Speaking of my current mood, I am actually quite disappointed.

I thought that there would be a fierce, even tragic, ambush and counter-ambush battle. As a result, this atmosphere was not created before it was broken up by President Aoli.

On the way back, I was a little bit lost and completely absent-minded. Even Mi Lulu and Princess Aurora in the carriage beside me said something to me. They didn’t even listen to what I said. They just kept trying to perfuse me. stop.

After returning to the Dwarf Guild, President Auli announced a party to celebrate the safe return of Princess Aurora and invited me.

Naturally, I readily agreed, but there is a premise.

President Auli blew his beard and stared with an unhappy look: "You have done a lot to rescue Princess Aurora. It can be said that you are already a friend of our dwarves. What's the matter? Just put it straight, don’t cover up, the dwarves hate cover up. This is disrespect for our nation. It’s a decision..."

I hurriedly stopped him from going on. I scratched my head a little embarrassedly, and said, "Actually, there is no special prerequisite, that is, the labor cost to save the princess... Please help me calculate it."

President Aoli was startled at first, and then laughed loudly: "Don't worry, our Dwarf Guild has so many treasures that we will definitely not treat our friends badly. If I say this, can you rest assured?"

"Don't worry, of course don't worry." I slapped the flattery in a timely manner: "What the dwarves say is a promise, and it will definitely be honored. I naturally believe it."

Hearing that I slapped my beard again, President Aoli smiled even more proudly.

The party was in the afternoon, so in the next period of time, I sent Mi Lulu back to Old Paqi to reassure them that my niece didn’t say that she had velvet hair, and she didn’t even leave her footprints outside. On the carriage, I am carrying it when I get off, can I leave a footprint!

Princess Aurora also followed, and after setting up Mi Lulu back to the bed, I followed her out and entered a corner where few people went.

She was a little embarrassed and said to me: "I'm really sorry, I've caused you trouble again."

I said it's okay, this is something you should do as a gentleman, don't worry about it.

Hearing what I said, Princess Aurora lowered her head again and said, "I originally gave you a thank you gift... but..."

"Thanks were robbed by the group of people, right?" I spread my hands and said indifferently: "It's okay, I understand your heart. As for those thank you gifts, if you don’t have them, they will be gone. The right is to buy them a coffin. Money."

Princess Aurora's expression eased slightly, and she said, "Thank you for the Saradika you gave me before. You are the benefactor of all our dwarves."

"Huh?" I waved my hand again and again, stunned: "It's just a pretty poisonous flower. What does it have to do with the benefactor and not the benefactor."

She shook her head and said seriously: "No, it's not what you think. Although Saradika is indeed a poisonous flower, it is also a life-saving flower."

"Hey, this is the first time I've heard this." I leaned against the wall and said idly: "Can you tell me the story?"

Princess Aurora nodded, and then told me the whole story one by one.

It turned out that the king of the dwarves, the father of Princess Aurora, suddenly suffered from a strange disease. At first, he vomited blood occasionally. After a short time, he vomited blood every day. Later, it even deteriorated into The degree of bleeding that does not stop.

All the famous doctors and priests of Fort Witch had come to the consultation, but all were to no avail. In the end, the high priest of Dasai City was invited. The high priest only glanced at and understood the reason, but he kept silent and just said In the depths of the thirteenth layer of Eri City, there is a poisonous flower called Saradika. As long as the poisonous flower eats pollen, it will get sick. If a petal is swallowed, it will not take long to die. Although its poison is fierce and violent, it is the key to curing the dwarf king.

Originally, the dwarves planned to send the most capable warriors to fetch flowers. They didn’t want to, but were denied by the high priest. He said that only the princess that the dwarven king spoiled the most would take the closest warrior selected by the princess. Saladika returned was really effective.

As the most favored princess of the Dwarf King, Aurora naturally took up this responsibility and hurriedly rushed to Ai Rui City with Mi Lulu and her team. After hardship, she finally fulfilled her mission and retrieved Sara. Dika, and give it to the high priest intact.

The high priest mixed a bunch of unknown herbs with some horrible and disgusting things, and boiled them in a pot. The final soup was poured into the mouth of the dwarf king who had vomited blood into a coma. .

The high priest is worthy of being a high priest, only this pair of decoction made the dwarf king who had been comatose awake again, and a few days later, he returned to a radiant state.

Speaking of this, Princess Aurora couldn't help but admire: "The high priest of the orc race is indeed the most wise person in the world. He is not only deeply immersed in various medical treatments and witchcraft, but also can predict the future! "

Me: (°△°|||)? ! !

"What? Foresee the future?" I frowned, and I looked incredulous: "Fake?"

"It's true" Princess Aurora is very serious: "Before we set off again, the orc high priest told me that on this trip, there will be traitors in your team. You will all fall into crisis, but don't panic. At your most critical moment, a person with taboo power will appear in front of you and become the savior of your trip."

She raised her finger and said: "Mi Lulu explained the traitor's matter to me later, and the savior who saved us from the danger is talking about you."

As he said, Princess Aurora's expression became excited: "Look, I've hit both points, isn't it very powerful?"

"Well, it's amazing."

I replied absent-mindedly, but in my heart, at this moment, there are waves.

Princess Aurora doesn't need to lie, then, what kind of existence is this high priest, and what does this sentence with taboo power mean?

Could it be... he has already calculated the matter of my left arm?

Or... he knew the real reason for my left arm?

If this is the case, can the problem with my left arm be boiled down to options that have been resolved?

At this moment, my heart is very happy.

As for some of Princess Aurora’s words after this, I didn’t listen to a word. I just wanted to go to Darcy City to clarify this matter as soon as possible, so that I can settle down and sleep peacefully. feel.

However, just as I was so excited, another thought suddenly flashed out: Going to Dasai City... isn't it just going to Kagali's house? Once I got there, I couldn’t help it. I was bound to be dragged by Kagali to see my parents...In other words, I didn’t have the mental preparation to meet the other’s parents at all, and I rushed to it abruptly. , I can't slap my claws!

For a moment, worries and excitement walked together, making me painful and obsessed.

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