Returning home in a nervous mood, I saw Taylor lazily collapsed on the sofa and closed his eyes, but I expected that there was a wine bottle in the palm of his hand drooping on the floor. There is half a bottle of wine.

It's really hard for him to be able to hold it so firmly, and he didn't spill half of the bottle of wine on the ground.

Not far away, when the busy waiter saw me coming back, he hurried to me and explained in a low voice, meaning that Taylor said they didn't need them to pack up the bottles.

I knew in my heart that this was what Mr. Taylor was like, so I waved my hand and motioned them to do their own thing without worrying about him, even if the drink was really spilled on the floor, I would not trouble them.

The waiters breathed a sigh of relief, and went on quietly.

I stepped forward and picked up the wine bottle from Tyler. At this moment, he opened his eyes suddenly, and at the same time he muttered: "Didn't I say it, no need...Eh, Xiaoyi is back. When did you come back?"

"I just came back" I said: "You always drink and drink. When you want to take a nap, can you put the wine bottle on the coffee table? Seeing the worries of the waiters, I don't know what to do."

"Well, it's safest to hold it in my hand." Taylor took the bottle from my hand, took a sip, wiped his mouth, and said, "No way, old habits, I can't change it."

"Really..." I helplessly squeezed the bridge of my nose and said: "By the way, Casillas is injured."

"I know."

Taylor's performance is indifferent, or in other words, he has never had a good face towards the apostle.

"I want to ask you to do it once."

"Healing the Apostle?" Taylor said helplessly.

"Yeah" I said, "Casillas has been infused with a strange power. With the current strength of Fort Vecchi, there is no way to get rid of it."

Taylor pondered for a few seconds, and then said: "There are also many powerful pastors in Fort Witch's medical institution. You can ask them to visit."

"Which pastor are you referring to?" I asked curiously.

"You can go to the National Power Organization and ask. Although the number of pastors in Fort Witch is the smallest in all countries, the level of pastors is also the top in all countries."

Hearing this, I nodded and got up and said: "Then I will go to the National Power Organization to visit now."

Before going out, I listened to Father Taylor shouting behind him: "Wait!"

Stopped, I wondered: "What?"

"I haven't seen it for a long time, and I miss them very much. Since you are going to go there, I might as well accompany you, gradually these old friends."

After that, he stood up, but didn't go out with me directly. Instead, he went upstairs first and took a few bottles of wine down. Then he said to me, "Go."

All the way was unimpeded, and quickly found those strong at the top of the national power organization.

I have to complain about the difference between my authority in Fort Witch and Moonlight City.

In Moonlight City, I want to do many things, but without authorization, I will always encounter many obstacles, even if I am an elder, there is nothing I can do.

But in Fort Witch, there is no place I can't go directly to except the residence of the two majesty.

In fact, Fort Witch's palace is also unimpeded for me, but under the moral constraints of my heart, I automatically and consciously classified the harem as one of the forbidden places that cannot be offended.

After entering the most secret core area of ​​Fort Witchcrest, I met a group of the most authoritative big guys. I first greeted them politely, and these big guys greeted me very kindly.

Their qualifications are all too high. The tallest are about their age. The youngest is about the same as Father Taylor. The oldest is said to be more than 500 years old.

The oldest national power is a powerful berserker, and the pair of mithril hammers is earth-shattering.

It is said that when he was young, he single-handedly challenged the middle-level calamity, he just smashed a group of calamities that had destroyed several countries during the melee period into meatloaf.

Although these countries are small and medium-sized countries, it is enough to demonstrate his excellent strength.

If this year is old, he doesn't take shots often, and he seems to have been criticized by some ill-intentioned guys, saying that his strength is not as good as before, and he is no longer enough to be the leader of the national power organization.

But these rumors and rumors did not seem to shake his position in the slightest.

Now that I see this legend in person, I feel that those criticisms... are purely malicious.

I am not good at the perception of magic fluctuations, but I am very good at the perception of breath.

After just perceiving the other's breath, I was sure that this five-hundred-year-old old man still possesses an extremely strong breath, and the strength of this breath far exceeds that of any apostle.

Yes, I heard it right, it is stronger than the breath of any apostle, including the first apostle who is respected as the king of the devil.

When meeting Taylor, the leader of the National Power Organization smiled and said to Taylor: "I haven't seen you for decades, your little guy has grown to the point where it is now, hey, those two little girls who have been clinging to you. What?"

Father Taylor's old face blushed, and he said in embarrassment: "Oh, why are you mentioning these old things?"

The leader laughed kindly, but I always felt that his old man's smile was mixed with a lot of bad taste.

After "Little Bit" teased Tyler, the leader looked at me and said, "Did you encounter any problems this time?"

"Yes" I told the truth about Casillas' attack.

After hearing this, the leader nodded slightly and said, "It seems that this 40th floor has also been set up by the God of Creation. I really don't know when the adventurers will be able to completely attack the dungeon."

"Definitely" I replied with a smile: "After all, the God of Creation set up a dungeon to hone the strength of adventurers and allow them to break there. If only difficult levels are set, but not allowed to break through, Then don’t the levels lose their meaning?"

"The little guy is very enlightened" the leader responded with a smile.

Then he turned to one of the grandmothers who looked very energetic, and said: "Since the little guy has come to ask for help in person, let's help him."

"It's good." The grandmother put down the cup in her hand, but smiled at Taylor and said: "In fact, little Taylor is more than enough for this matter."

Then, she changed her conversation again and said, "But if you let Little Taylor help, you will definitely think of the evil dragon, right?"

The old man nodded helplessly, agreeing with the old grandma's words.

"Then let the old man take a look, what kind of power can make the apostle helpless."

After all, the old grandma stood up tremblingly and walked slowly towards the door.

As she passed by me, she chuckled and said, "The little guy is going to hold me, an old man, if you fall, you have to give me pension."

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