With two hundred gold coins, he walked out of the gate of the Iron Wolf Guild.

After going around all the way, I realized that I was lost...

Anyway, I had nothing to do, I just went around, and I couldn't find a way back, so I broke the wall and created a way.

What fine, what repair cost...

The law enforcement officers must catch me first.

I remember that the entrance of the Iron Wolf Guild was at the intersection of the noble area and the civilian area. It was a small building that was completely different from the other two guilds stationed in Eri City.

I doubt that Monroe chose the location according to his own hobbies. After all, his personality is so low-key that he has no style, and the address of the guild is also so inconspicuous that if you don't look for it deliberately, you can't find it at all.

After walking for a few more minutes, I was already dizzy. Don't tell me the way out was not found, even the way back was not found.

I complained so much in my heart that I had asked Monroe to send me back when I knew it.

Fortunately, I am not very hungry now, and I am not in a hurry, so I continue to try to break through and see how many wrong paths I can take before deciding to break the wall.

I was looking around and suddenly heard the sound of someone not far away. When I heard it close, it looked like a gangster in the street threatening to rob.

"What about the money, why is it so much? Is it itchy skin to clean up!"

"Don't pretend to be pitiful and tell you, if you don't get the money for me today, I will kill your brother!"

"No, please, don't hurt my brother, he, he is already very sick, please..."

The last voice was cowardly, as if the poor little cat begging for mercy from evil passers-by.

I listened carefully, and roughly grasped the source of the sound—from the other side of the wall.

Using my hands and feet together, I climbed up like an ape, supported the edge of the wall, and slowly poked my head out.

The first thing that caught the eye was a pair of fierce and vicious teenagers, who looked fifteen or sixteen years old, one holding an iron bar and the other holding a stick, forcing a pair of thin figures to a corner.

There are two thin figures, the older is a girl, skinny, and even the hair has become brown and withered due to long-term lack of nutrients. In her arms, there is a boy who is thinner than her, with a big head. He was drooping, his whole body was bones except the skin, and he couldn't find a place where there was flesh. He looked at people suddenly and panicked.

I was originally curious, and I left when I wanted to see the excitement, but unexpectedly, I couldn't let it go after a glance.

I have seen this girl. I ran through the trash in the trash can outside the material store. I gave her the water bag and bread. She was very alert at the time. She grabbed the water bag and the bread and ran away. I went back to eat for my brother.

Seeing her brother's appearance, with his head drooped, his eyes squinted, and a faint look, most of his soul and spirit seemed to have gone away. This reminded me of the pictures of children waiting to die in the refugee camp.

I curled my lips and cursed secretly that I was too special for the Virgin. One turned over and jumped directly in, blocking the girl.

I suddenly came to me and really startled the pair of bastards. They first gave a weird cry, retreated a few steps away, then danced the guy in their hands, and said fiercely, "Who are you?"

I ignored them. Instead, I turned my head, knelt down, and said to the shivering girl who was holding her brother, "Little girl, are you okay?"

The girl was so scared that she closed her eyes. After hearing my voice, she opened her eyes tremblingly.

Her memory is very good. At a glance, she can see that she knows me, she opened her mouth, and was about to say something to me. Suddenly, her eyes became panicked, and no words came out of her open mouth. Come, just make an unconscious "Ah"Ah" sound.

I understood it, turned around, and saw two bastards' sticks and iron bars pulled down at me.

With a cold snort, he grabbed it casually, holding two weapons in his hands lightly, and then twisting them, screaming, one stick and one iron bar, all fell to the ground.

The two **** who had lost their weapons changed their faces in an instant, and turned around to run.

Can I make them run?

With a quick grasp, the two people's necks were firmly pinched, and when they twitched their arms and lifted them, the two **** were suspended.

The two pairs of feet kept shaking, doing useless work, one of the hands was clasping my handguards at first. The handguards were made of metal, and monsters were hard to break through. How could they have a pair of fleshy hands?

Soon, their faces flushed red, breathing was difficult, and the frequency of physical struggles became weaker.

Just after I was thinking about choking them to death, whether to throw them here or drag them to the dungeon to feed the monsters, someone was pulling gently at the corner of the clothes.

Turning his head, it was a thin girl.

"Is there anything?" I asked.

"Please... let them go." The girl's voice was very weak, her eyes were very pure, even so pure that she was spotless.

"But they bullied you and threatened with your brother's life" I said: "Even so, do you ask me to let them go?"

The girl's big clear eyes looked at me unblinkingly, and she nodded firmly.


I was like a dead dog and threw the two **** to the ground.

The two of them were so frightened that they peeed their pants, but they didn't realize it. They just sucked the air greedily, as if the thirsty fish entered the river again.

"You two" I said coldly, "I have something to tell."

The two gangsters no longer dared to hold their heads up, each one kowtowed like garlic: "My lord, if you have any orders, even if you say, the villain must do it, you must do it, and only ask the adult to spare the villain's life."

"It's okay to spare your lives, but you have to pay the equivalent price" I said: "Is there anything you two are good at?"

"Big, big, big, big, sir" one of them stammered for a long time before he eased up: "sir, we fight very hard."

"Ha ha."

Seeing my face collapsed, the other hurriedly said, "My lord, we have a group of brothers who can collect protection fees to honor you."

My eyes stared: "I'm almost the money?"

The two of them froze for a long time. In the end, they both suffocated, but they couldn't tell me anything that satisfies me. Gradually, both of them fell into despair.

"Since you have a lot of subordinates," I prompted: "It should be very convenient to get information and track each other."

The two **** were already desperate. Hearing what I said, their eyes lit up and said: "Yes, sir, you are really wise. We are really good at tracking and inquiring about gossip."

"Very good" I nodded and said, "I give you this opportunity. If the information you inquire about makes me satisfied, I can forget the blame, and you will get a lot of benefits."

With that said, I stretched my hand into my arms and touched it for a long time. I touched the bag with gold coins. After thinking about it, I put it back and continued to explore. Finally I found the bag with silver and copper coins, and took out a coin. , Said: "You guys, understand?"

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