Early the next morning, I went straight to the underground city with dry food.

Yesterday, Mi Lulu’s affairs had been delayed for a day. Now that the matter has been properly resolved, I can’t delay it any more. Otherwise, God knows if I have enough strength to defend my friends when the coup day comes.

On the way, I listened to the discussion of adventurers. Yesterday, two more small adventurer guilds were completely destroyed. Fortunately, the number of people is not large and the network involved is not large, so the scope of the impact is also very small, and they are not in the neighborhood. According to legend.

They are talking about the tragic situation they saw with their own eyes in the early morning, or exclaiming, or sympathizing, or fluke, all kinds of emotions.

Of course, my focus is not on this, but a certain paragraph in his previous words.

Two more...


Presumably, there is more than just one or two guilds being destroyed by Xing Rui. Maybe, the guild being destroyed has formed a scale, a spread, a trend of rumors beginning to cover the group of adventurers.

First started on a small scale, followed by show, propaganda, and gradually extended the momentum and claws to large-scale adventurers' guilds, and then swallowed them together. This is a coup mode that has existed since ancient times.

From this analysis, the current trend of the coup d’état is still on a small scale. As for when it will proceed to the next step, it is not known.

Down to the nineteenth floor, the process of hunting ghost-faced spiders was once again started.

Harold and the others rushed to it near noon, and I asked him, "Why is it so late?"

Harold wiped the sweat from his face: "Don't mention it, two more adventurer guilds were slaughtered last night, and a total of 27 bodies were killed in one move."

"Heh, the method is really neat" I nodded: "Then have you analyzed what weapon caused it?"

"Well, after a cross-sectional comparison of the wound, it should be the same person who killed Clark."

"So, these two guilds..."

"Yes, it's all belonging to the second young master."

Hehe, I gave out a faint smile: "This is so lively, do you think the second young master will put this on the head of the big young master?"

Harold shook his head and said that he didn't know, but he was not optimistic about the current situation in Eri City.

It is not optimistic, how many people have died, can you still be optimistic!

However, this is only the beginning, and the real tragic casualties are yet to come.

Harold sighed, then drew out the giant sword, and said: "I don't want to, let's kill monsters and upgrade, and try to get to the 20th floor as soon as possible."

Regarding his enthusiasm, I said it was commendable, and I couldn't help but joking: "Why, suddenly I want to fight?"

"Yes" Harold said while swinging his sword: "I now have a deep sense of crisis. I don't know when this kind of massacre will come to me. By then, there is no way without strong strength. Guard the guild."

Me: "Hey."

Yula suddenly spoke to the side: "Xiao Yi, if I am in danger, you must protect me~ Otherwise, even if I become a soul, I will go to trouble you!"


The time for spawning monsters always flies quickly. Once a flash, a day has passed, and again, a week has passed...

This day, I was walking home. Suddenly, I was stopped by a short old man and looked down: Old Paige.

I saw him with joy and said: "I'm looking for you."

"Why are you looking for me?" I was puzzled, and subconsciously increased my vigilance: "Tell you, I don't owe you money!"

"Where did you want to go?" Old Paggy snapped his lips: "It's my niece, she woke up!"

Woke up?

As soon as I raised my eyebrows, it was really a refreshing thing. She had been asleep for a week now.

She can only supply her body with liquid food this week, so she will definitely lose weight. As for what she will lose weight? A little wait and see.

I am obscene.

Following Old Paqi into the weapon shop, he opened the door and saw that Tracey was feeding the frail Mi Lulu porridge.

Seeing me coming in, Tracy got up enthusiastically, sweeping away the haze from the previous meeting.

I smiled and nodded, stepped forward, and greeted Mi Lulu.

Mi Lulu's expression was weak and exhausted, but there was a lot of brilliance in her eyes, and she smiled at me.

Old Paggy took Tracy out the door at this time. Before leaving, Old Paggy was still there muttering: "Don't feed it now. You can feed this stuff anytime. Young people have something to discuss... ..."

The corners of my eyes twitched. Does this old expert know something is wrong?

Shaking my head slightly, I reached the chair by the bed and smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Mi Lulu shook her head, and said, "Tired."

"It's no wonder." I spread my hands: "I was shocked when I first saw you. The **** flow is almost the same as the water spray from the spring."

She smiled weakly, and said weakly: "You haven't seen it again, I just got hurt..."

"That's true, but it's clear at a glance if you are bandaged like a mummy."


Sure enough, there is no mummy in Hefeng Continent.

I gestured and said: "That's it, this way, a person is wrapped in a pile of bandages, like a zongzi, uh... you ask me what is zongzi, this... A kind of food wrapped in glutinous rice with zongzi leaves, which needs to be smashed layer by layer, a bit like a mummy..."

Meowing, I couldn't explain it clearly, I chose to give up.

So I changed the subject: "Does your body still hurt?"

She shook her head and said with a smile: "It doesn't hurt... anymore, the pastor you're looking for... really amazing, I thought... I'm going to die, and I owe you... again."

Waved my hand, I said: "There is nothing to owe, thank you uncle, he used not to build a weapon for me as a threat and hijacked me to do so."

She tweeted, obviously, my cold joke is not funny at all.

"By the way, can you tell me what hurts you?"

Mi Lulu's eyes were a little gloomy, she was silent for a while, and said: "It's Human."

"Shall I rub it?" I raised my eyebrows, surprised: "Human race?"

She nodded.

"Remember where you were attacked?"

She thought for a while, and said softly: "It's Ai Rui City, nearby, outskirts."

"Is it a thief?" I asked, saying that in the suburbs near Ere City, I heard that there were thief infested.

Mi Lulu bit her lip and thought for a while, shook her head, and said, "I don't know, but intuitively, they don't look like it."

Uh... intuition? Is a woman's intuition necessarily accurate?

"Then what kind of people do you think they are like?"

"Looking at the fighting style, it is made up of regular adventurers, the team" she said weakly and intermittently.

Is it possible that the team of regular adventurers near the city of Ai is related to the coup?

But why did they attack the dwarves?

Could it be said that Princess Aurora has come to Eri City again!

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