Old Paige didn't seem to hear the surprise in my tone, and while continuing to work in his hands, he said: "He is just passing by here, as if holding something in his hand."

"What is it?" My curiosity came up.

"I didn't pay attention." He cut off a corner with great effort, and said: "But it doesn't feel like a weapon, but a gift."

"Oh? Gifts?" My gossip soul burned up: "So, he is going to attend a friend's wedding?"

"I don't know" Old Paige shook his head: "But it doesn't feel like it. He is not wearing formal clothes."

No formal wear...

I nodded. It seems that this is not like the rhythm of attending a wedding. A person like him, whoever participates in any public event, will definitely dress up, so it seems that his trip this time It has nothing to do with any activity.

In that case, will it be a private party?

I fell into thinking: Harold told me before that he was the lord of the city. When he said this, his eyes were not erratic and his expression did not hesitate. In other words, he was probably not lying.

Since he didn't lie, what did he do with the gift box?

Could it be that he has received any news?

Or maybe he already knows the default candidate for the next City Lord, so he will go there and show his determination?

Although I don't think Harold will do such a thing, it is not impossible under the general trend.

But here comes the problem. This is already the center of the civilian area, far away from the noble area. Could it be that the heir of the city lord lives in the civilian area?

Or is it that they finally settled the meeting place in the civilian area in order to conceal their eyes?

One hypothesis after another flew out, and I found my brain was getting bigger and bigger.

After a while, I shook my feverish head and said, "I'm leaving, I will chat with you again when I have time."

Old Paggy let out a ‘um’ without raising his head.

Once immersed in the state of production, he completely ignores everything around him.

Close the door gently, I walked towards home, passing by the cafe, and looking inside, surprisingly, I didn't even see the lady boss.

"Hey, the lady boss, who is always there, can't stick to her post today." I laughed and thought for a while: Did it go to the toilet?

When I think of the boss’s wife going to the bathroom, I opened another brain hole: if Jackson was there, he would try his best to peep, and someone like him would definitely do such irritating things. Come.

However, after searching around, I did not find Jackson's shadow either. I guess either I went to play with the tail, or helped with the decoration at home.

After watching for a while, I finally got bored, so I wandered towards home.

As I approached the door of the house, I heard Kagali arguing with someone in the yard, and the voice was loud.

I walked to the door curiously, and poked my head slightly: a few strangers who I didn't know, holding weapons, were arguing fiercely with Kagali. The content seemed to be related to the guild.

It seems that someone has reached out to my guild here.

I pretended to be ignorant and coughed twice, attracting everyone's eyes. I walked forward with a smile on my face and said, "Hello, my friend, I am the president of the Fearless Guild, please come here. What are you doing?"

"You are the president?" The few people stared, looked at me up and down, and reached out their hands to Kagali: "What is she?"

I continued to smile and said, "Oh, she is my wife."

"It turned out to be just the president's horse, so **** pretend!"

Hearing this person's uncleanness, Kagali's face turned pale and she was about to do it. I walked up quickly, stopped her, turned and smiled: "My friend, if you have anything, can you? Take a step to speak?"

"Take a step? Why!" The man arrogantly said: "I just want to say here, you the **** president of a small guild is bullying me!"

"This is not so good..."

"What's wrong!" The leader glared: "Fuck! Who the **** dare to say it's bad!"

"Actually, I have a few problems..."

Before I finished speaking, the leader interrupted again: "You have something wrong with me. Our brothers came here today for the same purpose. Do you Fearless Guild submit to it or not to our master!"

Sure enough, have you started to work on the small guild?

I shook my head: "You don't know anything, my problem is very bad, really."

"The boss asks you something, you **** answer quickly!" One of the wicked men reached out and slammed my nose.


I didn't dodge or dodge. I abruptly received the punch, and my nosebleeds dripped down instantly. The sorrow and sorrow of my nose made it impossible for me to suppress the bursting of the lacrimal glands. Tears also burst out at this moment.

However, I did not bend over, nor leaned back, or even made any movement. I just smiled quietly. By the way, behind me, I gestured to everyone not to move with my hands and let me deal with it.

I closed my eyes a little, passed the sorrow of my nose, and continued to speak: "Could you give me a few days to think about it?"

"I think it's shameless to you!" The adventurer stepped forward again, snapped, and slapped me heavily.

The cheeks are slightly red and hot, but I still keep smiling: "You are right, I still ask you to give me a few days to think about it, okay?"

"Fuck me!"

With just this sound, I was pushed to the ground by a few people, punched and kicked, I silently suffered, remembering every punch and foot they abused me, the pain, compared with the monster's attack, weak There are many, but this kind of humiliation, I must deeply remember that this is my first indirect contact with a high-ranking person. In a world of this level of strength and strength, I want to see that it is your blood left the right lasting. , Or the strength I have accumulated bit by bit is more cruel!

After a brutal beating, they finally stopped. The man in the lead grabbed me by the collar, took a sip, and said viciously: "If you have a kind, tell you, tomorrow, I will come again. No reply, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

After that, he left aggressively.

Before leaving, several people greedily glanced at the girls in my guild.

The three women's hands trembled and lifted me up. Phoenix was already in tears. On the other side, Lily and Lizi had already started to cry with fright, and the others were trembling with anger.


Kagali asked me, her voice choked.

"You can't do it in our guild, let alone leave any clues. It's not time yet." I stroked their cheeks and smiled and said, "However, tomorrow, they will definitely not come again."

Looking at the shocked eyes of Barbara and Phoenix, I said: "I used to have a nickname, which was made by this kid."

With that said, I pointed to Billy.

Billy rolled his eyes and sighed: "When dealing with enemies, Xiaoyi usually doesn't smile. Smiling will kill."

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