The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3516: Shilock's upper limit

"Yes" I scratched my head: "You don't know?"

"I...should know?" Luke asked, his tone full of doubts.

"Master Dewey didn't tell you?" I asked again.

"Master Dewey?" Luke pondered for a moment and murmured, "I haven't seen him recently."

"No wonder......"

Nodding, I said: "A few days ago, I had arrived in the Demon Realm."

"What are you going there for?" Luke asked.

"For this mysterious group of beings in the universe" I said: "Now, I have collected some relevant information."

"Did you go to gather information?" Luke's tone was a little solemn: "Do the apostles know?"

"Know" I said, "Except for the first apostle, the other apostles are here."

"Except for the first apostle, all the other apostles are fighting the mysterious lifeform?" Luke asked again.

"Yes," I said: "All the apostles except the first apostle are fighting the alien invaders in the northern continent."

"It's so neat...Could it be that alien invaders are more terrifying than dragons?"

Luke's murmur came from the call crystal, and it sounded very clear.

"If I remember correctly, you were recruited to the Demon Realm after Bakkar was driven out of the Demon Realm, didn't you?" I asked curiously, "Why do you know about the Dragon Race and the Demon Realm?"

"I am an apostle" Luke did not conceal it, and said solemnly: "Many secrets to other people are not secrets to me, and..."

"I didn't come to the Demon Realm after Bakar, but before him, but after he was driven away, I took his place."

"That's right," I said relieved: "I still wonder. It stands to reason that the Dragon War is the worst defeat among Herder's many conspiracies. It is impossible to leave the history of the Dragon War intact. At most, this history will only appear in the folks in a vague form. Nowadays, the mastery of this history by the people of the devil is limited to the war between Bakar and the apostles. Only some believers who once believed in Bakar The descendants, under the premise of covering up and hiding, finally managed to restore most of the history, but these people are extremely cautious. It must be almost impossible for you to get that history from them. Thing."

"I naturally know that war, and even I was still a participant in that war, but I didn't fight against Bakar."

"Let's not talk about these old things for now" Luke said seriously, "How strong is the invader? Is it really strong enough that even the apostles must play in person?"

"I haven't seen those strong men as powerful as the apostles, but I heard from Michelle that when the war just started, they personally participated in them, but they soon encountered strong enemies, but the strength of these strong enemies is probably It only does not distinguish between the apostles, but it seems to be better than the apostles in terms of quantity."

"How do you make sure that the opponent is better than the apostle in terms of numbers?" Luke asked.

"Because Michelle said that the result of their battle directly caused a large number of casualties in the army of adventurers in the devil world. I thought, if it is just an enemy that matches the opponent, and the number is exactly the same as the apostle, how could it be possible to fight the apostle again? Set aside your spare energy and kill other adventurers?"

"Thinking about it this way, the answer is obvious. The number of apostle-level enemies must be greater than the number of current apostles in the Demon Realm. Only in this case will the Demon Realm Apostle have no time to take care of him, and the opposing powerhouse will kill wantonly."

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable" Luke nodded and said, "How much information do you have now?"

"At present, only two kinds of information have been obtained."

"How come there are so few?" Luke puzzled.

"Because there were only two monsters in the last war."

"Are there only two monsters?"

After that, Luke fell silent again.

I think he is probably thinking, but he doesn't know what he is thinking.

After a long silence, Luke said, "Have you thought of any good solutions?"

"Huh?" I was embarrassed by this sudden question.

"Have you ever thought of a solution to the current problem?"

"No," I shook my head directly and said.

Luke was silent for a while, and said: "You can try to contact people you know, maybe you will get good results."

After that, the two of us chatted again when it was not important, and I told him to contact me as soon as he noticed any changes in the unknown being.

After Luke agreed, he hung up the call.

Although the call was hung up, Luke's words were still in his ears.

"Contact people you know, maybe there will be good results?"

While thinking, I mumbled to myself.

"Did Luke instill another strange idea in you?" Sairen asked, tilting his head.

It seems that he has a lot of ideas for Luke.

"He asked me to contact someone I knew, saying that I might have a good harvest."

"What kind of gain, didn't he say?"

"I didn't say it." I shook my head and said, "But I think it's mostly related to this war."

"That said, it's possible that Luke asked you to find a helper?" Seren stared at me and asked.

"Do not rule out this possibility."

"Do you think who is qualified to influence the movement of this war?"

I thought about it, and said, "Apostle?"

"Well, the answer is very close," Seren said: "You think about it again."

I thought for a while, and tentatively said: "Luke?"

"No, he can't come to the Demon Realm" Sairen definitely shook his head and said.


"Because his family died because of Herder."

"His family?" After a pause, I asked, "Besides Bache, does he have other family members?"

"Of course" Seren said: "Don't even think of him as a taciturn old man, but he can't obliterate the fact that he is a genius scientist. Before he became an apostle, Luke made many mechanical lifeforms by himself. These are his family members. ."

"So, these families were all killed by Herder?"

"No, I can only say that killing someone with a knife" Sairen explained: "These mechanical lifeforms all died at the hands of adventurers who were bewitched by Herder."

"Since it's not Luke... Sherlock and DiRigi must have not discussed it, and Rotes is unlikely, so is it Anthun?"

"Even if Anthun is teleported over, he can't help much," Seren said: "The strength of that big tortoise is not that strong. Among the apostles, he is at best as good as Shilock."

"Is Shilock very weak?" I wondered.

"Silok is naturally much stronger than ordinary human adventurers, but compared with other apostles, it is still weaker. This does not mean that she cannot be strong. In fact, Shilock's growth index is not The upper limit, the only constraint on Shilock’s growth, is the amount of energy."

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