When you look at it, ten gold coins do not seem to be many, but they are actually enough for a year of living in a good family. Of course, the premise is that they don’t go out and buy luxury goods.

I used ten gold coins to buy this black stone, which I don’t know what it is. It was really taken a bit too much, but if I didn’t buy it and let it go, I would still be a bit unwilling. I came and went two times, so I decided to bring this stone and white beard. Grandpa went to the adventurer base to appraise it and see what the price of this stone was.

So I said: "Ten gold coins are not impossible, but you have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions?"

"Follow me to the adventurer base to appraise and see how much this stone is worth."

Grandpa White Beard's expression was obviously hesitant. He thought for a while and said: "It's okay, but you have to pay me first before I'm willing to go with you."

You pay if you pay, and you're afraid that you, a white-bearded grandfather, won't run away?

After thinking about it, I opened the purse and found ten gold coins in his greedy eyes. After weighing it, I put away the stone first, and then put the ten gold coins in the palm of Grandpa's palm.

The white beard grandfather's eyes shined, revealing countless greedy looks, which is very similar to the greedy goblin.

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help taking a closer look at the grandfather in front of me: I can’t say it’s a short stature, but he is definitely not tall enough to reach my waist. The body is a bit thin, but the proportions are very good. If it grows longer, grows up, and changes. If it is rough, it will be no different from an ordinary human grandfather.

The figures of Princess Aurora and Mi Lulu suddenly appeared in his mind, the proportions were the same as ordinary humans, but they seemed to shrink a few times.

So... he is also a dwarf?

Seeing him put away the gold coins, I said: "Now can I go?"

He nodded.

So we two walked towards the adventurer base one after another.

When I was approaching the base, I snorted in my heart: If the stone is not valuable, I will ask you to spit out all ten gold coins and return it to me.

When I came to the appraisal counter, I took out the black stone and handed it over. I said, "Help me appraise it, thank you."

The "OK" staff took the stone, put it on the identification instrument, and started to operate.

I curled my lips, turned around, and just about to talk, I suddenly found out-Grandpa Whitebeard was gone!

Oh damn?

What's happening here?

Just an inattention, let him run?

I looked for a few times in the hall with staring eyes, but I didn’t even find a fluffy hair. This is too exaggerated. A dying old grandfather just slipped away under the eyelids of my vigorous young man. ?

And the time before and after this adds up to less than ten seconds...

Immediately afterwards, another unpleasant thought came into my mind: Isn't this stone also fake?

Walking back to the appraisal table hurriedly, the staff had already completed the appraisal, as expected—the sound of a copper coin.

When I paid, the staff even smiled and said to me: "Sir, although this stone does have some monsters on it, no matter how it is identified, it is still just an ordinary stone. Not great, but I still have to remind you that even if it is a stone or a piece of toilet paper, if you get it here for identification, you still need to pay."

I nodded: "I see, thanks for your hard work."

With that, he took the stone back and held it in the palm of his hand.

But I kept cursing the old white beard in my heart: I'm not ashamed, I still sold me a fake in the end, and then people ran away, meowing, it's really hot!

I bared my teeth and showed a very unhappy expression, wishing I could crush the stone in my hand into powder, or throw such a stone out and break it into pieces.

However, reason told me: It’s better not to do this. This is a public place. It is to be confined, and your vigilance is too weak. It’s a good thing to be fooled this time. Eat a bite and grow your wisdom. Keep it and do it. The mark of your innocent life.

Sighing, I walked back dejectedly.

Still passing by the foodie girl's counter, she whispered to me from a distance.

I was deceived. I didn't have any energy at all. Seeing the enthusiastic expression of the foodie girl, I couldn't ignore it, so I walked over and sat down helplessly.

The foodie girl said hehe: "What's the matter with you, looking listless?"


I just sighed deeply.

"Well, let me tell you a joke. If you hear something funny, you can cheer up, okay?"

The foodie girl said to me like coaxing a child.

"Ah, thank you then" I was still listless: "You speak."

"Tell you, I have a relative who was deceived and spent ten silver coins to buy a stone with no ass, hahahaha, are you stupid?"

Suddenly, I didn't want to listen to her anymore. I glared at her, turned and left.

Behind him, there was a whisper from the foodie girl: "Why didn't he smile? That's not right, this thing is quite funny..."

Hehe, buying a stone with ten silver coins is called silly. Then I spent ten gold coins and bought a stone that was not used for eggs. What is it called?

Dasha? Silly? Or a monstrous silly?

Meow, don't let me catch the old man, or I will hit him once.

With all kinds of unhappiness in my heart, I walked on my way home.

After entering the house, everyone has not yet returned. They removed the knife, took off their clothes, and put on a bathrobe, preparing to enjoy the feeling of private bathroom alone, and at the same time release the uncomfortable heart.

After putting the water in, I immersed my whole body in the water, and the layers of bandage wrapped around my left arm were also removed by me.

In most cases, I don’t take a bath with other people. Even if I take a bath, I will definitely wrap my left arm with a waterproof bandage.

Billy once laughed at me because of this: You should be past the second year of secondary school, so why are you still wearing a bandage and playing with it?

In this regard, I express disdain.

In the guild, no one knew anything about the mysterious rune on my arm except the Phoenix Three. And the more people who knew about this thing, the more random speculations would be, and the more trouble would naturally be.

I'm more afraid of trouble, so let them keep in the dark.

While taking a shower, I held the washed stone in the palm of my hand and took a closer look-except for a little transparent, it really was a stone that couldn't be more ordinary!

I laughed at myself, and then lay down, gripping the stone with my left hand and paddling the water with my right hand. While humming an unknown tone, I closed my eyes.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly someone slapped me twice and opened my eyes: it was Zach.

"Uh, are you back?" I sat up and wiped my face full of water drops.

Zach had already taken off his clothes, hung the bathrobe aside, and sat down in the water, saying: "Well, I just came back, sweating and thinking about taking a bath, and I saw you lying in it."

As Zach spoke, I wrapped my left arm with a waterproof bandage, and then I continued to take a bath with a calm and composure.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that something was wrong...

After squeezing his hand, squeezing his fist, he suddenly discovered that the stones bought with ten gold coins were gone!

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