Hearing me and Shan Yong chatting about business, the fat man waved his hand and took the other brothers with him, and then hulled away.

It's not late at night, and it's not that alcoholic gamblers can squander money and waste their lives. The entire casino has no other guests except Shan Yong and his party waiting here.

Renn also raised his **** in a timely manner, went into the kitchen busy with things, and always held the deck of cards in his hand.

If there is a big casino, only me and Shan Yong are left.

After a moment of silence, Shan Yong said, "What do you mean when the chess piece was pulled out?"

"It's what you mean."

"Who, who is he?"

"You don't need to know this, it may not be a good thing to know."

"Is it your hand?" Shan Yong frowned, "In order to make me a candidate for the next chess piece?"

I shook my head: "If I want to do something, I will deal with his body together."

The scene fell into a brief silence again.

Shan Yong shook his head slightly, and I don't know if this is a habit or he has this problem. I sat opposite and watched him sway his head, counting the number of shaking times per minute, which was also a pleasure.

After a while, Shan Yong asked, "How did you know about this?"

"Is it difficult?" I spread my hands: "I'm a reporter."

He was thinking, as if he was making a decision, but he couldn't make up his mind now and then. After a while, he said, "What do you need me to do?"

"Promise him, cooperate with him, and win his meager trust as much as possible" I said lightly: "As long as I can get first-hand information and layout, it is enough."

"Aren't you afraid that I will turn back in the process?" Shan Yong suddenly raised such a question, which was a bit out of date.

But I still decided to answer him: "Don’t be afraid. Since I can arrange, I have control. If you really turn back, as long as I don’t die for one day, you will not be at peace, whether it’s during eating or sleeping. When playing with women, or even peeing, I will find all the right time to kill you."

He shuddered, nodded, and said: "Okay, I promise you, I just ask you to do what you promised me."

"Are you talking about the safety of your family?" I smiled: "Don't worry, as long as there is trouble on your side, please contact me at any time. I will arrange your family as appropriate."

After going out the gate, the fat man and the others were still waiting outside to brag. I said goodbye to them. After watching me go far, these talents swarmed into the casino again.

Looking at these people from a distance, oh no, to be precise, looking at the fat man from a distance, I fell into a brief contemplation.

Fatty, such a cunning person, where should he use it?

Early the next morning, I got up from the bed, the sun had just appeared, with a big sword on my back, and I didn't eat breakfast, so I went straight to the underground city.

I am usually lazy and casual, but once I want to discover and create something new, I will instantly be full of energy, and my inspiration will increase, and I am full of passion.

I also entered the boss room on the tenth floor, licked a few mouthfuls of dry bread and drank a few mouthfuls of water, and then I started to practice Odachi.

I kept practicing until late at night before I packed up my things and went home.

After going back and forth for a week, the knife technique is finally a bit trivial, and I am quite satisfied.

Seeing that Phoenix and the others are getting closer and closer to the sixth level, I decided to rejoice in this short period of single brushing.

Decisively picking up the big sword, I carried the straight sword and started to go deep into the dungeon.

The ghost face spiders and elite ghost face spiders on the nineteenth floor can be killed at your fingertips, but I still have nothing to do with that giant ghost face spider the size of a bunker, one can barely deal with it, a group of... Haha, just add meals to them.

In the process of fighting against the ghost-faced spider, the transformed Harold is still very eye-catching. The white light blooms all over his body. When he swings, the cries of the giant sword make a tyrannical battle against the giant ghost-faced spider. Strength, all members in his guild felt excited.

Since Yura lost control that day, her mood seemed to be better, and she occasionally showed a small smile or two, which surprised the members of the Heroic Guild and even wondered if the dungeon was about to collapse. .

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or something. I always feel that Yura’s relationship with me is inexplicably closer. She no longer calls me my brother, but calls me "Xiao Yi". More importantly, every time I fight , She will follow me not far behind, I asked her what is this doing? She told me that she wanted to protect my back.

I am helpless.

Xu Tengbo and Jin Siqi’s attitude towards me is still not friendly, especially Xu Tengbo, who never mentioned the incident that attacked me again, seems to have been forgotten by him, but from the look in his eyes, I can Knowing that he is not forgetting, he is simply not mentioning it selectively.

However, since he didn't want to mention it, I didn't bother to ask.

Actually, the contradiction between Jin Siqi and I was not too severe. It was just that I made her lose face in front of the members of the guild. After all, before, I cut her sword into two by cutting her sword in two, but I didn’t think it was. what.

A person with such a mindset can become a team captain. I doubt if there is any nasty unspoken trading.

But when I heard other people tell me that almost all members of the Legion of the Roses are women, even if there are men, they are just ordinary members and will never become high-level cadres, I thought of Lily again evilly.

It seems that while Jin Siqi didn't have a good impression of me, I also didn't have a good impression of her, hehe, it's really a veritable ‘reciprocity’.

During this period, Yang Kui and others also met with me several times and talked about the sideball with the coup.

Yang Xu told me that this period of time was fairly peaceful, and occasionally some adventurer guilds would make trouble for them, but they were all driven away one by one.

In fact, I wanted to tell him that he should get rid of it directly when he encountered it, but after thinking about it, I decided not to say it. Mainly I don't want to give the cute girl Duan Muyu the impression of a murderous mania with a horrible life.

The others are okay, but Liu Yu's attitude towards me has never been very friendly. This unfriendly attitude is different from Xu Tengbo and Jin Siqi. It is the kind of hatred for fear that I will steal her man.

Please, I am not gay, I am not interested in fighting men with you, and I have repeatedly emphasized that I have a fiancée. Have you ever seen a man who has **** with three fiancées?

Old Paqi is in a good mood these days. His wife's poison has gone for eight or nine minutes. Not only can he get out of bed and walk freely, he can even help Old Paqi take care of the weapon shop.

For him, this is really a big surprise.

However, sometimes, surprises and bad luck are mixed.

I heard that Mi Lulu came back and was seriously injured.

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