Tyler just chuckled and stopped talking, but continued to rest on the rocking chair while the old **** was lying.

Not quite, the three women walked out of the bathroom with a clean little girl.

Just washing away the dirt and soil stains on her body, the girl seemed to have changed her appearance, fresh and beautiful.

The immature breath and delicate white new skin gleamed my eyes. I raised my hand pretending to be dazzling, covered my eyes, and said, "Oh, who's this girl, so fresh and beautiful. Blind my 24K titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!"

When the girl saw me, she broke free of the hands of the three women and ran towards me.

I opened my arms and waited for her to dive in enthusiastically, but-

She just pulled my sleeve timidly and hid behind me.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" I smiled: "Sisters bullied you?"

The girl shook her head, but looked at me baffledly.

"Well, I think about it..."

"Don't think about it." Kagali walked to me and said, "She is hungry."

"Hungry... Huh? How did you know?"

Kagali curled her lips: "I asked while bathing her."

"No, she's really burying herself, it seems that she hasn't taken a bath for a long time!" Barbara complained, "The mud **** rubbed off are all that big!"

She made an exaggerated gesture.

"Her skin is good, it's even better than mine" Fenghuang looked at the girl's small face enviously, a little unconvinced.

I smiled and said: "Of course, how old she is, how old you are."

The phoenix didn't say a word, and pinched my waist fiercely with his fingers. The pain made my face change.

Barbara snorted coldly.

Kagali smiled but didn't smile: "I really can't speak."

Then she asked: "Xiao Yi, what is her name?"

I was stunned, really, people were picked up by me, but I forgot to ask for their names. This was done.

I laughed awkwardly, Kagali sighed, "I knew you would forget."

As she said, she knelt down and said to the girl: "Tell sister, what is your name?"

The girl still looked at me timidly, not daring to talk.

"Well, let's talk" I smiled and said, "Tell sister."


The voice is small, I almost didn't hear it clearly.

"Lizi?" Barbara said, "This name is so nice."

Phoenix nodded in agreement.

Kagali asked again: "Do you like it here?"

Lizi thought for a while and nodded vigorously.

"If you want to stay, you have to know a lot of skills." Kagali said: "Tell sister, what do you know?"

"She's still a child, she..."

As soon as I uttered my voice, Kagali glared back, so I closed my mouth and looked at it honestly.

Lizi looked up at me, her eyes still timid, I spread out her hands, expressing her helplessness, she lowered her head again, looked at the toes, for a long time, then said: "I, I can sweep the floor, wash clothes, and do housework......"

"Well, well, you can stay." Kagali smiled and said, "You will do all the work in the house in the future. You must remember that you must not only do it seriously, but also do it well, understand? "

Lizi nodded vigorously.

Kagali stood up, touched Lizi's soft hair, then raised her head and said, "Xiaoyi, come to my room."

With that, turned around and left.

Barbara and Phoenix also came in. Before turning around, Phoenix stuck out her little tongue at me and made a face.

I smiled helplessly: Seeing Kagali's expression, I must be trained.

As I was about to leave, I saw Lizi's little hand, still pulling my sleeve forcefully, I moved a little, and she moved a little too.

I squatted down and said, "My sister is looking for something to do with my brother, so you can play with...and grandpa first, okay?"

Lizi turned her head, looked at Taylor lying on the rocking chair, and said, "Okay."

"Good" I touched her head and walked towards the third woman's room.

Looking back, Lizi still looked at me reluctantly.

Entering the room, closing the door, Kagali's expression was a little serious, and she was silent for a while, and said, "Who is this girl?"

I was taken aback and sighed: "Didn't you say it before, you still don't believe me?"

After hearing this, Kagali shook her head: "It's not that I don't believe it, I think the clearer this kind of thing is, the better."

"What does this mean?"

Kagali said: "I admit that the first impression I saw her felt that she was very pitiful, but I still want to ask, how much do you know about her?"

Ashamed, Li Zi and I have only a short two-faced relationship, and there is no way to understand her.

Silence became my answer.

Kagali sighed and said, "Xiao Yi, I know you sympathize with the disadvantaged, but you can't just bring someone back. Tyler is your old knowledge, and it's also a basic knowledge. That's all, Lizi is still waiting. Observation, but it looks true, it’s not fake, and it’s okay, but if you continue to do this, in case one day, the hostile person has mastered your sympathy, and in this way the undercover agent is sent in, and once it’s out Situation, what do you say?"

I was embarrassed and kept silent.

Barbara said: "Xiao Yi, although I have opinions about cowgirls, I still think that she is right this time."

Phoenix did not speak, but ran over, spread a mat on the table, and patted it.

I smiled at her gratefully, didn't say hello, and sat down on the cushion.

Afterwards, Phoenix leaned softly on my shoulder.

"Weird girl, we are talking about business, we are not allowed to act like a baby to please Xiao Yi at this time!"

Kagali filled with indignation.

Phoenix closed his eyes and completely ignored her.

I sighed and said: "You are right. I was too careless. I only made this decision after seeing Lizi's only relative and her brother died today."

"How did her brother die?" Barbara asked.

"Starved to death" I said: "After being sent to the treatment center, the pastor said that it was late because of long-term hunger and fear."

Kagali was startled: "Then she..."

"She is in better condition than her brother, but if we continue, it will be a matter of a few days."

Everyone was silent together.

From the faces of Barbara and Kagali, I saw surprise and guilt.

Barbara has an aunt and has never felt the taste of starvation. Although Kagali is not like a rich person, she is not like an adventurer who can't eat. At least, someone who can build a small guild , In terms of money, there is always not much missing.

Here, the only people who have tasted starvation are Phoenix and me.

Phoenix pillowed my shoulders, and grandma said, "I believe Lizi is real. She has the same eyes as mine. I can read her heart."

"Giant milk monster, what do you mean...what do you mean?"

Phoenix said indifferently, "I know how difficult it is, because I've been hungry too."

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