The masked woman didn't say anything when she saw me. She stretched out her hand and shook it before my eyes. I immediately came back to my senses: "Huh? What's wrong?"

She frowned and said, "Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, of course" I said hurriedly: "You didn't mean that the second young master wants to take advantage of the opportunity to clean up the world boss to eradicate dissidents."

The masked woman nodded slightly and said, "I want to ask you what you think?"

"What else can I see?" I spread my hands: "The soldiers will come to block, the water will cover the earth, if God has a good opportunity, take the opportunity of scouring the world boss, and let him do it."

She gave me a stern look: "It's easy to say, do you know how many masters are around the Second Young Master? It depends on you and those people in your guild?"

There was disdain in her eyes, and the silk covering her face was also squirming slightly, she must be curling her mouth even more disdain.

"Then what do you say?" I shrugged and said, "Do you have any feasible suggestions?"

She didn't speak, her body shook slightly, like a small tree swaying in the wind. After a while, she said, "If I have one, I won't come to you."

"It's not the same." I sighed, "Let's take a step and take a look. The boat will be straight at the top of the bridge. There will always be a way."

Ruoyouruowu gave a hum, and her body shook twice again.

I took the opportunity of stretching my waist to get closer to her, and a soft fragrance floated into my nose, refreshing.

However, I found that in this delicate fragrance, there is a slight other smell.

"Are you hurt?" I asked.

"How did you know?" The masked woman looked a little surprised, and then she said again: "It's okay, little hurt."

These two prefaces don't follow, and I am stunned.

I paused before saying: "Have you ever seen a small injury that can make people stand still?"

She seemed to talk, but in the end she didn't say it, but swallowed it.

"You wait." I jumped on the wall, turned around, and said, "Don't go."

She nodded slightly.

I turned around, and directed at Taylor, who was dangling on the rocking chair sometime, and whispered: "Old man, I'm going to trouble you."

Tyler had an eye in his mouth and a thought-provoking smile appeared in his mouth.

Afterwards, he slowly got up from the rocking chair, straightened his back, staggered to the root of the wall, and deliberately lowered his voice and said: "Bunny, what are you looking for me?"

"Don't pretend, old man, come up soon, I need help."

Tyler chuckled and beat his back again.

Seeing him pretending to be procrastinating, I couldn't help turning my head, and sighed.

Turning his face away, Taylor was gone.

I was wondering where the old man went. He turned his head, oh, he didn't know when, he had come to the other side of the wall, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the masked woman.

"Old man, okay, you really have the ability. I didn't even see how you came out. Just swish like that and come straight over."

Taylor waved his hand: "It's not working, it's old."

He said, reaching out his hand, trying to grasp the masked woman's wrist.

The masked woman frowned, panicked, and drew back when she turned away.

Unexpectedly, the old man was so fast that she couldn't let her dodge at all, and he caught up in an instant. Then, a group of pale green light followed Taylor's fingertips and climbed onto the woman's arm, then submerged into the skin and disappeared. not see.

"What did you do to me!" She stretched out her hands in her horror, and I wondered, maybe she wanted to take out a small crossbow that could be used well.

Immediately pressed his throat and said: "Stop, don't get excited!"

She paused, took her hand out, and shook it fiercely, but her eyes were staring at me, and her brows were tightly furrowed.

"Don't worry, Taylor won't hurt you" I explained.

She still didn't speak, but her brows seemed to loosen, and it seemed that the pale green light was healing.

Taylor stood aside and said leisurely: "You are an old injury. It was suppressed well. Recently, you have done too much strenuous exercise and caused relapse. Just now, it was a cure. Although it cannot cure the root, it has recovered to the relapse. In the previous state, it was still very easy."

He said, turning around, without seeing how to move, the whole person disappeared in place, swish, jumped up the high wall, did not look back, but the voice came over: "There will be fewer murders in the future, Eri City is much better than you. I’m gone, I can’t guarantee when the next relapse will happen, let alone whether you will live until then."

I frowned, this old man, everything else is fine, but if he speaks too aggressively, he will have no friends.

Turning around, the masked woman looked at me with a dull expression and did not speak.

"What's wrong with you?"

I ask.

She moved her mouth, and it took a long time to make a sound: "He, he is..."

I spread my hands and said, "He's just an indifferent old man. I take him as a grandfather. He is a nice man, but his mouth is too bad. Don't hate him."

"No, no, I won't hate him." She waved her hand again and again, and said, "I meant to say that there is such a powerful expert in your guild?"

"Is it great?" I scratched my head: "Exaggerated."

She was anxious: "You are also a combat adventurer, don't you see his skill?"

I smiled slightly, suddenly approached two steps, moved closer to a position less than an inch from her face, facing each other, and whispered softly: "Remember, he is just an ordinary old man and will not participate in any dangerous actions, so are you. You think so, don't you?"

I didn't use a serious tone, but there were threats between the lines.

She tilted her head back slightly, but still refused to take a step back: "If you have his help..."

My index finger gently pressed the position of her lips, stopped her words, and with the slightest tone, said to her: "He is just an ordinary, old man."

The masked woman confronted me for a while, and nodded helplessly.

I retracted my hand and sniffed gently on my nose: "It's so fragrant."

"Rogue!" she muttered.

I showed a very useful expression and said: "I will find a way for the Second Young Master. It will be a long time before the next World Boss resurrection. As long as there is enough time, the possibility of success will be greater."

"You know, the second master has been recruiting large and medium guilds, and it has been a while!"

Her tone was rather anxious. I thought about it and said lightly: "He is an careerist and a public figure. Although he also likes to play dark, he is more bright than dark. I am an adventurer. Many people pay attention, so from the beginning to the end, the road I walked was dark. As the saying goes, "open guns are easy to hide, and secret arrows are hard to defend." Don't worry, I'm going to be political. I might not be his opponent, but said If you start playing with the yin, he may not be able to play with me again. The big guys have the methods of the big guys, and the little ones have the tricks of the little guys. It's the same sentence, just wait and see."

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