As a result, the messenger continued to use the elf queen's miss of the two her Royal Highness as a breakthrough point, trying to break through the emotional defense line of Princess Analita and Princess Analetta.

Regrettably, not only did the two Highnesses remain unmoved, even Princess Analetta also frequently sneered with disdain.

After a whole day of persuading me to refuse, the two envoys and adjutants were already desperate and disappointed.

After leaving the palace desperately, they returned to the temporary embassy.

Not to mention their conspiracy plans after returning to the embassy, ​​just talk about the three princesses, after I left the palace, they shouted not to go home, but to go shopping in the commercial street.

I advise them that it is not a good thing to go to the commercial street at this time.

After all, the Moonlight City messenger has not left yet, and there are still many Moonlight City adventurers scattered in Fort Vitch, hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities.

If there is a slight omission, the three princesses may be taken away by these adventurers hiding in the dark.

However, the more I persuaded, the more violent the resistance of the three women. When it was time, little Leimi and the little princess Analetta actually lay on the ground and rolled around and did not want to go.

In desperation, I had to agree to their request and took them to the commercial street.

On the way, I gestured to the assassins among the passersby to protect the three highnesses at all times. Once someone dared to hijack them, I could act cheaply.

With these assassins taught by the boss of Rennes, I was finally relieved.

During this time of play, there are really elven adventurers who have looked for opportunities more than once and wanted to get close to the three Highnesses, but they are always washed away by the crowd when the best time is approaching, which makes them very annoyed.

But irritated to irritated, they have no choice but to continue to look for opportunities.

But does this kind of opportunity mean that you can find it if you look for it?

Until the three Highnesses and I went home, they never found a chance to approach us.

After arriving home with a big bag and a small bag, I lay on the sofa, stretched my waist, and said tremblingly: "Hoo, I'm so tired."

"I'm tired too!" The little princess Analetta pointed at me with her arms akimbo: "Pour me a glass of juice! You want a lemon! The freshly squeezed one!"

"Heh" I smiled at her with a mocking expression.

"You!" The little princess Analetta raised her eyebrows, pointed at me with a halberd, and said: "You dare to laugh at me! Badass!"

She raised her small fist angrily, but was stopped by the princess Analita on the side: "Okay, stop making trouble. If you are thirsty, pour yourself a glass, and pour me a glass, I am also thirsty."

Although the little princess Analita was very upset with my attitude, she still respected my sister, so she got up in a huff, and gave herself and Princess Analita the lemon juice. Xiao Leimi also took a cup and added a lot of magic honey.

After doing all this, the little princess Analetta didn't forget to approach me to show how delicious the lemon juice is.

But I am not greedy at all, because the little princess Analetta prefers particularly sour food and particularly sweet food, and I do not like to eat these two kinds of food.

So when she shows off how good the juice is, my heart is calm and watery.

Maybe I felt that I didn't cooperate with her, it was not interesting at all. Soon, the little princess stopped showing off, but after a blank glance at me, she strolled aside and played with Xiao Leimi.

After a short break, I got up and walked a few times upstairs and downstairs. I didn't see Father Taylor, and I couldn't help wondering: "Where did you go, old man?"

"Are you looking for Tyler?" Princess Analita asked when she saw me dangling.

"Well, do you know where he is?"

"I remember that he seemed to have taken Salon out, not long after we left."

"With Seren..." My eyes trembled, and I said, "What will happen? If Siren is related to Father Taylor, it is probably the wine brewed by Seren’s heart, Taylor. The old man will like it better."

"You said, will the old man kill Seren?"

"How is it possible!" Princess Analita said: "That's our favorite! Besides, if you really kill Seren, wouldn't Taylor be afraid of being chased by the Phoenix?"

It’s right to think about it, but Phoenix treats Seren as a real pet. From her habit of loving pets, if you know that Tyler killed Seren, she will definitely disregard the fine tradition of respecting the old and loving the young. Virtue, beat Taylor violently.

I can only pray that Father Taylor is not coveting the wine brewed by the heart of Seren, but simply going out with him.

After taking a nap, about an hour or so ago, after opening his eyes, Father Taylor was already sitting on the sofa, tasting the delicious spirits.

Seeing this, I quickly got up, looked around, looked through the hall door, and quickly fixed on the glass door connecting the hall and the backyard, and through the glass door, I saw the familiar huge bird body—it’s the flame. Dragon Breath Salen.

Seeing him staring at a stick and gnawing hard, I was finally relieved.

Fortunately, the old man was not dizzy by the desire to love wine.

Sitting up and stretching a lazy waist, I just asked the old man why he went. The old man told me that the man had a good weather and he took Salon to a picnic.

I moved my nose and smelled a strong smell of alcohol. I'm sure that the father’s picnic was probably just drinking.

Later, the old man asked me, what is the situation with the envoy today?

I told the old man truthfully, after listening, the old man laughed and said that as long as he personally wanted to stay here, the messenger of Moonlight City could not do anything to take her three away.

Because even the Continental Pact of Peace, there is no criterion for forcing one person to act.

In other words, the starting point of the Hefeng Continental Convention is that everything is based on personal wishes.

In the next few days, the envoy did not leave, but reasoned with the Fort Witchcraft Big Three over and over again, hoping that the Fort Witchcraft Big Three could make an decree to let them take the three princesses back to China, saying that only three With such a little effort by the giants, Moonlight City will always become Fort Witch's most loyal ally.

The Big Three of Fort Witchcraft won't believe this kind of unspoken words, so none of the three said anything.

The messenger continued to attack the Big Three with sugar-coated cannonballs, stating that as long as they agreed to take away the three princesses, they would send precious wood resources to Fort Witch for free every year.

This is quite tempting, but it is a pity that Fort Witch does not lack wood, and the Big Three did not intend to treat the three princesses as a commodity transaction.

In this regard, the Big Three of Fort Witchcraft are more benevolent than any other monarch, and are more popular with the people, because they insisted from the beginning to the end that everything has their own rights. Respect each other.

What's more, the three princesses are still my family.

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