The masked female elf turned her face to one side, looking at the dark night sky, and said dryly, "It's okay."

Oh, woman, that's it. If you have something to say, you have to say that you are okay, and you have to make a look like ‘I’m okay, ask me, if you don’t ask me, I’ll be angry’.

I shook my head helplessly. I was thinking about how to deal with it. Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in my mind. There was a way!

Taking a sudden step forward, only two fists away from the masked female elf, the sudden action made her body shake slightly, but she did not move away, nor looked at me, she still looked like looking at the moon.

I smiled slightly, stretched out my hand, slowly touched the top of her head, and gently rubbed it-yes, I thought of this trick: touch the head to kill!

This is one of the most powerful girl strategy methods on the blue planet, especially when the girl is in a bad mood.

I have used this trick on Duanmuyu, and got a great harvest.

I just don't know if this time, it will work on the masked female elves.

In order to further increase the influence, I gently rubbed her short hair, and gently blamed: "You, what a stupid woman."

After rubbing it for a while, the masked female elf still tilted her head, looking at the night sky, her posture seemed completely disapproving.

Could it be...failed to touch the head to kill?

With doubts, I slowed down the movements of my hands. As a result, as I slowed down, her head shook slightly, which seemed to encourage me to continue rubbing.

Leaning out my head quietly, I glanced at her side of her face, only to find that the masked female elf had already closed her eyes, with a very comfortable expression.

Yo, that's it~

I knew it in my heart, so I continued to'touch my head to kill'.

After kneading for a while, feeling that the time was almost time, she slid her hand off her head.

At the same time, she also turned her head, her eyes shining like stars.

"Well, just tell me if you have anything in your heart. Even if it may not help you, at least you can be a quiet listener and be silent with you."

These remarks are from my sincerity and have no other meaning, but I found that there is always a lingering ambiguity in her eyes.

Did she misunderstand something?

Suspicious in her mind, the masked female elf finally spoke: "In the future, it may be difficult for me to provide you with effective information."

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"It's because the dwarf princess left this incident smoothly" she sighed: "Second Young Master he was furious. Not only did he kill my subordinates who worked on affairs, but he also abandoned me from the plan."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" I thought for a while, and suddenly sneered: "Then he is too immature. In this way, will you lose your strength? Can the plan be executed normally? ?"

"The planned thing... shouldn't be a problem."

She was silent for a while, and continued: "The Second Young Master has accumulated a lot of power for so many years. He has a lot of power like me, so I don’t have much more than me, and I don’t have much without me. ."

"By the way, you said he killed your men?"

"Yes, I killed two of my men at the same time."

"Are they all elves?"

"No" The masked female elf shook her head: "They are all local adventurers in Iri City, and my elves will not be sent out."


To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed. If the second young master killed the elves, then it would be interesting. Although I am a bit light, but through the mouth of some good deeds, I have to upgrade the little friction in this matter to the second young master. I still have the ability to friction with the elves, and to amplify and further aggravate the rumors.

There is a saying: good things do not go out, bad things spread for thousands of miles.

As long as these words were introduced to the ears of the elves, and the Elven King’s attention was drawn therefrom, the two young masters’ dreams of ruling the city of Eri and becoming the lord of the city would basically be lost.

But it is a pity that it was the human race of Eri City who died, not the elven race.

The sensitive female elf heard the question in my tone, and she asked, "Are you disappointed?"

"No" I shook my head and said: "It's not disappointment, but sadness. I really didn't expect that the second young master is such a person. If things go on like this, there will be any other force that will fall under the control of the second young master."

"You can't say that," the masked female elf denied: "Since the Second Young Master can control so much power, the most important thing is his father's power and his willingness to spend money."

"Will you spend money?" I thought about it, and said, "How willing is he to spend money?"

The masked female elf thought for a moment, and said: "Take the remuneration he paid to my organization, for the most common and simple task, fifty gold coins are paid each time, and the number of gold coins will increase as the difficulty of the task increases. Upgrade, so far, the highest amount of tasks the organization can get has reached two thousand gold coins, and this is only moderate among the amount of tasks distributed by the second master."

"Two thousand gold coins for one mission..." I exclaimed: "These two young masters are no longer ordinary heroes, they can be called gods!"

Instead, I said again: "Then how much is the reward for kidnapping the dwarf princess this time?"

"Four thousand gold coins."

"Oh!" I exclaimed: "So much, no wonder you feel unhappy, and no one will be happy without so much money at once."

"It's not a question of money" she said lightly: "We elves are not short of money."

"Oh~ I suddenly remembered what you said like this" I said: "Where did your elves come from? Self-reliance? Or state support? Or both?"

"Both of them," the female elf said: "The elves will send money to the people in other villages on time. The greater the credit, the more money will naturally increase. Of course, the organization I established depends solely on the money. What can't be sustained is the commission for helping others to attend tasks."

"Hey, your elves are really nice, everyone has food, everyone has money to spend, it is simply a big communist family!"

I sighed secretly.

"Yes, compared to other races, the elves are still very friendly," the female elves said lightly.

"Then do you have any plans for the future?" I asked: "If you lose such a rich customer, your organization will also be affected."

"There must be an impact, but it's not as big as you think." She exhaled and said: "There are still many organizations or individuals working with me. It's just that there are few people who can directly obtain the information of the second young master. A convenient way."

I spread my hands and said, "That’s nothing, but it doesn’t matter. After all, it’s not that easy to bring down a prince. The conditions required will definitely not be less, and the cost Time will not be short."

Having said that, I turned my head and stared at the female elf. After a while, I said, "Leave aside the unpleasant thing about the Second Young Master. Next, it's time to talk about our affairs."

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