It turns out that the seven royal families came from this way!

I have a lot of emotion, but at the same time, I have some understanding of their behavior.

After all, who doesn't want his family to stand on top of all beings and become the supreme monarch?

It's just that their methods are a little too cold-blooded, but when you think about it, in most people's perception, they are ruthless.

For the sake of the monarchy, there have even been tragedies of brothers killing each other and father and son mutilating.

Even the brothers and father and son will not show mercy when they start, let alone apprentices and comrades fighting side by side.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh: "It's really not easy for you to survive the treacherous situation."

"It's not easy." Saran's tone was a little strange, three-pointers missed, seven-pointers were very complicated, and there was no sense.

"By the way, during those dark days, was there anything that you can't forget the most?" I asked casually.


Shalan said without hesitation.

My gossip soul ignited in an instant, and I asked quickly, "Can you tell me?"


"Eh -" I was disappointed: "Why?"

"If you want to hear my story, you can, when you meet, and when you will talk about it."

"Why..." I said with a bitter face.

Afterwards, the other side hung up the call.

Saran generally will not leave Moonlight City, mainly because of two relationships. First, she is one of the rare bloodline power awakeners in Moonlight City. She is one of the characters that Moonlight City plays as a trump card, so she will not be allowed. Those who leave Moonlight City casually, secondly, she is one of the leaders of the non-governmental organization Tarakuta, and also the founder and director of the non-governmental organization Mage Guild.

Today, although she has stepped down as the president of the Wizards Guild in honor, in fact, the actual boss of the Wizards Guild is still her.

The number of magicians in Moonlight City is huge, and the number of adventurers who have joined the wizard’s guild is also terrifying. Many advanced magicians have to ask Shalan if they encounter magic problems. Once Shalan leaves, those The magician will fall into an inexplicable panic.

This dependence comes from the gentleness of Saran for a long time.

That's right, it is from Saran's gentleness.

If Saran had refused the endless consultations of her adventurers from the beginning, there would be no more problems.

So if you want to see Saran, you have to go to Moonlight City, or suppress the national power organization and the noble group, and let the two queens take full power, and you can also realize the wish of letting Saran come to Fort Witch. Of course, if If I can really suppress the national power organization and the noble group, I can also move back to Moonlight City with my family. After all, Moonlight City is better when it comes to living environment.

With the burning soul of gossip, I went home dejectedly.

The next day, I went to the medical institution again in the afternoon to visit Casillas.

Only one day later, Casillas' mental condition improved a lot.

Seeing him constantly doing push-ups with one hand, I asked with a slight accusation: "Why don't you lie down well?"

"As a soldier, you need to maintain a nervous physical state at all times to deal with emergencies that may occur at any time."

"Emergency?" I wondered: "You mean..."

"Assassinations, sudden attacks, etc., are all emergencies."

"This kind of thing won't happen here!" I said helplessly.

"I know" Casillas said in a deep voice: "But the training that should be given can't be left behind."

I helplessly spread my hands, I said: "It's up to you."

Moving a chair over, I asked curiously: "By the way, what do you think of the battle in the dungeon?"

"There are dragons and crouching tigers in the dungeon," Casillas said, "I'm getting more and more interested."

"In other words, you still haven't given up on the dungeon?"

"Yes." Casillas had sharp eyes in his eyes, and his tone was slightly trembling, and said: "I want to challenge again."

"You really are not afraid of death" I helplessly rubbed my forehead, exhaled, and said.

"The soldier is fearless."

Casillas changed his hand to do push-ups, which he probably does often, and it seems easy.

"You also have to think about your actual situation. You didn't even see your face, and you were beaten out of the portal. Now you have to challenge. How can you think that as long as you continue to challenge, your strength is Can you improve naturally and quickly, right?"

Casillas was silent for a long time, and said solemnly: "It won't be anymore this time, I will cheer up and focus all my attention on the other party!"

Seeing what he said was so swearing, I couldn't refute anything, so I let him go.

Two days later, Casillas recovered his health, and the day he was discharged from the hospital, he went to the underground city again.

That night, as we sat together and waited for dinner, Kagali asked me: "I heard Casillas was discharged from the hospital?"

"Well, I'm discharged."

"Come with him for dinner," Kagali suggested: "It just happens to be the right to thank him for his education."

"I can't invite you." I shook my head and said, "He went to the dungeon again."

"What?" Kagali and many others exclaimed in unison: "Didn't he just recover?"

"Yes" I said: "Just after healed, he went to the dungeon again."

"This...why is this?" Billy, who was wiping the knife, was startled and asked loudly.

"I guess it has something to do with the soldier's unyielding spirit." After finishing talking, I said, "Who knows, but you have to make sure that he may be hit again."

"Have you said hello to the medical institution?" Kagali asked again.

"Say hello at this time, it's too early, I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Kagali stopped talking, and after a while, she said: "Well, then tomorrow, don't forget."

"Hey, I said you, never cared about me so much..."

"What are you eating jealous?" Kagali said dissatisfied: "You are my fiance. You will live together for a lifetime. He is just my current instructor. If you don't take advantage of this time, how to care Does he put more useful things in there?"

"Uh...what a sinister idea!"

"Bah!" Kagali spit on my mouth and shouted: "What do you say about your fiancee, let me give you another chance to reorganize the language."

"This plan simply counts three, Kagali, you are really great!"

With a thumbs up, I changed my face faster than Sichuan Opera.

"Well, yes, keep up the good work" Kagali praised me lightly.

"I think, Xiaoyi, you'd better go to the medical institution now" Billy, who fell silent after an exclamation, said at the moment.

"You're not right" I stared at Billy with a serious face, and said, "You're not right."

"What's wrong with me?" Billy asked with a confused look.

"The Billy I know, except Godot, shows no pretense to anyone else. Now, he cares about Casillas. Are you a fake Billy, or have you changed your heart?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal. Please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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