I didn't rush into the station, but chatted with the two Dragon Warriors at the door.

I was curious about the questions they asked.

The dragon warrior said that the problem was caused by Lord Seren and was mainly used to distinguish the authenticity of the identity.

I nodded. This Seren is really alert. He knows to use the method of distinguishing the authenticity to test me, but what is the meaning of his method?

Not to mention whether there is a Master of Disguise in the Demon Realm who lied to him by disguising himself as I am. If there are such characters, what purpose can he deceive?

With the strength of Seren, it is only an entry level comparable to the power of an intermediate country, and with limited combat methods, it is impossible to fight one enemy ten. Here, one enemy ten is a powerful adventure that is rigorous and cooperating with ten teams. Home-Therefore, it is impossible to trick him out and use his power to fight.

Furthermore, Seren also knows that he is not as strong as I am now, and that he really has no way to deal with an enemy I can't deal with. In addition, he has limited combat methods, unless he cooperates with him so well. Otherwise, if we join hands, either he will pull me or I will pull him. The effect that can be exerted is probably not as good as the effect of either of us alone.

Finally, and most likely, someone wants to use Seren’s body, or a certain part, to make artifacts.

Just like me, always thinking that if he is killed in battle, he would dig out his heart to make wine. The whole body of Salen is a good gathering place for materials.

The internal organs can be brewed, and the blood can be brewed. After the antiseptic treatment, the muscle can be made into a bow hilt, the blood vessel can be made into a bowstring rubber band, the outer skin can be made into an outer armor, and even the hair on it can be processed after a series of treatments. , Make a shield surface.

And all of the above can be made into food after special preparation.

Therefore, I am more inclined to Seren for fear that someone will use my identity to cheat him out, and then attack him again, and eventually die here.

After entering the station, I randomly found an unoccupied room and rested.

Early the next morning, I got up and found the canteen according to the location in my memory. After finishing the meal, I picked a table and sat down for breakfast.

After seeing me, the dragon people warriors who came and went, some showed suspicious eyes, and some were very calm.

Those with a frank attitude are mostly survivors who survived the previous war. They have seen me and naturally they will not feel curious.

Those who were suspicious were all new dragon people warriors.

Just as I was feeling different eyes, a familiar voice sounded not far away: "Huh, are you back?"

It's Salem.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice: "Yo, good morning."

Then, my gaze moved down and looked at Salen's legs: "What's the matter with your legs?"

"Oh," Seren limped over and sighed at the same time, saying: "Don't mention it, when he ran away, he was chased by monsters. Although he killed several monsters, he was accidentally attacked. , Hang up the color."

Not long after, a dragon warrior shot the meal over and sent it to Salon, then got up and left.

Seren stabbed up the tableware, and while eating, you chatted with me.

The content of the chat is mostly related to previous battles.

Seren complained that Ozma didn’t know if he had taken the wrong medicine, so he rushed down the city as if mad, and launched a fierce attack on the monsters below. Although he killed many monsters directly, he still had many adventures. The home was affected and died on the spot.

As soon as this remark came out, I immediately got a new understanding of Ozma’s previous explanation-this guy actually lied in front of the apostles, and was able to keep his face from flushing, not panicking, and really It is admirable and admirable.

Seren then said that Ozma's behavior was very beastly, but he was not without the revenge he deserved. His pretender organization was directly killed and wounded in the ensuing invader counterattack.

These are the books that Ozma has worked so hard to save!

Speaking of this, the smile on Salen's face was very bright.

"Although they are just pretenders in a town, these are all true supporters of Ozma. Without them, Ozma's desire to spread his thoughts in the demon world will be greatly hindered."

I was very curious about this: "What did Ozma bring his followers here?"

"Obviously to spread ideas," Salen said: "This is a battlefield. Adventurers who have experienced life and death, gain and loss, will have great emotional fluctuations, and they will also generate many negative emotions. Emotion is the tool Ozma is best at using."

"Just add his thoughts and infuse the negative emotions of the adventurers, even if it is proud and stubborn like our dragons, it is difficult to resist his offensive."

"Does your tribe have been recruited?" I asked worriedly.

"No" Sairen said: "Although the pretender is good at disguising, there are some things that the pretender does not possess, that is, a firm belief in things other than Ozma."

"Obviously, none of my people are contaminated by Ozma's thoughts, because they are still a firm believer, Your Majesty."

"I think, even if Ozma really wants to pollute your people with his thoughts, it is not an easy task," I said, "Don't forget, they can be reborn."

Salen put down his fork, thought for a while, and said, "That's right, even if the old thief wants to pollute our people, at least it will have to wait until our people have enough negative emotions, but the problem is that my people even died. This kind of thing can be avoided, and at most it will only be a little emotionally shaken due to severe pain when injured. At other times, it is wishful thinking to shake the emotions and thoughts of our people!"

Seren's tone was very proud, but I have to say that his words are still very reasonable.

Just like what I just mentioned, as long as you face the real horror of life and death, emotions and other things will change dramatically in a flash. As long as the soul is still there, like the dragon clan, there is almost immortal existence. This emotional.

Naturally, he won't be influenced by this horror of life and death. The only thing that can control emotions may be pain.

"It seems that this fellow Ozma is not small" I said: "In other words, what does he recruit so many pretenders? Does he still want to rely on these pretenders to overthrow Kahn's rule and become a new one? The king of the demon world will not succeed?"

"This is simply the slander of the world" I couldn't help but sneered: "No matter how powerful the ant colony is, it will not be the opponent of the rhino and elephant. Like this kind of worm shaking the tree, Ozma dare to do it? Should he? Wouldn't it be irritated?"

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