I didn't finish the sentence, nor did Harold ask me what I said next, and we laughed intriguingly at each other.

The girl was also scared enough, but she was more difficult to resist the temptation of food, and starving for a long time made her feel that being able to eat a full meal is more important than being alive.

She was horrified and trembling, staring at me and Harold with horrified eyes, and she kept stuffing vegetables in her mouth, a pair of bulging cheeks, like hamsters storing food.

A slip of vegetable juice flowed down the corners of her mouth. I picked up the handkerchief on the table and stretched out my hand to wipe it off for her.

She stopped her chewing motion with horror, desperately swallowing the bulging food in her mouth into her belly, and looked at my reaching hand in despair, and finally closed her eyes.

I know that she was frightened, but this is just the beginning. In this weak and strong zephyr continent, things such as today will happen again, and not only once.

Gently wipe the vegetable juice from the corners of her mouth, I put the handkerchief aside, and watched her self-confidently difficult expression quietly.

After a while, she opened a small slit in her eyes, looked at me slightly, and then stretched out a pair of dirty hands and kept touching her head and neck.

"Where did this little girl pick it up?" Harold asked me, watching her movements with a smile.

"She has a connection with me, so I didn't find it."

"What are you going to do with her?" Harold asked again: "A little girl like this, even if she sells it, she won't sell it for a good price."

"What are you talking about?" I was a little unhappy: "I am not her master, and she is not my slave. Our identities are equal. How can we do things like buying and selling people?"

Harold sighed: "I understand what you are saying, but this is Eri City... I think you should also have some understanding."

I nodded, my expression a little solemn.

Eri City is not as democratic and fair as Dasai City, and even less selfless and free as Moonlight City. It is full of violence and greed. Trafficking and prostitution happen from time to time, but I rarely encounter it.

Like this, eleven or twelve-year-old girl with no survival skills and no shelter, in this cruel city of Ai, there is no way to survive for long.

I looked at the girl next to me with a little worry, she was still eating without heart, and the vegetable juice dripped from the corner of her mouth again.

"Little idiot" I murmured, picked up the handkerchief again, and wiped the vegetable juice from the corners of her mouth, but this time, she was not afraid, but sat quietly, and when I wiped the corners of her mouth and chin, she again Gobbled it up and ate it.

After eating for a while, she cleaned up the food that was enough for all three of them.

Satisfied, she patted her belly, she hiccuped, and looked at me with big clear eyes. At this moment, the fear in her eyes disappeared.

This is... the power of food?

Can food create trust?

I shook my head, not knowing the world of snacks.

I said to the man who was hiding in the back kitchen: "Come on, check out!"

The waiter who served me came over cautiously after being forcibly pushed out, and I said, "How much?"

"Eight, eight silver coins..."

I took out the bag of silver coins from my arms, poured it out, and counted them. There were 14 silver coins left, and they piled on the table, saying: "The remaining six silver coins are your tip."

"Thanks, thank you, sir, thank you!"

The waiter who entertained us nodded and bowed, and sent us out.

I dragged the corpse with one hand and the head with the other. I chose a closed path and turned towards the gate of the city.

Harold and I walked side by side, and the little girl followed me closely.

When I arrived at the gate of the city, I drove to the back of a mound. There was a deep pit. There were **** and corpses lying in the pit. It was a gathering point for Ai Ruicheng to deal with these things.

An unpleasant smell emanated from the bottom of the pit, irritating our noses.

The little girl's face became very ugly. She retched several times, but in the end she still didn't vomit a whole stomach of food. I don't think she can't vomit, but rather reluctant to vomit.

Throwing the corpse and head down, wiped my hands, I turned around and went back.

Harold frowned and asked me: "I see your movements, how much have you done?"

I spread my hands: "Who knows, I can't remember."

Harold was frightened.

We did not go elsewhere, but directly transferred to the Heroic Guild and went to Harold's office to talk.

As I walked through the gate, I once again met two adventurers I knew well. Today, they were on duty to watch the door. Nodding and bowing and flattering words were absolutely indispensable. I saw the dirty little girl always pulling my clothes. When I didn't let go of the horns, but I didn't care, the two of them also gave the little girl a flattering smile, and they were almost called an adult.

When I entered the office, I found a chair to sit down, and the little girl sat timidly on the ground next to my chair. Seeing this, I couldn't laugh or cry. I picked her up, put it on another chair, and re-started myself. sit down.

Looking at the girl who was sitting still, I said, "Harold, are you from Rodney's side?"

Harold was taken aback, pondered a little, and said, "How did you see it?"

"It's very simple" I said: "The city lord of Ai Ruicheng has only three sons. The boss is said to be a brutal man. He is good at killing and possessive. It's a pity that the martial arts talent is average and the strength is very weak. If you are As far as the people on his side are concerned, Eri City is likely to become a terrifying place where everyone is at risk."

"As for the second child, he has always been good at playing yin and never played cards face-to-face. First of all, he is inconsistent with your character. Secondly, it is said that he is very vengeful, and I have had a feast with him. In this way, he I will never let my own people have any softness towards me, and will never turn a blind eye to my behavior after I blatantly kill."

Then I concluded: "In this way, you can only be Rodney's person."

Harold shook his head and said, "But you overlooked one point, I might also belong to the city lord."

"The city lord will eventually get old, and the new lord is the key to your continued survival of the guild" I said: "You will never see the guild you worked so hard to build in vain."

Harold was silent.

His head was very low, his face was even parallel to the desk, and he couldn't see his eyes or expressions.

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