After drinking and eating, Jackson was overwhelmed with eye addiction. Finally, everyone walked out of the cafe and went to their own business.

I asked Kagali: "Have you not finished decorating yet?"

Kagali shook her head: "How can it be so fast? It will take a few days. In these few days, you have to clean up monsters, don't be lazy, don't take risks..."

"Don't peek at other women!" Barbar pulled her nose tight and stared at me.

Phoenix tugged at my sleeve without saying a word, then showed a sweet smile.

"Okay, I promise you." I squeezed the three daughters' faces and said, "Then I'm leaving, and I will ask you at home."

"it is good!"

The three women waved to me.

At this time, the voice of the dead brother Billy sounded not far away: "Isn't this a goodbye to life and death, is it guilty of such a reluctance?"

Then, I heard him scream, and immediately cried out for mercy: "President, forgive me, I won't dare anymore, please, don't slap in the face!"

Entering the dungeon, I dive directly into the deepest level that I can reach. The current goal is only one, to increase my strength as much as possible, preferably to a level that no one can reach, so that no one dares to disobey me and my people. Up.

But this kind of assumption seems to only be able to assume that the current highest level is thirteen. Look at me again. At seven, I am at a level where I am at a level where I am not as good as I am, and I want to go up six consecutively in just a few months. Level, unless the **** of creation personally opened it to me, or I will have adventures every day, **** meets the white beard grandfather to pass me experience points, otherwise, no show.

The deepest level I have entered is the nineteenth level, and the scope of the nineteenth level also seems to be much larger than all previous levels.

There are three types of ghost face spiders here: ordinary ghost face spiders, elite ghost face spiders, and giant ghost face spiders.

Ordinary Ghost Face Spiders are relatively weak, they like to be in groups, have certain attack tactics, and know how to outflank points, but their combat methods are relatively simple and they do little harm to me.

The strength of the elite ghost face spider is much stronger, and also likes to group, but around it, there are often a dozen or even dozens of ordinary ghost face spiders.

Elite ghost face spiders are much better than ordinary ghost face spiders. Not only do they know more tactics, but there are also many types of magic attacks that they understand. Of course, there are also some other special types, but I don't know much.

The last kind, the giant ghost face spider, this kind of thing is completely beyond my expectation. It is not only terrifying in strength, but also clever and knows more tactics.

At the beginning, the giant ghost-faced spider that we collectively eliminated was an underdeveloped larva at best. Just yesterday, I came into contact with the real giant ghost-faced spider, and I felt it at a closer distance. The coercion released by the monster.

I can only compare it this way. This kind of coercion is exactly the same as the feeling of encountering a tauren boss at level 4, and even more. The reason is simple. They also act in groups.

Think about it, every giant ghost face spider will gather several or even dozens of elite ghost face spiders, and every elite ghost face spider will gather several or even dozens of ordinary ghost face spiders.

In other words, the spider squad led by each giant ghost-faced spider is enough to make people startled, but they also like to hug together. As a result, the number of their teams is even more sensational.

With my strength level, there is no way to eliminate them all in a short time. If I go, I will only find my way.

The only thing I can do now is to eliminate all kinds of ordinary ghost-faced spiders and increase their strength for the battle in the near future.

While cutting down the ghost-faced spiders, I also recalled the scene of Ultraman hitting the little monsters in my mind. There will always be an open-minded audience who wants to match Ultraman and the little monsters together. I am not ashamed or embarrassed, and I am in love with each other. I have wiped out the ghost-faced spider on such a large area. There is no such thing as a guy who popped out to **** for the story that I have to tell between the ghost-faced spider...

My way of killing ghost face spiders is very crooked. This is not what I did deliberately, but I am really a little crazy about roads. When I walk along, I will get lost when I encounter many caves, and after I get lost, I I often worry about the way I came from before, and I often get tired after a few minutes.

The only thing I can do after getting tired is to open up a new path with my knife again.

Ever since, there is another tunnel or ordinary or elite ghost face spider that will suffer.

Of course, this rampage method is not completely effective. Occasionally, I will break into the nest of giant ghost-faced spiders, and the result of breaking into the nest is often that I run wild, trying to escape there as quickly as possible.

In short, in this battle, we are either strong or weak and rampage, or strong and weak, turning around and fleeing.

After killing for a while, I ran into a squad that just finished the battle. So they sat on one side, and I sat on the other side, helping each other to monitor the situation on their sides, while taking out dry food and water to eat and drink.

The adventurer team that can come to the nineteenth floor is not simple, natural, and the one sitting opposite me is the same.

Their captain is a middle-aged man, and his weapon is a giant axe, but at this moment, his giant axe is already on one side of his body, holding good-looking food and wine, eating and drinking.

While looking at him indifferently, I gnawed a few bites of bread, poured a sip of water, and then gnawed a few more bites, then sent it down with water, and went back and forth.

"Hey, brother, do you want to come over and eat together?" The middle-aged captain said suddenly. He raised up the good food in his hand and continued: "This thing tastes very good, and there is wine. It's better than bread and water."

I didn't respond. I was still pouring a mouthful of bread and water. After a while, I gnawed four or five of the bread, and I poured out a half pot of water.

Putting the stopper on, I said, "Thank you for your kindness, I'm already full."

The middle-aged captain did not feel any surprise at all, and at the same time, did not feel any dissatisfaction. He just let out a more hearty laughter, and then said: "I think you are alone?"

I nodded.

"It's not easy for a person to brush the nineteenth floor." He swallowed the food in his mouth and continued: "Are you interested in coming to my team?"

I waved from them and declined.

The middle-aged captain didn't get angry either, he smiled, and said, "Well, can you wait for us to finish eating before we part ways together?"

I nodded.

This is the etiquette of the underground city. Once the two parties reach a tacit understanding during lunch, they will help each other monitor the crisis behind each other, so that not only can they protect others' backs, but also their own backs.

It is a win-win situation.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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