The magic value that does not belong to the soul, in the short time the soul leaves the body, quickly disappears, what does this mean?

The magic value will not disappear by nothing, and different types of magic value rarely appear in a state of mutual integration, that is to say, unless there is a system to absorb the magic value, or the formation, it is absolutely impossible for the magic value to disappear for no reason. Case.

Where did these magic powers go?

The answer is simple: all the magic values ​​have been absorbed.

It was Seren who absorbed the magic value.

It’s not that Seren will absorb the magic value of the Sky City through the arrangement of secret methods, but since the creation of the Sky City, the Tyrannosaurus King Bakar invited well-known magicians from the Arad continent to set up special formations in the town. Method, the magic value of all the killed adventurers and the fallen sky city guards are transmitted to Salon's side for their use.

Before the Sky City fell into the deep sea, the magic value of the killed intruders and the dead guards would gather around Salon, constantly nourishing his body and strengthening his strength.

But since the city of the sky fell into the deep sea, the continuous replenishment of the magic value has become an obstacle for Seren to leave the city of the sky-although the dragons seem to need to continue to eat to survive for a long time, in fact, the dragons In fact, you only need to supplement the magic value to achieve the lowest physical energy consumption.

In other words, before the magic value of Sky City completely disappeared, Seren couldn't do without Sky City.

Preference often creates fearlessness, which is why Seren always appears lawless.

Seren is very popular, but it does not mean that the pterosaurs are very popular.

In fact, because the pterosaurs are very similar to the giant dragons in physique, most of the pterosaurs are weaker than those of the giant dragons, but the pterosaurs have always been regarded by the giant dragons as the shame of the dragon clan-those strengths are worthy. Except for those stronger than the dragon.

The position of the dragon people is even worse than that of the pterosaurs.

The dragon people are not the product of the combination of dragons and humans, but the combination of certain dragons and some large lizard people.

These lizardmen are not inhabitants of the land of the dragons, but creatures from other planets. When combined, the offspring of these dragons and lizardmen can master the lizardmen while possessing power far beyond the lizardmen. Only possess the superb fighting skills.

As a result, some giant dragons brought these offspring back to the dragon clan for training. After several generations of reproduction, their genes gradually stabilized, and they were absorbed into the dragon clan by the giant dragon clan.

Because the lizard tribe is similar to the dragon tribe in many aspects, this also directly makes the dragon tribe a member of the pure blood dragon tribe.

However, compared with the pterosaurs, the treatment of the dragon people is much worse.

But compared with the treatment of the mixed dragon race, the treatment of the dragon race is still very good.

The treatment of the mixed-blood dragon is the worst among the residents of the land of the dragon.

The reason for the poor treatment is that, on the one hand, the blood is impure, and on the other hand, it is also because of poor strength.

Yes, as I said before, the mixed-blood dragons cannot exert the bloodline power of the pure-blood dragons, and the strength of most mixed-blood dragons is similar to that of the level ten adventurers.

Among the dragons whose strength is respected, such strength cannot be valued.

Fortunately, the mixed-blood dragons have the characteristics of different races. These characteristics enable many members of the mixed-blood dragons to have their own different specialties to use. Many specialties are greatly helpful to the construction of the dragon land. This makes the mixed-blood dragons also be in the dragon land Get a place.

Due to the low strength of the mixed-blood dragons, they are basically of little use on the battlefield. With the words of the dragon people, the whole army was wiped out in successive wars. This made Bakar made up his mind and sent the pterosaurs to assist the front line. .

I just don't know how much effect the pterosaurs can play when facing giant human monsters.



Soon after, the war started again.

With the joining of the dragon people and the pterosaurs, the aura of the adventurer of the demon world has increased.

The commander of the Dragon Race this time is the Flame Dragon Breath Seren.

I actually didn't expect much about Seren becoming a commander, mainly because his usual performance seemed unreliable.

"I really don't know, what kind of surprises will the dragon army bring us this time?"

Ozma leaned on the wall, with a smile that remained unchanged over the years, with a strange airway.

"The pterosaurs are still very powerful" Prey embraced his arms and looked down on the battlefield, muttering: "I remember the first dragon war, Casillas and I were blocked by a pterosaur for nearly an hour."

That pterodactyl was the ancestor of Seren who died in the demon world.

Having said that, I didn't expect that the ancestors of Seren were so powerful!

"If the pterodactyl is still there...this war, he must have no chance to participate."

Pray looked into the distance and muttered.

"Can such a small body be able to contain such a powerful strength?" Ozma narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It really surprised me."

"Although the body is small, there are many people who are strong. If you don't talk about others, it is the Inferior Ikki. You can't deal with it."

Ozma grinned, and at the same time glanced at the talking Michelle, he hehe smiled: "You are also very petite, and you are very powerful."

Michele's face was slightly cold after hearing this.

Just as Ozma was about to tease Michelle again, the war gradually reached a white-hot state.

I really didn't expect that the lazy Flame Dragon Breath Salen, who was unreliable to get along with, would actually know how to arrange troops!

Moreover, this formation method looks very different, even limiting the pace of the giant monsters' attack with a very small number of dragons.

And during the time limit, the number of casualties of Dragon Warriors was greatly reduced!

"This little guy... doesn't seem to be simple" Prey's face was solemn, and he said solemnly: "The method of arranging troops and the effect of the transformation of the formation are far more effective than the pterosaur that fought us Much stronger."

"If it was him who had fought with us back then, huh, two swords at most would end the fight."

"He hasn't grown up yet, hasn't he?" Prey said, "I believe his future is still very bright."

The war continues, but the battlefield is in a good situation.

The first is the most threatening giant monster. Under the resistance of the pterosaur army and the dragon human warriors led by Flame Dragon Breath Seren, it has been retreating steadily.

Then came the cat-shaped monsters and the human-shaped monsters. Because of the strong support of the dragon reinforcements, they made a great leap in morale and fighting will.

As the so-called rush.

With that strong momentum of reluctance to admit defeat, the adventurers also displayed a fearless spirit, and they smashed the formation of cat-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters again and again.

Facing the invaders, the Demon World finally achieved its first real victory.

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