and without the slightest mood swing, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, holding on to the door frame.

"Huh? Xiaoyi, are you back?" Princess Analita said with a slight joy.

"Yeah" nodded, I went into the villa, sat on the sofa opposite to you, and asked bluntly: "Did Her Majesty the Elf Queen talk to you just now?"

"How do you know?" Princess Analita asked suspiciously.

"Are you following us?" Princess Analetta's face strained and said solemnly.

"If I really follow you, I won't meet you at home," I said: "When you leave the adventurer base, I can stop you."

"Huh!" The little princess Analetta snorted disdainfully, her face full of proud expression.

"Then why are you looking for us in such a hurry?" The little princess Analetta asked with her lips.

"Of course something is going on," I said, "The Elf Queen is looking for you, do you want you to return to Moonlight City?"

"Huh!" The little princess Analetta raised her chin, and said proudly: "What's the matter with you?"

Beside, Princess Analita said: "Yes, my sister said, I hope we can return to Moonlight City and assist her in reviving the royal family."

"What are you going to do?" I asked: "Should you go back or not?"

The little princess Analita still hugged her arrogant hands and did not speak. Princess Analita curled her lips, smiled, and asked: "This is to ask you, do you want us to continue to live, or hope Shall we leave?"

"Me?" Pointing to myself, I looked dumbfounded.

I saw Princess Analita staring at me with a smile on her face, and the little princess Analita was also arrogant, staring at me from the corner of her eye.

After a few seconds of silence, I smiled indifferently and said, "Of course I hope you can stay here."

"Then don't leave" Princess Analita said.

"What about you?" I turned to the little princess Analetta and asked.

"Humph!" The little princess responded with a soft hum.

Upon seeing this, I curled my lips: What a tsundere who is not honest at all.

But at the same time, I was relieved, the big rock hanging in my heart also fell to the bottom.

As long as the family doesn't go to Moonlight City, the national power organization and the noble group will do nothing.

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