The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 397: The purpose of the battle

Yura's beautiful eyes were round, and she walked quickly to my side. Although the expression on her face was still as cold as playing cards, there were all kinds of worries in her eyes.

"Xiaoyi, how are you?" She leaned down and looked at my swollen arm with concern. It was the bones that had shattered due to the direct impact of the huge force.

"Oh, I'm okay." Enduring the pain, I smiled and glanced at Harold who looked at me with the same concern, and cursed in my heart: "He's meow, why don't you call the priest!"

Perhaps it was my curse, and Harold hurriedly called: "The priest, the priest, come here!"

A dozen pastors rushed over at a small meeting, and the group of invited spectators came at the same time.

In the healing magic of many priests, there is a feeling of sleeping on the hotbed, and the whole body is relaxed and comfortable, and I can't wait to let out a happy moan.

It’s just that there are too many people watching me, and this behavior is too embarrassing, I have to hold back.

About twenty minutes later, the broken bones on the arm had healed, and only some torn muscles were not fully healed, but for me, who has strong healing power, I just take a short break for a minute or two. Then resume.

I raised my hand and shook my arm to indicate that there is no problem.

Many priests looked at Harold one after another, and then left after Harold nodded.

I sat up from the ground and looked around, only to realize that the spectators who came up were not looking at me, but were looking at Harold's great sword.

At this time, I discovered that there was a handprint-like groove on the surface of his great sword. The groove was very deep and almost penetrated the body of the great sword. At its thinnest point, the thickness did not even reach one. The degree of kraft paper.

"It's amazing destructive power!" Monroe's voice was a little gloomy. He glanced at me and said: "If this is directly hit on the flesh, it will definitely cause fatal damage!"

Next to him, Xu Tengbo's boss also had a stern expression, and said, "I don't want to meet such an opponent."

Jin Siqi's boss was also a female soldier, she didn't speak, but nodded thoughtfully.

Several other strangers whispered to each other, and soon one of the representatives spoke: "President Harold, your combat effectiveness is very strong and you have met the requirements, so we passed your application."

With that, he took out a badge from his arms, handed it over, and said: "Congratulations, from now on, you are a member of the Adventurer Base Guard."

Adventurer base guard?

what is this?

I glanced at the badge suspiciously, then glanced at the expressions of Harold and a few strange faces, and suddenly realized that I had accidentally caught Harold’s trap and became his touchstone, helping him complete an item he might A coveted goal.


I uttered a curse, and at the same time, I secretly decided in my heart: Seeing that I don't bleed him this time, he's meow, even I dare to calculate!

Seeing my smiling face, Harold seemed to understand something, and took the initiative to step forward to me: "I'm sorry, Xiaoyi, this identity is very important, so I, hehe, I thought of you accidentally ......"

"Oh~" I replied strangely.

"Then what, when it's over, I'll make up for you. You can say as many gold coins as you want, and I hope you don't blame me."

As he said, he bowed slightly to me, with a sincere apology on his face.

I'm not the kind of person who is not forgiving. Since he expressed his deep apologies, and at the same time, he promised me to report the amount of gold coins at will, haha... what!

I got up, stood aside, looked around, and saw a group of pastors and staff also standing not far away. Suddenly I felt a little hungry, so I planned to go and ask them if there are any more pastries.

Unexpectedly, before I walked, I was blocked by a guy with a strange face. This guy is not tall and looks very ordinary. His face has the expression of being in a high position all the time, but at this moment, his expression is slightly slightly. Be gentle, at least, can see the kindness of closeness.

"Is there anything?" I asked.

"I wonder how this friend is called?"

"My name is An Xiaoyi."

"Oh, fortunate to meet you," he said, stretched out his hands, we shook hands, and he said again: "I am the person in charge of the defense of the adventurer base. My name is Daniel. I just saw you and Harold. The battle between the guild leaders is very exciting, it can be called the level of first-class fighters!"

When he said the words'first-class fighter', his eyes were a little erratic, and he could tell that he was flattering me and Harold. In fact, I knew it well, a seventh-level fighter, who had just completed the transformation mission. Tenth-level fighters, the battle between these two people can only be called pretty good-looking at full play. It is not wonderful at all, and naturally it is not up to the first-class level.

Presumably, he must ask for something, or have any expectations of me, that's what he said.

Thinking of this, I looked as usual and nodded, waiting for his next words.

Daniel was always looking at my face during this period. I guess he was observing the change of my expression. At this level of identity, it is essential to observe my words and colors. After I nodded, he was obviously a little happy and said, "That's it. , President Harold’s strength is obvious to all. Since he chose you as his opponent, your strength must be recognized by him, and judging from the wonderful battle just now, your strength is definitely enough. I want to invite you to our selected members. Are you interested in joining our adventurer base guard?"

Look, the olive branch is thrown out. God knows what kind of guard your adventurer base guard is, besides, I have a guild!

So, I declined and said, "Thank you for your invitation, but it's a bit inconvenient for me."

"Oh?" Daniel's face changed slightly at the moment he was turned down, but he didn't express it. He still tried to say with a gentle expression: "What are your difficulties? Can you tell me."

"Ah, that's it, I have already joined a guild."

"This matter has nothing to do with the guild." Daniel shook his head and said, "Which of these people on the scene did not join the guild. Whether to join the guild or not has nothing to do with whether to become a member of the Adventurer Base Guard."

Hearing his words, the Adventurer Base Guard and the Adventurer Guild are not in conflict and can coexist.

Daniel added: "Becoming a member of the Adventurer Base Guard, but the lifelong pursuit of many adventurers is not only a symbol of honor, but also many unexpected benefits."

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