Herder said, the atmosphere in the room was slightly stagnant.

Michelle and Ozma’s expressions were a little surprised. They never expected that Herder, who had been playing tricks, would still speak bluntly one day... if it hadn’t been known that Herder was the deity. , They might think someone impersonated Herder.

Casillas, who was in the middle position, held his arms in arms, showing no interest in Herder's performance.

Prey's expression was a little weird, with complex embarrassment, and he didn't know how to speak.

Just as Pray was entangled, I smiled slightly and said: "Since Master Herder has asked, I will no longer cover up."

"Yes, I'm here, in addition to fighting the invaders, there is another purpose-I want to obtain information about these monsters."

"What do you want that kind of thing?" Michelle wondered.

Seeing Michelle and the other apostles looked quite puzzled, I spread my hand and asked: "Do you know where the final destination of the alien invaders is?"

Without thinking about it, Michelle blurted out and asked, "Where is it?"

"Please use your light-filled brain to think about it. Since he has asked like this, doesn't it mean that he has already answered this question?" Ozma sneered and mocked Michel, and said: "I know all day long. A fool who shouts slogans of eradicating evil."

Michelle clenched his fists when he came back, and the golden light suddenly bloomed, stabbing people's eyes with pain.

"Please don't use the power of the apostles at will," Prey said: "This is the rear base area. There are many adventurers who don't know the truth. If they mistakenly believe that we are at odds, it will greatly affect the army's combat effectiveness."

"I was at odds with this guy!" Michelle said with a sullen face, "If it weren't for fighting the alien invaders, I wouldn't be able to live with this filth!"

"I also hate your so-called holy light." Ozma sneered: "There are always traces of holy light behind those stupid people who are upright on the surface and hide dirt behind them. I said, your holy light. Isn't it just a sanctuary for these dirty guys?"

"It's nonsense!" Michelle said angrily: "The holy light shines on the earth to save the world, not to be as dirty as you think..."

"Stop it" Herder's voice sounded again, and then she looked at me and asked in a deep voice, "Please continue your answer."

"Okay" I said: "According to the inference of the strong people living in the Hefeng Continent, the first stop of the alien invaders will be the Demon World, and the second stop will be the Hefeng Continent."

"What!" Michelle was shocked and said: "Their target turned out to be the Hefeng Continent! Damn, I should be able to think of it..."

Just as Michelle blamed himself, Ozma still didn't forget to hit him: "A fool with his head full of light, how could he see the distant future."

"You bastard!" Michelle angered, about to shake his fist and smash it hard.

"be quiet!"

With a sharp shout, Herder shot.

A transparent magic barrier appeared out of thin air, blocking between Michel and Ozma.

Michelle's fist with the holy light slammed on the magic barrier, and only heard a muffled sound, the magic barrier was trembling and trembling, and the transparent barrier was instantly dissatisfied with countless dense cracks. In seconds, there was a crisp sound, the entire barrier burst open, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Are you calm?" Herder asked coldly.

Michelle's expression changed several times, and finally he snorted and sat down again.

Seeing that Michelle was finally getting honest, Herder turned to me again and said in a deep voice, "Is the calculation of those strong guys accurate?"

"Who knows?" I spread my hands and said, "It may be a mystery, but it's better to be prepared than to fight unprepared."

"This is not unreasonable." Held nodded lightly.

Although she was expressionless and indifferent, I still saw a little dignity in her eyes.

She should already know that the apostle was resurrected in Hefeng Continent.

But what if you know it?

Nowadays, there are internal and external troubles in the Demon Realm. If she still wants to deal with the apostles, she is afraid that she is lack of skills.

Besides, even if she still has the energy to deal with them, even if she can still put the clone on the Hefeng Continent, what effect will it have?

Today's Hefeng Continent is no longer the Hefeng Continent during the era of fairy rule, and the human pattern has changed from a highly unified system to the autonomy of monarchs in various countries.

This kind of continental structure, let alone the appearance of a character similar to Alice, that is, ten, a hundred, and no longer want to control the government and control the destiny of mankind.

Therefore, Herder's abacus will eventually fail.

Compared with Herder's calculation, I am more worried about the union of the national power organization and the noble group.

This will directly affect the fate of Moonlight City, Eri City and Dasai City.

"So, those words just now are just alarmist inferences?" Michelle's expression was ugly.

"It can be understood this way" I said: "After all, so far, we have not figured out the true purpose of these monsters."

"Is to plunder resources? Plunder slaves? Or simply want to occupy land as king? No one knows what their true purpose is. Before that, we'd better make various assumptions in advance for future possibilities. Things that happened."

Hearing this, Michelle fell into a short silence.

As I said, the best way is to make more assumptions before clarifying the enemy's intentions. Only in this way can mistakes be reduced.

"In your opinion, what is the purpose of the alien invaders?" Ozma asked suddenly.

"I am more inclined to plunder in terms of resources" I said: "As everyone here knows, the Hefeng Continent is actually rich in resources, and the amount of resources is huge. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the best in the universe."

"I don't know" Casillas' voice came abruptly, making the atmosphere a bit awkward.

"When you have the opportunity, you can visit the Hefeng Continent."

I smiled.

Casillas didn't speak any more, he didn't bother to tear down the station, not to mention that the relationship between our two was pretty good, and he had no reason to tear down my station.

"But they have been in the Demon Realm for more than a month, but they didn't show the intention of plundering resources."

Prey frowned and asked.

"Unless they are sure that they will fail, the invaders will resort to frantically plundering resources to extract resources. As long as the victory or defeat is still uncertain, this frantic method will be delayed indefinitely, or even not appear at all, because everyone knows. After defeating all the powers of the planet, all the resources of this planet belong to them, and those who have the right to use the entire planet will naturally not rush to extract all the resources on the planet. On the contrary, They will extract and plunder in the most elegant yet most efficient way."

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