Regarding the relationship between Yula’s parents and the eldest, Harold said he did not know at all. After all, he was still young at that time, and even if he wanted to do a later investigation, the person in charge was already dead, even if others knew more or less Some are only superficial.

The topic stopped here. I accompanied Harold into the vault. He paid me five hundred gold coins, which was regarded as the hard cost of fighting against him and the injury compensation. I took it with a smile, and said: "It's true to play against you. Valuable, remember to call me again if there is such a good thing."

Harold smiled and shook his head: "If there is... definitely."

I shrugged and put the gold coins into the purse. Only then did I realize that my heavy purse was already very swollen, and there was a heavy sense of weight when hung on my body. I watched the purse crumbling and approaching collapse. In this way, I can’t help but call the good risk: Thanks to its good quality, otherwise you will see the spectacular scene of gold coins rolling all over the floor.

In order not to fall, I had to hold the bottom with my hands and hold the purse into my arms.

Harold was very funny seeing me like this: "Why don't you buy a bigger purse?"

I sighed: "You don't understand. A man with a wife is already lucky to be able to hide private money. As for a larger purse... I want that thing to be used as a display?"

Harold smiled again, but this time, the smile was a bit lonely.

When I got out of the gate, I went straight to the house. When I reached the gate, the door was locked tightly. Phoenix and the others had already gone to the dungeon to clean up the monsters. When they touched their pockets, I couldn't help but yell at the sky-and forgot to bring the key.

This is the first time I crossed the wall and I can't remember. Fortunately, there are not many residents here. If the crowds are bustling in the past, I will just jump like this and not be treated as stealing as before.

Entered the yard, entered the room, and poured all the gold coins in the pocket on the bed, looking at the pile of shining yellow, orange, and my heart, it was so refreshing.

Open the cabinet door on your side, put the gold coins in one by one, then close it again, lock it with a good quality lock, habitually throw the key into the wallet, stand up, and prepare to go out Take a rag and wipe the knife, but at this moment, my whole person is frozen in place, like being struck by lightning.

One by one, as if in slow motion, untie the money bag from your body and slowly bring it to your eyes, then slowly open the buckle on it, and look inside... I reined it, the key to the courtyard gate was unexpectedly Lying quietly in the purse, I even forgot!

In order to reflect on my forgetful shortcomings, I sat on the floor and was depressed for a full three minutes before I got up and continued to be busy with things that should be busy.

After wiping the knife, I placed Odachi and Naodachi next to my bed, resting on a pillow, thinking about the scene of the previous fight with Harold.

After the transformation, Harold’s strength improvement was huge. I just made a hard connection, and my arm was crushed. Moreover, the white light that appeared had a significant weakening effect on my combat skills, although in the end , Harold's great sword is still abandoned.

In other words, compared to the larger Taito, I am more accustomed to the flexibility and degeneration of the Nakatato. It is right to think about it. In addition to my better recovery ability, the body can withstand injuries is still very ordinary. Moreover, I am agile and precise. Types of fighters are not good at standing up against each other. They should be more effective and use their advantages more rationally.

My advantage is quick attack, quick attack from all kinds of incredible angles, combined with my own combat skills, to hit the enemy by surprise.

Moreover, the years of life and death training have also made me unconsciously give birth to a strange consciousness, the perception of killing intent, and the approximate position of the enemy when it is approaching.

These two feelings are very subtle, I don't even know when I had them, but I have to say that they are very effective.

Whether it is the demonized spider at the beginning of the battle, or the demonized bat, or the ghost face spider that I encountered not long ago, their location and general attack direction will be reflected in my mind for the first time.

Could it be...I was born to be a warrior?

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he suddenly jumped out of the bed, picked up the Taidachi, and came to the yard. He roughly looked at the area of ​​the open space, but found sadly that it seemed a little not spacious enough. Don't turn into ruins like a violent wind.

Think about it, it is better to decide to go to the dungeon, as long as you don't go to the deep level, those monsters will hardly cause me harm.

Just do it when he thinks of it, so he walked across the street with a big sword on his back and headed straight to the underground city.

After going down several floors, I found that there would be adventurers' shadows in almost every place, so I went straight to the tenth floor-the tauren boss is a nice space.

Fortunately, no one has ever used the Tauren boss today.

After entering the boss room, the portal is closed. The intact walls and exquisite carvings show the difference in the room. However, the most important thing is that its space is large enough.

Slowly drew out the Odachi sword, put the sword across the body, first put on a self-confessed handsome look, and then danced wildly. At the same time, various sounds like'piu~''咻~' , After the soul of Nakaji was finished venting, I finally began to study the Odachi sword technique.

Odachi, as its name implies, is big. The ‘big’ in the knife does not refer to its width, but its length, and the ratio of its cutting edge to the blade.

For weapons, it has been circulated since ancient times: one inch long, one inch strong, one inch short, and one inch dangerous.

In fact, it is not always true.

In my opinion, the difference between strength and weakness is not the ratio of the length of the weapon, but whether the user is comfortable with it. At the same time, the use of weapon moves is also very important.

Imagine that if Lu Bu didn't use Fang Tian to paint a halberd, but instead held Liu Bei's double-stranded sword, he might not be able to talk about the subsequent Three British Wars.

If you want to use the Odachi sword freely, you must first be familiar with its weight.

I tried to swipe a few more laps, um, okay, it's still a good hand, but it consumes a little more energy than the Nautaka.

After dozens of consecutive rounds, I felt that my whole body began to get hot, and one after another force rose from the abdomen. This was a phenomenon that the warm-up was completed.

After this momentum, I took another round a hundred or so times, and finally, a thin layer of sweat formed on my forehead.

After wiping off the sweat and getting used to the weight of the knife, the next step is to try some simple attack block actions.

In the previous battle with Harold, I used some of the skills of attack and block, but those were only emergency situations in wartime, and I forgot them afterwards.

If you have time now, you need to practice more. This is prepared for trouble, if you can use it in the future.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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