The streets in the early morning are very quiet.

The cool breeze blows across the hair and strokes the cheeks, refreshing.

But not every street is like this. Some adventurers who have not returned from a hangover lie down or lie down, lying on the side of the street in different postures, or lying on the vomit, making waves of snoring and sleeping again. Fragrant and sweet.

Fortunately, the climate in this town happens to be in a period of neither lukewarm nor lukewarm heat. Otherwise, lying on the street would not be a group of adventurers with sweet sleeping faces, but a group of frozen dead bodies.

Although I didn't sleep all night, I was not sleepy at all and still wandered the streets vigorously.

At this moment, most of the shops on both sides of the street are not open, only custom shops, gambling shops and bars that operate around the clock as usual.

There are very few pedestrians on the street, and there are several times more cleaners than pedestrians.

Regardless of the blue planet or the Zephyr continent, cleaners are one of the least profitable but hardest jobs.

Although there are few pedestrians on the street, the adventurers passing by are in awe of me with a flagpole-shaped Dachi and a common Dachi with my waist.

This is about the commonality of the devil world, respecting the strong, and fearing the strong.

Glancing at the pedestrians walking around me with expressions of awe, I was a bit speechless.

If it weren't for understanding the commonalities of the Demon World, I would even wonder if it was rejected by them.

Entered the bar, the bartender who worked all night, looked at me groggyly, and was stunned after only squinting his eyes, then squinted at me for a few seconds, and then all over my body, I immediately became energetic and smiled at me. Bend and said: "Welcome, my lord, what would you like to order?"

"Wine" I said: "There is food."

After that, he took out a silver coin and put it on the bar.

The silver coin shone with different lights, representing its preciousness.

The bartender picked up the silver coin in both hands and said excitedly: "Yes, my lord, I will prepare it for you."

In the next few minutes, the bartender usually wandered back and forth between the bar and the inner room, constantly bringing out all kinds of dried fruit snacks and fine wine. After taking the food and wine he thought was sufficient, he did not forget to go to the bar and personally Make a bunch of cocktails.

But these cocktails were not poured into the glass by him, but all poured into the metal container.

After all this was done, the bartender carrying the big and small packages that had already been packed, almost flatteringly said to me: "My lord, I will help you carry it."

"What about the bar?" I asked casually.

"It doesn't matter if there is a waiter to take care of it."

Seeing him on the road like this, I stopped being too long-winded, greeted me, and took the lead out of the bar.

This way, the bartender carrying things is really not easy. It can be seen that he is actually not good at this kind of physical work. In contrast, bartending is his specialty.

In order to distract him and prevent him from overwork, I tried to chat with him a few words.

The bartender is very talkative. Basically, I asked the last sentence and he could talk for a long time. This relieved me a lot of boredom.

When I entered the hotel and climbed the stairs, the bartender asked me cautiously: "My lord, I heard that you had a close match with the Apostle yesterday outside the city?"

"Yeah" I nodded: "It looks evenly matched. If I fight again, I might lose."

"You are really joking," the bartender admired, "A strong man like you won't lose. You are the hope of the Devil!"

"Me?" Stopped, I looked stunned: "The Devil's Hope?"

The bartender admired: "Isn't it, my lord, many adventurers say that if the aggressor doesn't care about virtues and rushes to send an apostle-level strong to attack the city, you can definitely show off your power and kill them all!"

I chuckled and shook my head.

This rumor can be said to be too much.

At present, I want to defeat a Casillas-level powerhouse, which is quite boring, let alone a group of apostle-level powerhouses. I can't win when I am exhausted.

But instead of discouraging the bartender's enthusiasm, I smiled at him, and the latter's eyes brightened when he saw the smile.

When I reached the place, I took out another silver coin, put it in his palm, and said: "Take it away, this is a tip."

"This, how can this be done!" The bartender was frightened and frightened, "You are a noble adult than the Apostle, and I am just a little bartender..."

"You think too much" I said: "There are not so many rules. Give you money and you just take it. It's not a scourge."

"Then, thank you Sir, thank you..." The bartender thanked Dade, and I went back to the room and closed the door.

In the room, Seren was awake, but still lying motionless on the carpet.

"Get up and eat when you wake up" I put the dried fruit snacks and a lot of wine bottles at the table and said, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, right?"


"Huh?" I pulled out the cork and asked, "You want to drink?"

"No!" A rare look of horror appeared in Seren's eyes: "No!"

"What's your reaction?" I looked stunned: "Why are you so afraid of wine?"

Seren coughed, spit out alcohol, and said weakly: "It's not that group of bastards, I had to drink my wine yesterday... almost heroic."

"Don't make trouble," I said: "You dragons still can't drink?"

"But there is no such thing as you can drink." Sairen whitened my eyes and said: "You are simply a wine barrel, the kind without a bottom."

"I just can drink better. As for the lack of bottom, it's too exaggerated."

I laughed and teased him, and at the same time I took out the hot water bottle, poured him a cup of hot water, and handed it over.

After gurgling a few cups fiercely, Seren finally had some energy.

"Huh, finally came alive!" Sailun said with emotion.

"Exaggerated" I said: "Dried fruits or snacks?"

"Dessert" Sairen said: "I only eat fresh fruits."

"Hey, it's quite picky" I teased, then took out a bunch of snacks and handed it over: "Hey, the snacks you want."

Seren gobbled up.

Not long after, a pile of snacks and two pots of hot water were all killed by him.

I made another pot of boiling water and asked casually, "You can drink the water that has just been boiled. Don't you worry about it being hot?"

"What do you mean?" Seren asked back: "Even the flames can't burn me. How can boiling water hurt me?"

"That's right." I scratched my head and said, "I said Salon. In a few days, are you still leading the war?"

"Of course" Seren said proudly: "This time, I have accepted the important task bestowed by your majesty!"

"Then I ask you, if the dragon army is wiped out again, what are your plans?" I asked again.

Seren's complexion changed slightly, and he said uncomfortably: "Don't forget your position, you are an ally of the Dragon Race, your own!"

"Because I know the position, I asked like this" I said: "If I were Bakar, I would definitely take your title of commander temporarily when less than a quarter of the dragon army remained."

Seren's eyes widened, staring at me with an incredible look, "How did you know?"

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