I went back close to breakfast, took a shower, and went out to eat together.

During breakfast, Barbara suddenly leaned her head and sniffed on me. I was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Barbara pouted and said suspiciously: "I don't know why, I always think you have a scent?"

In an instant, from the other two angles, two piercing eyes were shot instantly, stabbing me in pain, subconsciously, I was shocked.

Fortunately, I acted calmly and didn't panic. I slowly took out a vial from my arms, handed it over, and asked, "You smell it, is this the smell?"

Barbara took the vial, opened the lid, fanned it twice on the side of the bottle mouth, then put the stopper back, nodded, and said, "Well, that's right, that's the smell."

As she said, she shone the vial in her hand at the sun and asked, "What is this?"

I said, "This is a gift from a friend, and it's used to treat mosquito bites."

The stinging gaze disappeared silently until then.

"Huh? Treating mosquito bites?" Billy suddenly said, "It just so happens that there are a few large bags on my body that were bitten by mosquitoes. Can you use me to apply some?"

He said this to Barbara, so he was very polite and euphemistic.

In fact, it's not just Barbara. When facing everyone in the guild except me, Billy's attitude is the same polite and polite. Only when facing me, his attitude will become extremely tough and arrogant. .

Oops, this is no way. Who told him to keep competing with me from the day I entered the guild, and has kept this stubborn energy, until today, he has developed into me A tradition of the Fearless Guild.

Barbara looked at me, I nodded, she tossed her hand and threw the vial over.

Billy caught it accurately and rolled up his sleeves. Sure enough, there were four or five big red bags, and all of them were scratched. It seemed that his stay was not easy.

The moment Billy was put on the potion, it was as if he had taken drugs, and his whole body became excited. He jumped suddenly, jumped off his seat, and kept jumping around the yard howling and howling. , A horrible two haha!

After a while, Billy finally stopped, and he said excitedly: "Xiao Yi, who gave you the medicine, is there any more?"

I shook my head: "Only this bottle."

"Are you stupid?" Billy was suddenly upset, and very upset: "Why don't you ask for more bottles of such a good medicine?"


When I faced Billy in a state of excitement, I was very helpless. Godot's eyes floated over. In an instant, Billy stopped, and went back to his seat like a loyal dog. She's tossed the vial back to me, it's just that he secretly excites it from time to time in the presence of his charm.

I took the vial and handed it to Phoenix and Kagali who were curiously watching. I secretly admired Godot in my heart: It's so awesome, even a stubborn donkey can be conquered. Sure enough, true love is between the same sex!

The phoenix on the side looked left and right, and finally opened the lid and smelled it. Then he squinted and wiped it on the back of his hand. Then he squinted his eyes and leaned on my shoulder as if he was enjoying it. Milky whisper: "Okay~ cool~"

Kagali did not look like Phoenix. Instead, she held the vial and studied for a while, her eyes were puzzled, and then as if she had discovered something, she suddenly raised her head and said, "Xiaoyi, when did you make friends with the elves? ?"


When she said this, I was stunned.

In my impression, Kagali has always been the most knowledgeable in the entire guild, from Saradika before, to the blue waves, amethyst necklace and Okaz dagger, and now to the potion. Little bottle, almost knows everything, knows everything.

Even, I have some doubts whether Kagali found the Hefeng Continental Science Encyclopedia somewhere and read it through, otherwise, where is such a large amount of knowledge!

However, since she asked, I naturally want to answer: "I met when I rescued the dwarven princess."

"Oh..." Kagali nodded: "I'll just say, this jade bottle is not something other races can make, only the elves have this craft, and, The elves are also good at making medicines, especially some special medicines for life, which are particularly effective."

Hearing this, I gave a thumbs up and said: "Niu, real cow, you deserve to be Kajiali, it is the encyclopedia of Hefeng Continent!"

"Humph~" Kagali snorted softly and raised her head high, looking like I was amazing.

Seeing this behavior, the corners of my eyes twitched and I glanced at Barbara who was chewing slowly.

This was originally Barbara's peculiar pattern, but as a result, nearly Zhu Zhechi, this kind of arrogant queen appearance, was transmitted to Kagali.

Then, I looked at Phoenix, who was rubbing comfortably on my shoulder, and expressed my concern.

The vial was finally returned to me, in Kagali’s words: she was not interested in this kind of thing.

After that, she touched the amethyst necklace on her neck, and gave me a look of "If you want to please this queen, please contribute more magic equipment."

After the meal, everyone began to prepare for the day's itinerary.

Barbara and Florence happily headed to the cafe with their small bags on their backs. They said that they can't be late especially because today is the day of pay.

In fact, Kagali distributes salary to everyone except me every week, and the amount of money is definitely a lot. However, Florence and Barbara, who are greedy for money, still said: Money can be a little bit more. , The extra, you can still buy clothes and cosmetics~

In this regard, Phoenix and Kajiali expressed disdain.

These two natural girls, I have never seen them put on makeup.

After entering the dungeon, they were still the same, Phoenix and the others went straight to the twelfth floor, making the final sprint for the promotion to the sixth level.

And I came to the nineteenth floor unhurriedly, brushing the ghost face spiders that were about to make me vomit as usual.

Not long after, Harold and Yura also hurried over with their team, just like me, reluctantly brushing the ghost face spider that was about to make them vomit.

Although leapfrogging made my experience soar, I have to say that the number of experiences tested every day rose slower than that of a snail.

However, compared with me, the experience of Harold and Yura is even more desperate.

I asked Harold: "How long did it take you to upgrade from level 7 to level 10?"

Harold scratched his head: "I forgot the exact time. In short, it was several years."

Yula on the side was also silent, her expression very painful and difficult.

It can be seen that the higher the level, the slower the upgrade has become a psychological shadow of almost every adventurer.

Suddenly, I remembered such a small advertisement for a web game in my mind: Chop a knife to upgrade to one level, welcome to you!

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