Back to the guild, went straight to Harold's office.

After closing the door, the three of us sat together for a long time without saying a word.

After a while, I said, "Well, is there something that bothers you? Come and tell me, don't look at me like this, I'm very gentle, and I'm fully qualified for the role of confidant brother."

Yura rolled her eyes and muttered, "Really, I'm saying something I don't understand again."

Harold sighed, looking a little weak, and said, "Xiao Yi, what happened today, after you go out, you must not mention it again."

"Uh...Okay" I replied, "But, what happened, how come you seem to have recovered from a serious illness?"

He was still frowning, as if he hadn't decided whether to tell what was buried in his heart.

At this time, Yola spoke: "Xiao Yi, or you go back first, some things will be very troublesome once you know them."

I spread out my hands, with a completely stunned expression, and said in a frantic heart: He is meowing, why are these two people surprised? What the **** is it!

After a while, Harold raised his head and opened his brows, but the expression on his face was still solemn, he said solemnly: "Yura, there is no need to hide from Xiao Yi, he already knows the cause of this matter, and ......"

Having said that, he suddenly stopped, paused, and shook his head: "It's nothing and, I think, this matter, if you know, it may not be a bad thing."

The words after him were clearly addressed to me.

Yura looked at me in surprise, for a while, then said: "Xiaoyi, do you already know...that thing?"

"What the **** is it?" With a gloomy expression, I said frantically: "If you sloppy, believe it or not, I will bite you!"

"That's about the coup."

After hearing this, I let out a sigh of relief and cut, with a nonchalant tone, said: "It turns out to be this, I knew it a long time ago. So, the death of Clark is directly related to the coup. chant?"

Yura did not speak, nor said anything, Harold nodded slightly, he frowned, and there was a lingering solemnity between his brows.

A little, he said: "Do you know why Yura pointed at his trouser tube before?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

Harold said: "Because there is a gap in the pants."

"I'm going." I turned to Yula and exclaimed, "It's amazing, you can even find the holes in the pants..."

As I said, I turned my head and asked Harold again: "But what's the use of finding a hole? Is it to prove his frugality? Or is his behavior hurting the city of Iri?"

"Can't you be more normal!" Yula suddenly accused me very seriously: "Now I'm talking about business!"

"No..." I defended: "I really want to be normal, but this is not normal."

"What's wrong?" Yura raised an eyebrow and asked.

"You think," I pretended to be serious and analyzed: "The coup is so sacred and great, ah, what a sinister and cunning behavior, it is full of layers of conspiracy, multiple murders, no matter how you look at it. It’s so tall, and there’s a hole in the pants...No matter how much you lean up, you can’t stick it up!"

"Of course it does matter," Yura said with disdain: "You are an amateur, you can't tell!"

"Okay, stop arguing." Harold interrupted us a little helplessly. Then, he turned to me and said, "Xiaoyi, you may not know that the holes in Clark's pants are not ordinary holes."

I raised my eyebrows and said in my heart: "Yeah, this is still a hidden mystery, can it be said... Is this a very artistic hole? But it still can't stand up to the coup."

At this time, Harold said something that made me realize: "The location of the hole is actually a hidden pocket mezzanine."

"It turned out to be a secret pocket..." I understood it, and couldn't help sighing: "No wonder I can't see it! However, even if you look at it for another person, you still can't see any strangeness. To borrow from Yula's words-laymen, you really can't see any way."

"How about" Yura embraced: "This will admit that I am a layman~"

I smiled slightly and refused to answer.

Harold continued: "It's normal if you don't see it. This is a method only used by people who have access to secrets."

Haha... the inside and outside of these words are always surrounded by a lingering smell-you are too low to understand our tall behavior.

I laughed twice, three black lines and a tic-tac-toe-shaped angry icon were already pasted on my forehead.

Harold continued: "Since the dark pockets of Clark's pants have been opened, it is enough to show that he must have carried confidential documents before, and it can be called confidential, only related to the environment of the entire Ariel City. And safety."

He paused, thought for a while, and said, "Clark was pulled up by the second young master with one hand. He belongs to the second young master's confidant. This is well known to all passers-by in the entire Ai Ruicheng. He usually acts, although I often keep one He closed one eye, but he also knew that many plans were given to him by the Second Young Master in order to consolidate the status of the Second Young Master. Presumably this time, he must have also received the Second Young Master’s instructions to him. But unfortunately, he was assassinated during the execution."

"In other words, it has been confirmed that his death has something to do with the coup in Eri City?"

Harold nodded.

Yura said at this time: "It's just that we don't yet know who exactly killed Clark."

"Then I want to chant, how many people are able to compete with the second young master?" I thought as I said: "The first young master is one, and then Rodney, it seems that both of them are possible."

Harold suddenly shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. It has been too long since there has been no war in the Hefeng Continent. The nobles and wealthy merchants in some towns have long been ready to move. You also know that the desires of the human race are endless. Who would have no ambitions? In addition, over the years, the lack of hierarchical combat power among the high-level people of Ai Rui City has also directly caused some powerful nobles to have two hearts. Therefore, the true competitors of the Coup in Ai Rui City may not be the only three of the city lord. Son."

"Hmm..." I was lost in thought, and Harold was right. Since it is a change of the highest authority, it must be involved in a wide range, and it can even affect the entire Ariel City. By then, all forces will be If you want to get a piece of the pie, you will not be far from the chaos.

At that time, those who want to protect me must further strengthen their own strength. Only when they are strong enough to make them prohibitive, is what I want!

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