The real strong never hides his incompetence.

Destiny Kahn is such a real powerhouse.

There are many things he can do, but few things he cannot do.

But judging from his performance today, he will admit that he cannot do things that he cannot do.

As for whether he will delve into how to change from being unable to being able to do it, I am not sure.

But from the expressionless face of Weeping Eye Held, I probably expected the answer.

Destiny Kahn is very likely to be the kind of "even if I can't do it, as long as I want to, I will work hard, even if I can do it, as long as I don't want to, no one can help me."

What he didn't want to do was mostly sitting on a stone chair with a cold face and staring straight ahead.

Returning to the mansion, Herder slowly walked to the table, picked up the red wine, poured herself a glass elegantly and gently, and then turned her eyes to me. After she was sure I was not drinking, she put down the bottle. He picked up the wine glass and shook it gently.

"If you want to solve the problem, there is another way."

Herder said leisurely: "Just to be my experimental subject."

"I said that even if one seal can be unlocked, I can agree to be your experimental subject, but unfortunately, you haven't been able to unlock even one seal."

"Although Kahn is strong and not good at magic, it is me who really contributes to magic. If you are willing to be my experimental subject, I can exhaust all the techniques and unlock the seal for you."

"No" I didn't hesitate, and raised my hand to refuse: "Even if you say it is high-sounding, I won't agree, at least until I see hope, I won't agree to your experimental subject's request."

It can be seen that Herder is very moved by a special subject like me, and even wants to force me to stay, but she also knows that Tianjiao Prey, who has been helped by me, and befriended me Conqueror Casillas, probably would not agree with her to do so.

Maybe Casillas would choose to ignore what she did, but Prey would not.

Tianjiao is not only as simple as Sky Overlord, but also represents his character.

In Herder's regretful eyes, I left the mansion and returned to the hotel.

The Flame Dragon Breath Salen who was lying in the hall seemed to be in a good mood.

"Why are you so happy today" I asked with a smile.

"Seeing human beings deflated, so happy."

Seren grinned happily.

"What's wrong with you," I pointed at Salen, and I tweeted: "It's too dark inside."

Seren sneered at my words: "Darkness? What is darkness? The human set is called darkness!"

"When the dragon warriors were hit hard, how did these guys react?"

"They ignored the loss of the dragon warriors, and cheered because humans weren't hit hard. Then, our dragon warriors were wiped out. How did they react? Still just happy."

"Hmph, now they have paid the price, countless adventurers died in battle, why can't I dance and celebrate?"

... Although these words sound dark, they seem to make sense.

Yes, when the Dragon Warriors suffered heavy losses, wouldn't humans be like this.

Forget it, he is happy.

Thinking of this, I spread my hands, thinking that Quan had never mentioned it.

Afterwards, sitting on the sofa, stretched his waist, and asked Seren: "Which part of the dragon do you think the next batch of dragon fighters sent to support will be?"

Seren didn't open his eyes, and hummed: "Anyway, it won't be the pterodactyl, so don't try to take the autumn wind from the fallen members of our clan."

"It's not really dead," I said: "It's just collecting hearts from the dead remains. It shouldn't cause trouble to the dragon race."

"It will cause trouble!" Salen opened his eyes and emphasized: "If the profit-seeking group of demon realm knows that our clan's heart can brew good wine, they will definitely hunt and kill my clan without morals. Hesitated."

"Hey, although there are indeed such bad things among human beings, it is a period of war after all. If you want to steadily drive out the invaders, you must have a solidarity to have a chance. Any suspicion that arises at this time may change. It may be that the demon world is completely destroyed for the contradictions that cannot be adjusted."

"I don't think the Demon World will be destroyed because of this." I didn't care about the sensational words of Seren: "Although the Demon World looks like a human Demon World, you have to know that the real control of the Demon World is the apostle. I think, Once there is a sign that may destroy the demon world, Herder will wipe out the sign immediately."

"You have confidence in Herder," Seren said.

"It's not that I have confidence in Herder, but Herder seems to really have an extraordinary attachment to the Demon World. Think about how she treats the apostle. I don't think she is just for herself. After all, she has If the woman of the water of life is really just for her own sake, she can drink up the water of life so that she can live forever and be called eternal, right?"

"But she didn't do that. Instead, she used the water of life as a bait to plot against the apostle, so I concluded that what she did was not just for herself, but for the demon world."

"And for the Demon Realm, a woman who even the apostles dare to calculate, can't it be concluded that she is a person who can devote her life to the Demon Realm?"

"All this is just your conjecture" Sairen retorted: "I also admit that the Demon Realm has a lot of weight in Herder's heart, but I still don't think that after finding that manpower cannot be violated, Herder will still Hold on to the devil until you die in battle."

"Okay, stop arguing about Herder's feelings for the demon world and whether the demon world will be destroyed. Let's talk about the current situation. How much information have you obtained?"

"Not too much" Seren said: "But not too little, at least for now, I have learned everything about the three types of monsters that have appeared."

"Very good" I said: "At least until the next batch of Dragon Clan Aid Army arrives, there should not be any changes in the monster's intelligence. In this way, I will open the portal now and send you back to the Hefeng Continent. Give the report to my foster father first, and ask him to make a few copies overnight and hand them to the apostles and Spitz."

"Hand in now?" Salen was a little reluctant: "Is it too urgent? These are only three kinds of invaders, and they are all miscellaneous soldiers. Even if they don't send information, they can easily rely on the strength of the Dwarf Legion. Crush... cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters, as for giant human monsters, they can't do any substantial harm to the Dwarf Legion."

"I'm prepared for this," I said: "First let the family over know the fighting style of these monsters, so that the adventurer over the house can prepare in advance."

Having said that, I sighed slightly and said, "You are right. The strength of any one of the five major guilds can crush this group of miscellaneous soldiers, but I don't intend to let the elite fight the miscellaneous soldiers."

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