Since ancient times, there have been many injustices among the wealthy, and so have the other worlds.

Of the more than 30 children, half of them died at the hands of their elder brothers, while the other half died from the struggle between each other. There were only a dozen of them left, either stubbornly or not.

I was silent, but there were still waves in my heart.

After a while, Harold asked, "Did Rodney not participate in this dispute?"

Harold simply said: "No, he was still young at that time, it was not a threat, and no one took him too seriously."

That's right, after all, he is a brother of brothers, as long as he is sure that he has no intention of fighting for power, he can let go of a horse, and let him go.

It's just that he has grown up now, and he is beginning to highlight his own threatening characteristics. Although he spends every day in the dungeon to spawn monsters and upgrade, no one should think about it. He is just as simple as spawning monsters.

Rodney wanted to entrust his sister to me, to a large extent, he may have already thought clearly: no matter how low-key he is, in the eyes of the elder brother and the second brother, it will only be a potential threat. Like his brothers and sisters, he will become a victim on the road to the successor, and with his sacrifice, his sister may also become a funeral.

Thinking of this, I can't help but mumble: How much is this my sister...

As a friend, I can only do my best to save his life while he is suffering. As for his sister, I will never accept it. I should leave it to him. I'm afraid that someday this controlling sister will be crazy. The devil knocked on the door in the middle of the night to talk to me.

However, before protecting Rodney and others, I must have enough strength to protect my family first. After all, to me, my family is more important, and secondly, it is the lives of him and his sister.

He slashed one ghost face spider after another, and soon reached the end of the cave, so he turned around and slew towards another exit.

At this moment, I suddenly remembered a question and turned to ask Harold: "I heard that Yura is Rodney's cousin?"

Harold said ‘um’.

I said, "Will she also be in danger?"

"This won't" Harold said: "Even though Yura is Rodney's cousin, she is a collateral relative after all. He only has the status of aristocracy and does not have inheritance rights."

"Oh, all right......"

"Huh?" He turned his head abruptly, with a playful smile: "Are you caring about Yura?"

I instantly gave birth to a black line on my forehead and murmured: "It's just the care between my companions."

"Oh, that's it, I understand, I understand" he said earnestly and patted my shoulder.

I casually hacked to death a ghost-faced spider that was about to move, hooked the corner of my mouth, and showed a weird and helpless smile: "Haha."

Over the whole day, we killed more than a hundred ghostface spiders. I can't remember the exact number. Anyway, when the money was divided, I got more than 40 silver coins.

For me who is not short of money for the time being, more than forty silver coins are already a large number, at least enough for my consumption for a few days.

Harold asked me if I would have dinner together, but I refused. After all, the family may not have prepared the meal, and I also want to go back as soon as possible to see how the home renovation is progressing.

I walked swiftly all the way, and as soon as I entered the yard, I saw that there were a lot of new things in the empty yard. There were sports equipment, camping equipment, new barbecue tools, and an extra hut, the most important thing. Yes, why do I feel that even the grass looks like it has been renovated?

I looked blankly at the three women walking towards me with a dazed expression.

Kagali said: "I ordered someone to add some new things. By the way, and this grassland, is it comfortable to step on? This is the new grass seed I bought, please ask Taylor for magic."

I glanced at Tyler, he was looking through the latest Erre Times.

"Haha" I showed a smile that didn't know what it was like, and said, "It's good, it's good, you just need to be happy."

The three women were very satisfied with my reaction. They pulled me and said, "When we are free in the future, we will return to Dasaicheng together and renovate the home over there the same way as this one."

My smile is even brighter: "Okay, no problem, as long as you are happy, I agree with everything."

"Then it's settled" Kagali said: "After finishing the house decoration, we will go to see my parents."

"Okay, as long as you...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhh?

"Yes" Kagali said: "You have already met Barbara's relatives, and Phoenix's relatives have not been found yet, but she is not married to you anymore. Only my parents are here. You have not met."


After a while, I asked: "When do you plan to implement all this?"

She tapped her chin with her finger, thought about it, and said, "It's impossible in the short term, so let's implement it within the next two years."


It turned out not to be implemented immediately, so I can rest assured.

It's not that I don't want to see Kagali's parents, but that I haven't been ready yet. The situation in Eri City is very tight. If there is a slight error, the melee will be triggered.

I could have taken my own people to live in other towns in an airship, especially in Fort Witch. I could still get a noble title, but in fact, I can't do that.

The reason is simple, Barbara's aunt is unwilling to leave here.

In her words: I still have attachment to this land.

If the boss does not leave, Jackson will definitely stay. This is the answer he gave me during the previous questioning.

Moreover, Barbara will be very worried if the boss does not leave. Barbara who is worried will not feel happy. In order to prevent Barbara from worrying, I can only ask for perfection and not leave here for the time being.

As a result, this situation formed a strange circle, forcing me to upgrade my level and strength as soon as possible.

After agreeing with Kagali's thoughts, dinner was served, and I whispered to Loki what was going on.

Loki whispered in a whispered ear: "Boss, thank you for agreeing with Sister Kagali's idea, otherwise, you will be miserable."


Rocky looked around cautiously and saw that no one was paying attention to both of us, so he continued: "Sister Kagali declared before that, if you don’t agree to meet her parents, you can only stand for dinner today. Look, I can't sit and eat anymore."

I was angrily and whispered: "I rely on it, it is unreasonable, I am the head of the family, the guild president!"

Rocky patted me on the back hurriedly, and said with a smile: "I understand everything, boss, hehehehe."

He let out a wretched laugh. From the laughter, I read the meaning that made me very depressed: Boss, you are a strict wife. I understand and understand...

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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