The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3491: Tsundere's suggestion

Listening to the blue demon's masculine tone, watching her meet the hideous brows and eyes because of being jealous, and the deep disdain for Heroes, I don't know what to say about her.

"Even if you are irritated, you have to have a basis, what my sister Heloise, she and I only know the relationship, not even friends, don't think about it, okay?"

"Hum" The blue witch hugged her arms and snorted arrogantly.

Seeing her calm down a bit, I said again: "The Devildom was attacked, not long ago."

"What does it have to do with me whether the devil is attacked or not?" The blue witch raised her head proudly.

"It's still relevant," I said: "The attack on the Demon Realm happened to be what the apostle said, and it will be a life form that will descend on the Hefeng Continent in a few months."

Upon hearing this, the blue witch finally changed her attitude and gradually faced it.

"That group of lifeforms galloping in the universe?" The blue witch said: "What is their fighting power?"

"Very strong" I said: "Even the strong are a little scary. Their overall strength can even match the entire Demon Realm."

"It's on par with the entire demon world!" The Blue Witch was shocked.

Although she hates the Demon Realm very much, she has to admit that the Demon Realm is extremely powerful.

And she has been treated specially since she was a child, and has received many special cares, including being taught the history of the Devildom.

The history of the Devil is very long and very short.

The longevity is because its birth time seems to be on par with the Hefeng continent.

It is short because the historical source it can trace now only extends to about tens of billions of years, which is the end of the first batch of demon people who created Beyana.

However, in this short history of the Devildom, many incredible brilliance have been created.

For example, Beyana, who is constantly conquering aliens, expanding her territory, and through secret methods, gave birth to the water of life that can make life eternal, and among these, the most brilliant is the one who confronts the great will. Two wars.

It was precisely because of those two wars that the entire Demon Realm was almost destroyed, but it was also because of those two wars that the survivors of the Demon Realm knew that their ancestors were still very capable and even dared to create. The great will of the whole world breaks the wrist.

As for the result of the fiasco, they selectively ignored it.

In the subsequent history, the Demon World still has a brilliant record.

The apostles who came to the Demon World one by one and settled here have increased the Demon World’s strength, allowing the Demon World to launch another aggressive war against foreign planets.

While launching a war of aggression, the remaining apostles can personally lead the demon world powerhouse, line up with the invaders, and severely damage and repel the invaders.

The blue witch happened to have witnessed several wars to expel invaders. Therefore, she still had a certain understanding of the strength of the demon world.

Therefore, the blue witch would show a shocked look when he heard that the invaders this time could not even fight the Demon World.

"Although I have no feelings for the Demon Realm," the blue witch said: "But didn’t it mean that those monsters will come to the Hefeng Continent next? For the safety of the Hefeng Continent, I suggest you go to the Demon Realm to explore the monsters. Be prepared."

While making suggestions casually, she seemed to rub the dog's head seriously.

Tuo Tuo was about to be rubbed mad by her, but she didn't dare to bite the blue witch, so she could only look at me pitifully.

That poor little look, I felt pitiful when I saw it.

Although the advice given by the Blue Witch is good, it is not suitable as an excuse for me to participate in the demon world's war against aggression.

So he nodded at her, expressing agreement with her suggestion. As for when to start, it is to be discussed.

The Blue Witch didn't expect me to leave immediately, and the reason she talked to me strangely this time was purely because when she got up early to go to the bathroom, she saw me talking in the yard with a mobile phone.

Seeing the mobile phone, she would think of Heroes, thinking of Heroes, she would be very angry.

The reason for her anger is that she despises the perfidious behavior of Heroes and thinks that she does not deserve my friendship.

At the same time, in her opinion, people who are not worthy of friendship, even speaking, are sins.

In other words, she didn't want me to talk to Heroes, or even the slightest entanglement between me and Heroes.

Yes, the Blue Witch is such a pure person.

Perhaps sometimes, she would also play some small conspiracies and tricky brains, but no matter what kind of small conspiracies and crooked brains, they are more like coquettish with me, not moral.

Once touched on morality and justice, even if there was a sea of ​​swords and flames in front of him, the Blue Witch would not hesitate.

Think about it, when I learned that I might be confronted with Crying Eye Herder, did the Blue Witch waver?


She was just worried about me!

In addition, she was even ready to fight Herder.

As I passed by Heroes, I smiled and squeezed her face: "Okay, go back to sleep for a while, dinner will be ready in a while."

The blue witch snorted and returned to the room holding the tuo.

Leaning on the sofa with my chin supported, I fell into short thoughts.

What can I do to prevent Heroes from feeling that I went to the devil world because of her suggestion?

While in distress, Emily walked downstairs lightly.

Seeing me, she nodded slightly, slowly opened the door of the backyard, and went to the backyard for morning exercises.

Turning his head and looking at Emily's heroic posture, who is doing morning exercises, sometimes it looks like a dancing butterfly, sometimes like a bird piercing through the sky, sometimes like a smart and lively fish, no matter which action it is, it looks beautiful. It's a painting.

"It would be nice if my moves could be as elegant and beautiful as Emily's" I couldn't help muttering as I stared at her picturesque and heroic figure dreamily.

But it's just a picture.

After all, my moves have been fixed, and they belong to the kind that looks very vulgar but is quite domineering when used.

After silently comparing my moves with Emily's, and emphasizing the practicality, I suddenly felt more comfortable.

After changing my posture, lying on the sofa comfortably, I continued to think about countermeasures.

After a long time, I opened my eyes again and smelled the tempting fragrance, which was the fragrance of vegetables from the kitchen.

Looking up at the glass doors and windows in the backyard, Emily's shadow was gone.

Is the morning exercise over?

I silently said, and subconsciously raised my head, looking at the clock hanging on the wall, the hands just pointed to half past six.

It's this time...

I murmured, regretting that I slept again, wasting more than an hour to think about countermeasures.

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