I was stunned, the manager was right!

In my state, my arms hug the barrel tightly, and my face is attached to the barrel, and even my body is close to the barrel, leaving no gap at all, and hanging a stack of clothing bags.

However, I have a habit that is different from ordinary people. It is to save small money but not big money. It is right to say that I will live. It is also right to say that I am a stingy iron cock. I can bear it, but I can't bear to spend the small amount of money when sending things.

So I asked him with a fluke: "Is it free to give something?"

The shop manager replied, "It's free, sir."

"Okay." I smiled, slowly put the wooden barrel in my arms on the ground, lifted my clothes bag, and said: "Then I will do my best."

Manager:? ! ! !

"Sir?" The store manager had a dumb expression on his face: "What do you mean?"

"Oh, isn't it free to send things?"

The shop manager has a black line on his face: "Sir, I mean that giving clothes is free, you..."

"Oh, you don't need to send the clothes, just send this for me."

"Sir, first..."

I walked straight forward and decided not to look back.

This is a reputable clothing store. The manager inside is a good-minded store manager. Unfortunately, he met a shameless customer like me, so...

I hummed a song and walked casually home, behind me, followed by three panting shop assistants, carefully carrying this big bucket of watermelon juice.

Before, I put the barrel directly on the ground, turned around and left. It was a gamble of mine. I bet that the store manager with moral integrity would send someone to deliver it.

As a result, I made a right bet.

It saves a lot of effort and I feel very happy. As for the three shop assistants who helped me carry the barrel, I don't know whether they are in a happy mood, but I will not treat them badly in the end.

At the door of the house, I directed the three of them to place the wooden barrels by the wall.

Putting down the wooden barrel, the three of them wiped off their sweat, and they hurried back without breathing well.

I stopped them, stretched out my arms, took out three silver coins, put them into their palms one by one, smiled and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

The three of them nodded and bowed, thanking them for a while, and then left happily.

I patted the wooden barrel and looked at the pile of clothes bags in my hand. I decided to put the clothes bags home first, and then talk about the wooden barrels. Anyway, others can't steal it, even if it is stolen. After a lot of effort, I found that there was a bucket full of watermelon juice, so it didn't break down.

As soon as I entered the yard, I saw that you all got up, each of them had finished freshening up, they should sit and rest, and they should sit and rest.

Lizi was sitting on a small bench, and in front of her was a wooden basin with half a basin of clean water in it, and a small pile of dirty clothes on the other side.

At this moment, she was rubbing the clothes in the basin hard, sweat dripping from her forehead cracklingly, beside her, Lily was holding a small handkerchief, constantly wiping her sweat.

I was not happy at the time. I lost my things and yelled: "Hey hey, what do you elders do, let a little girl wash your dirty clothes so hard, shameless or shameless!"

When I shouted, everyone's attention was attracted by me, and I could feel that the faces of several big men were very embarrassing.

Rocky ran up to me flatly, and said with a hippie smile: "Boss, you are back, this is how things are."

He said, leaning close to me, and whispered: "It was Lizi who wanted to do it herself, not what we forced her to do. I told her, put it there, we can wash it by ourselves, but she just refuses."

As I listened, my face sank.

In fact, I have already understood Loki's words, but when this happened, I also had an attitude. More importantly, I didn't know how much water Loki's words contained.

Yes, he does not lie to me, but this does not mean that he will not deliberately modify some processes and push all the responsibilities to other places.

I coughed and beckoned to Lizi.

Lizi put down her work, and ran over in small steps, her face blank and worried.

Before I could speak, she spoke first: "Xiao, Brother Xiaoyi, I, I was wrong."

I was stunned, what's the situation?

I knelt down and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Lizi stared at me with big blank eyes, but couldn't say a word.

I understand. She doesn’t know what’s going on. She just habitually admits her mistakes first. This may have something to do with her living environment. In that kind of bullied living environment, even if the weak are beaten up, they’re asking When you do, you must first admit your mistakes. Only in this way can you avoid another severe beating.

This personality cannot be changed in a while, but it can be changed slowly through the environment.

Since I took her here, I decided to change her myself.

"You are not wrong" I smiled and said: "Moreover, don't just say that you are wrong in the future. Here, right, right, wrong, wrong, no need to show weakness, no one will bully you, and no need to be inferior. Because there doesn’t seem to be a noble-born guy in this guild. Even if there is, you don’t need to look high. Just look up. Remember, this is our guild and our home. Here, there is no oppression and no Discrimination, and there is no such thing as the weak and the strong. Everyone is equal and needs to help each other. Only in this way can our guild and our family survive for a longer time, you understand?"

Lizi nodded her head seemingly understanding, as if a bird pecking at her food.

Touching her head, I said, "Well, now you tell me, who made you wash these dirty clothes?"

Lizi's mouth opened wide, and after a while, she said, "Yes, it's me."

"You took the initiative to wash it?" I asked, "No one forced you?"

She shook her head vigorously and bit her lip. For a while, she said: "I, I'm working hard, I, I want to stay."

Seeing her serious expression, I let out a long sigh, and I relaxed.

"Silly girl" said as I took her into my arms.

This weak and boneless body became a little stiff in my arms. It may be the first time she was embraced by a man like this, so she was nervous.

"Don't worry, you are already a member of our guild" I whispered softly: "Don't try to please others anymore, okay?"

"Okay, okay, okay..." Lizi stammered and couldn't say how the word ‘of’ came out.

Just when I was hugging the weak and boneless girl, Kagali pushed the door open and shouted: "Let go of that girl and come at me!"

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