Although the teeth are one of the weapons of the pterosaur tribe, they rarely use them when facing wild boar monsters. More often, they use the claws on both sides of the wings and the claws of the lower body to tear and scratch each other.

I said to my heart, I clearly have a good tooth. I used to bite out a bunch of tooth marks on my guard during the battle. But at this time, I didn’t want to bite the opponent with sharp teeth and fangs. Is there any strange cleanliness?

While thinking about it, Prey smiled and said: "These little guys are really energetic, especially the red scaly pterosaur, which looks like the pterosaur that once stopped us."

"It's his descendant." Not far away, Casillas embraced his arms, indifferently looking at every corner of the battlefield where the battle was fierce, a little absent-minded.

Listening to his tone, and then looking at his expression, I probably felt extremely dissatisfied with the fierce fighting everywhere on the battlefield.

It is no wonder that the battles that satisfy Casillas are generally apostolic-level confrontations.

"That said, it really is" Prey said: "The little guy's magic wave is very similar to that of the pterosaur, but the frequency of the wave is weaker."

"A group of you big guys in the devil world, are you ashamed to judge the little guy below?" I curled my lips and said, "You are all powerful men who have lived for billions of years. He is only a few billion years old?"

"Haha" Casillas raised his eyelids and said in a deep voice; "The one who is most unqualified to judge others' character here is you, little guy, you haven't even reached a hundred years old?"

The tone sounded like asking, but it was affirmative.

"So, it's boring to chat with you old seniors. You can either use the posture of the superior seniors to judge other people, or you can speak with guns and sticks, which is not pleasant at all."

"Humph" Casillas held his arms in his arms, staring at me with cold eyes, and said, "What do you want?"

I glanced at the demon adventurers, dragon army and invaders who are fighting vigorously below, I said to Casillas: "It's boring to be idle all day, go, go to the other side of the town, let's learn swords. law."

Facing my provocation, Casillas was not annoyed, but grinned: "Then it would be disrespectful."

Just as we both met to leave, Herder's voice came not far away: "You guys keep quiet!"

Casillas waved his hand and walked with me to the other end of the town.

As I walked, I noticed someone following behind me. When I turned around, it turned out to be Ozma.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, tilting my head.

"Look at the fun" Ozma is still a false smile all the year round: "I always feel that the battle between the apostles is much more interesting than the play of the little guys."

"Playing around?" Frowning, I said: "They are called wars. We are just discussing, so don't get confused."

"No, how can you be mixed?" Ozma smiled: "Don't care about these boring things, concentrate on preparing for battle, Casillas is not a guy who can make jokes about battle, every one of his Every battle is a desperate gamble."

"I know this," I said calmly: "I have discussed with Casillas before, and I have a deep understanding of this kind of feeling. Besides, the battle between adventurers has always been a matter of staying power. It’s no different from the battle with Casillas."

Ozma grinned, but said no more.

Not long after, Casillas and I, along with Ozma who came to join in the fun, came to the other end of the town.

With a clang, the sword was out of the sheath, Casillas said nothing, and took the lead.

I secretly said in my heart: You have a surprise attack, you have no morals!

It's a complaint, it's a fight or a fight.

I'm not too long-winded, the demon sword came out of its sheath, facing the trajectory cut by Casillas, and slashed into the wind.

"It's getting stronger, little guy" Casillas grinned.

Turn the knife around and cut at my throat.

The knife came unexpectedly and unprepared. Fortunately, I was wearing a hand guard, which could temporarily act as a shield.

Condensing the killing intent on the handguard, counteracting the magical power entangled on the Casillas Tai sword and colliding with the blade.

A crisp sound of gold and iron reverberates in the wilderness. At the same time, Casillas's aura and mine are constantly colliding with each other invisibly, making ear-piercing neighs.


Casillas snorted, and Taito swiped it again, drew a semicircle, and cut my waist.

This trick came quickly and urgently, although it was not a full blow, but it also took 40% of the force.

My heart was still in the water, and I raised the knife to block, the sound of gold and iron symphony sounded again, stabbing my ears with tinnitus slightly, really my hands were a little numb.

I have witnessed the strength of Casillas with my own eyes, and experienced his almost full blow from the side.

This knife is much inferior to a full-strength knife, but it is faster and has a tougher angle. If I hadn't been working **** the knife path for many years, I was afraid that this knife would have hit me hard.

However, even if it is really blocked, the power transmitted by this knife is not so easy to resist.

"This Casillas..." I secretly said in my heart: "It is really powerful. Based on the increase in strength and speed, it is more clever than the fighting skills when I was tested last time. Am I considered a close opponent?"

After a few hard fights, we separated for the time being.

Casillas stood up against the wind, holding a knife in his hand, grinning and said: "Shoot with all your strength, little guy, let me see the peak you can reach now."

After hesitating for a while, I said with some worry: "Will it affect the battlefield over the town?"

"No" Casillas stared at me, but slowly said to Ozma: "Ozma, create a barrier to block the aftermath here."

"As you wish" Ozma did not refuse, but readily agreed to Casillas' request.

Seeing him muttering words, a few minutes later, a huge dark barrier rose from the ground to connect the world.

"Very good" Casillas removed the bamboo tube from his waist, pulled out the plug, poured saliva, then plugged the plug, and threw it at me.

I took the bamboo tube and pulled out the plug. I also poured saliva, then plugged the plug and threw it back to Casillas: "Thank you."

Casillas chuckled, threw the bamboo tube to Ozma, and said loudly: "Keep it for me, don't break it."

Ozma, who caught the bamboo tube, smiled slightly: "I hope the next battle will not disappoint me."

"Of course not." Casillas stared at me and said solemnly: "I can feel that in the chest of the little guy, the surging desire to fight, the fighting will hidden in his bones, may be better than mine. Stronger and firmer."

Having said that, he paused and said: "I look forward to his performance more than you."

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