After a night of frolicking and bustle, cruel wars are coming.

The vast majority of adventurers stepped onto the battlefield with excitement, tension, and anxiety.

There are only a small number of adventurers, their expressions are only panic and despair.

Only a few adventurers knew that what they were about to face was not a war of equal strength, but a massacre that was almost one-sided.

At about eight or nine o'clock, the enemy came.

The front line of the enemy is still the configuration of cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters, but they can't hide the terrifying appearance of the group of giant-like monsters walking at the end of the team.

However, in the face of such a threatening giant human monster, the reaction of most adventurers is actually yelling with excitement.

"Are these adventurers really the mainstay of the six organizations?"

I doubt it deeply.

Although it’s not to say that on the battlefield, you can’t talk and talk, but the purpose of ordinary talk and talk is just to ease the depressed atmosphere and to inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers, not to make fun of the enemy.

However, the group of adventurers who were called the mainstay before the war actually showed such unbearable qualities before the war, which really disappointed me.

The war is about to start.

When the two camps charged, the rumbling sound was like thunder, and the vibration when thousands of troops stepped on the ground was like an earthquake. Even standing on the wall of the city, I could clearly feel the slightly vibrating wall and the ground.

After the two armies met, the battlefield fell into chaos again.

Similar to the previous battle, hordes of adventurers confronted cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters, but were crushed by giant monsters.

"Stupid guy."

A slightly frivolous voice sounded not far from me, and Ozma sneered, looking at the chaotic battlefield with disdain.

"They are all adventurers who are desperately fighting for the devil. Even if they are not heroes, they are at least warriors. How can they be said to be stupid?"

"It seems that you, who are similar in strength to me, did not improve your mood." Ozma looked at me with a little teasing in his eyes: "What's underneath?"


"No," Ozma said: "Below is a group of ants who are dying."

Frowning, I sighed and said softly: "Even ants are dignified ants."

"No, no, no" Ozma smiled more and more mildly, and said: "They have to work so hard just to survive in the demon world."

"Believe it or not, if this war allows us to participate directly, most of them will only fish in troubled waters. Only when the crisis comes to them will they really take their hard work and forge ahead."

"Is this not funny?"

"Ozma, don't mislead this kid!" Michelle said with a serious face and annoyance: "He is different from you, his heart is still full of light, and he knows how to trust and accept the trust of others!"

"When he tastes the taste of betrayal, he will understand that trust is such a luxury thing." After Ozma turned his gaze from Michelle to my face, he smiled and said, "It's better to be like me. Seal the trust in the deepest part of my heart, carefully cherish it, and then take out the most easily obtained lies and deceptions and give them to others. When everyone in the world does this like me, the whole world will no longer have it. dispute."

"How is it possible?" I retorted: "Will there be disputes that have nothing to do with lies and deception?"

"No, it's related, and the relationship is still very close." Ozma looked at the sky and slowly said: "When everyone puts extra thoughts into guessing the words of the closest person, which one is true and which one is When it is false, there is no time to think about other unnecessary things."

"For example, betrayal?" Michelle narrowed his eyes, staring at Ozma coldly, and said solemnly.

"Yes, that's it."

The corners of Ozma's lips curled up, and his hands were slightly raised, making a deep, hoarse laugh.

Michel frowned, her eyes still indifferent, but after a moment, she stopped staring at Ozma, and cast her gaze on the battlefield.

"This war is more tragic than the last one."

I murmured.

"The adventurers are careless" Prey's voice sounded beside him, he held on to the wall, frowned, and whispered.

"Isn't it that these adventurers are the mainstay of the six organizations?" I asked casually, "Why careless?"

Prey shook his head.

"Because there is often no war," Casillas embraced his arms and said coldly: "They also treat this war as a civil war."

"Civil can that kind of petty fights that are indistinguishable from street fights be compared to real wars?" I wondered, "Could it be that before the six major organizations mobilized adventurers on the battlefield, Didn't you tell them what a real war is?"

"Do you think this kind of thing, even if it becomes popular, how many people will take it seriously?"

Hearing this, I was taken aback.

Yes, the Devildom hasn't had a war for many years. Even if the true essence of the war is popularized, how many people will really take this war seriously?

I'm afraid it's impossible to pick one out of a thousand miles.

The war is still going on, visual observations so far, there have been thousands of adventurers killed, and tens of thousands of adventurers have been out of force.

Until now, there are no more adventurers who have remained intact.

In the chaotic crowd, I saw Xilan who was traveling like a dragon.

His strength is still terrifyingly strong. Even if a giant human monster is against him, it cannot cause any harm to him. On the contrary, Xilan can continue to cause damage to the giant human monster by wandering, almost every hundreds After the knife, a giant human monster will be killed.

Speaking of it, killing a giant human monster with hundreds of knives is not to say that Xi Lan's attack power is not enough, but because he has not used the power of awakening at all, and is purely a giant human monster that is opposed by the power of degeneration .

There is a world of difference between the power of fading and the power of awakening.

The power of awakening is powerful, but it consumes a lot of money. It is basically used to fight against a few powerful enemies.

The power of fading is far less powerful than the power of awakening, but after proficient application, the power is equally good, and the consumption is very small, suitable for long-term combat.

Therefore, when a truly experienced adventurer participates in a large-scale war, he will often only use the power of fading to fight, unless he encounters an opponent who is so strong that he has to take it seriously, he will use the power of awakening. confrontation.

Regardless of the strength of this group of giant human monsters, they are still within the range that the power of fading can cope with. There is no need to make a fuss and use the power of awakening.

Xilan, who has experienced many battles, naturally understands this.

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