After praising the strength of the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar's breath, Seren began to talk about the difference between the several high-level dragon breaths of the dragon clan.

First is the evil dragon Spitz I am most familiar with.

According to Seren's words, Spitz's breath is as poisonous as the thoughts in his mind.

I am very curious about this.

In any case, Spitz is a high-level dragon clan, and his status is higher than that of the pterodactyl patriarch of Seren. According to the relationship between his superiors and subordinates, even if Seren hates Spitz, he shouldn't be discredited.

However, Seren really discredited Spitz. Not only did he say that his heart was dark, but he even said that once, Spitz was so lively that he was blackened by a dragon's breath. How black was it? As dark as his thoughts!

I became more and more curious, so I asked, "What's wrong with Spitz? You seem to hate him very much."

"Heh..." Seren gritted his teeth and grinned and said, "Hate him? I really want to crush him!"

Me: (O_o)??

"Is there really such a deep hatred?" I asked, "What's wrong with him? Could it be... stealing your wife?!"

"What silly thing to say!" Seren stared at me and said bluntly: "Don't talk nonsense. Although the hatred between Spitz and I is private, I also want to be able to set him down, but I have to say that he is here. In terms of life style, the performance is very good, at least it has never been criticized by the dragon."

"What kind of private enmity, make you wish that he could be frustrated?"

After hearing this, Seren gritted his teeth and said: "He has killed me more than once, and even once, he directly put my skeleton in a dangerous place, making my side just resurrected and I have to be exhausted again."

"To tease me like this, teach me how not to hate him!"

With this last sentence, Seren almost roared.

He was played to death again and again, no wonder Seren hated Spitz so much, he would be so if he changed to any dragon.

Gritting his teeth with hate, but he still upholds the unique arrogance of the dragon race, and refuses to discredit Spitz at will. Instead, he tells the truth that Spitz’s dragon breath can not only kill life forms, but also pollute the soil. This makes the contaminated land unable to grow crops for a long time.

For this, I do know a little bit.

Once Father Taylor, in collaboration with the two queens of Moonlight City and a group of powerful adventurers, once wanted Spitz to challenge Spitz. The result of the challenge was that, except for Father Taylor and the two queens, all of them were killed. Spitz’s That body also fell in that battle, but his poisonous dragon's breath has been corroding the soil, and to this day, the soil on that island has no vitality.

After praising Spitz's dragon's breath, Seren began to talk about Skarsa's dragon's breath.

The range of Skarsa's dragon's breath is extremely wide, even wider than that of Tyrannosaurus King Bakar.

His dragon's breath is essentially an air-conditioning composed of pure low temperature. The air-conditioning will freeze everything around in a very short period of time, causing Skassa's dragon's breath to be an illusion of ice and snow.

Obviously, in terms of destruction, Skarsa’s breath is far inferior to Spitz’s breath, but in terms of scope and practicality, it is much more useful than Spitz’s breath. After it melts, the soil is still vigorous, but once Spitz breathes out dragon's breath, it basically means that the two camps are endless.

After all, a bit of dragon's breath destroys a piece of land, no matter who it is, can't bear it.

After talking about Skartha, Seren did not rush to praise his majesty, but mentioned another high-level dragon that I was not familiar with-Mad Dragon Hess.

If the evil dragon Spitz’s breath is the most deterrent, then the dragon’s breath of the mad dragon Hess is the least deterrent.

The breath of the mad dragon Hess is purely fast-moving air, referred to as violent wind.

This gust of wind will almost only cause substantial damage to ordinary people and low-level adventurers, and adventurers who have reached martial skills and above, basically get rid of the damage from the mad dragon Hess Dragon's Breath.

If the level can reach ten or more, when facing the breath of the mad dragon Hess, he can stand firmly on the spot without any damage.

Afterwards, Seren told me that the weakness of the dragon's breath of the mad dragon Hess was even made into a prop called the roar of the mad dragon by adventurers in the Hefeng continent.

At first, this kind of props was very popular on the Hefeng continent. Almost a man has a wad.

However, as the damage and deterrence of the roar of the mad dragon to monsters has been decreasing year by year with the use rate of the roar of the mad dragon, adventurers hardly use the roar of the mad dragon anymore.

Even later, the Roar of the Crazy Dragon was put on the market as a child's toy.

At first, there were a lot of children who wanted to listen to Longyin, and the sales of Crazy Dragon's Roar were also quite good. However, as children's pursuit of new things and abandonment of common things, the sales of Crazy Dragon's Roar plummeted.

When sales fall, it means that items are unpopular, and unpopular items are often eliminated.

This situation lasted for a long time, until the middle of the melee period, the Roar of the Crazy Dragon finally withdrew from the market in the Hefeng Mainland because the sales volume reached a new low, which was almost equivalent to no one.

Since then, the name of Crazy Dragon Hess has gradually been lost by Hefeng Continent.

"The power of the dragon's breath of the mad dragon Hess, known as one of the three giants of Bakar, is so small, it is incredible."

"It's nothing incredible" Sailun said: "Dragon's breath is indeed an indispensable power of the dragon clan, but this does not mean that it is the only one."

"The real strength of Crazy Dragon Hess is not in the dragon's breath, but in his strong physique, strong brute power, and the skin comparable to mythril armor, he is simply a natural killer of magicians."

"Magical killer?" I wondered: "I remember that Mithril is a good conductor. When passing through Mithril, only a very small amount of mana will be lost. After passing the Mithril armor, the power of magic will be released. How big is the magic power that passes through basically the same, and even the magic value can't stop the metal, how can He De be called a magician killer?"

Seren stared at me with the gaze of an unseen person for a while, then said: "Usually, Mithril is a good conductor of magic power, but that doesn't mean it won't change. Just add foot A large amount of catalyst, through a series of reactions, can turn the original good conductor of magic power into an insulator of magic power."

I have heard something from Seren, and I have quite a bit of experience.

Immediately, I thought, since Mithril can become a magic power insulator, whether fine gold equipment can also become a magic power insulator, even before the name, I will add two more words: Absolute.

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