The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 422: May the God of Creation take in your souls

In the depths of the dense forest, more than ten meters away from us, more than a dozen masked men wearing dark leather clothes and thin bodies walked out slowly.

The few people in the front each held a dagger in their hands, and those slightly behind each held a crossbow.

The only common feature-they both have a pair of cold and shining eyes.

Princess Aurora asked me through the curtain: "An Xiaoyi, what happened outside?"

"A little thing, don't worry" I said: "Mi Lulu, you protect Princess Aurora, no one should get out of the carriage, understand?"

Mi Lulu replied: "Okay."

The dwarf in front of President Aoli waved the warhammer in his hand and said, "Who are you and why are you attacking us?"

The dozen or so people in front of us moved slightly towards our side, and one of them said, "Leaving the dwarf princess can spare you your life."

"Fart, fart!" President Aoli's fiery temper suddenly broke out, and he yelled: "How can our dwarf princess be hijacked by you if you want to do it? You know, stay away, don't understand, believe it or not I smashed you all to death with one hammer!"

I didn’t expect President Auli to make such a low voice, and it shook my ears. Subconsciously, I stretched out my little finger and dug a few times. I didn’t want to. The guy on the other side even took advantage of this gap to put it at me. A cold arrow!

The speed of the crossbow is very fast, but it is far inferior to the feather arrow shot by Morris, and it does not even add a magic special effect, which makes me very disappointed.

With a casual grab with his left hand, he stopped the crossbow arrow four inches from his chest, dropped it and threw it on the ground.

The movement of the right hand remained unchanged. I kept digging my ears and eyes hard, and I couldn’t dig in for a while. I was so anxious that I was sweating profusely. After a glance, I realized that he was still wearing a layer Say it's thin or thick, or thick or not!

I wanted to take off the handguard and dig again, but I felt that my ears no longer sounded, and it didn't itch anymore. Then I sighed with a bit of loss.

When I looked up, I realized that not only was the dwarf on my side looking at me with a little surprised look, but even the masked people on the other side were also surprised.

"What do you mean?" I scratched the back of my head and looked confused: "What are you all looking at me for?"

As he said, he subconsciously touched his face: "Why, is there something strange on my face?"

President Aoli is worthy of being the president, and his response is quick. He recovered first, coughed, and said, "No, it's your hand just now...beautiful."

"Which hand?" I was more puzzled, and it took a while to react: " mean I caught the crossbow arrow, hey, what's the matter, isn't it just a crossbow arrow, what's so strange? ."

"Ha, it's nothing, it's surprising" President Aoli turned his head and continued to wait.

However, when I looked at the enemy on the opposite side, I found that their eyes became wary when they looked at me, and the first few even seemed to be facing an enemy.

"Hey, I said, isn't it just a crossbow arrow. Is it necessary to be so nervous?" I curled my lips: "Why don't we put down the weapon, let's sit face to face and talk, why bother to dance with swords and guns. ?"

When the two forces are facing each other, this sounds a bit like nonsense, but it does come from my sincerity. However, sincerity is often treated like shit, like now--

After the blast, another crossbow arrow was shot at me... Uh, no, not one. Listen to the sound, it should be three.

Based on experience and perception, I quickly set the position of the three crossbow arrows, and subconsciously pulled out the straight sword, and split all the three crossbow arrows at a lightning speed.

After the crisp sound, the crossbow arrows fell to the ground one after another, breaking into six segments, and I rushed out at the same time.

Go straight to the nearest four.

I have only one goal. I can win the first level of one of them in the shortest time, so as to spread the threat I spread to the greatest extent and attract the attention of most enemies. Only in this way can I win the fighter. Hold it firmly in your hand.

As I moved, the four in front also moved. Instead of rushing to meet them, they retreated quickly. Soon, they retreated to the other companions and squatted down at a very fast speed.

At the same time, a row of fine and sharp crossbow arrows whizzed at me quickly.

"Heh" I sneered: With your archery skills far inferior to Morris, do you want to besiege me? dream!

My toes were slightly on the ground, and instead of jumping into the sky, I swept to one side, and at the same time, lowered my body.

This approach has many advantages, the most obvious is that it can avoid most attacks, and will not be easily controlled by people.

Several crossbow arrows fell into the air with a swish swish. Two of them were not missed. I grabbed one with one hand. I applied a little force and clicked softly and folded into four sections.

At the same time, the body approached the enemy's flank.

The closest to me was an enemy holding a crossbow and two daggers.

I have only one principle for my enemy: never show mercy.

Seeing their unprepared stiff bodies and horrified astonished eyes, I smiled coldly, and only silently said in my heart: Ha ha, may the God of Creation be able to take in your souls.

With this knife, I didn’t spare any effort, and even carried a shallow layer of killing intent, scribbled horizontally in a vague half arc, and finally made a circle and returned to my scabbard. At the same time as the knife went into the scabbard, my toes One point, I retreated at a very fast speed, and accelerated my retreat by the reaction force of the tree trunk. In less than two seconds, I returned to the original standing position.

Standing still, exhaling, and taking another deep breath, I smiled and looked at the enemy line on the opposite side. The three enemies I had cut off stood there still.

After another second, three billowing masked heads fell abruptly from their necks. Then, they lost the thin bodies of their heads, shook them twice, and fell to the ground.

Before everyone had reacted, I stretched out my finger, slightly pointed at several other enemies, and smiled and said: "I just put the cold arrow, I have killed one of them, and then, every once in a while, I will be random Kill one who put cold arrows on me until I kill all those who put cold arrows."

Seeing the tense faces of all the enemies, I said hehe: "Is it different from your expectations, making you feel very disappointed?"

"This is indeed a hunting game. However, as the prey, it is not us, but you." Slowly drew out the Nakata sword again, and took a step forward. I said, "I am familiar with your appearance, no I have seen you, but I have met many adventurers who think like you, greedy, cruel, and want to tear me up like prey, but, unfortunately, their ending is not very good, or hey The monsters in the dungeon became dung, or they were thrown into a pit outside the city and slowly decayed. Now, I give you a minute to think about it. I intend to become lost like the three dead companions. The stump of the head, or put down the weapon, say everything you know, and save your own life, time, only one minute, now, start."

Turning my head, I said to President Aoli who was in a daze: "Have you brought your watch?"

President Aoli was a little confused: "What?"

Mi Lulu's voice came from the carriage: "The princess has taken it, and, now it has seconds, eight seconds, nine seconds."

When she had just counted to twenty, deep in the dense forest, a low roar suddenly came out, like the roar of a lion whose voice was suppressed.

"It's a dragon!"

In the carriage, Mi Lulu cried out in panic.

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