In this short break, apart from me and Phoenix feeling satisfied, everyone else seemed uncomfortable, especially the three of Rocky, who were completely dead faces, leaning against the wall without saying a word, and retching from time to time. .

About thirty minutes later, everyone once again entered the state of preparation. Although Loki and the others still looked like they were still dying, they were also pulled up.

"An adventurer must look like an adventurer!" I reprimanded the three of them: "Don't see a little **** scene and you can't stand it!"

Rocky said weakly, "Boss, how can it be called a'slightly **** scene'... That is... vomiting, it is basically a bloody, vomiting scene!"

I curled my lips and said with disdain: "That's because you haven't seen what the real **** scene looks like."

"Oh, boss, vomit, what does this really **** scene look like?" Rocky looked curious, wanted to know, but hesitated whether to continue listening.

I waved my hand: "That kind of scene is unclear, you have to experience it yourself before you know it."

"Oh, I, I see, oh, boss" Rocky stopped talking, but concentrated on restraining retching.

The attack on the enchanted bat on the roof was once again after Loki returned to his normal state.

I have to praise here, this guy's marksmanship is indeed very accurate.

I asked him to hit the demonized bat on the left. He would never hit the right one. If I let him hit the demonized bat on the ass, he would never hit his wings!

The lead bullets with explosive properties awakened the enchanted bats on the roof one by one, and then Billy and others killed them one by one.

This progress is proceeding very fast. In a short time, nearly a hundred demonized bats have been wiped out, and a small area has been vacated on the roof. The relatively dazzling light shines from above, and the corresponding piece of ground is illuminated. brightly lit.

"Xiaoyi" Kagali said suddenly: "You said that if all the enchanted bats are cleaned up, will the thirteenth floor become transparent?"

"Maybe, I don't know this." I looked at the demonized bat that was still dark in the distance, and said: "But what I know is that every day, the monsters in the dungeon will be refreshed inexplicably to make up for it. Lost monsters, filled with new monsters, including all the buildings in the dungeon, no matter how badly they are damaged, they will be restored the next day."

"So" I turned my head and stared at her: "No matter how hard we work, there is no way to clean up all the enchanted bats in one day. Naturally, there is no way to see the transparent space you can imagine."

"Huh, it's boring." Kagali rolled her head and ignored me.

Uh...I’m a little bit confused, I don’t know how to deal with this situation, and I’m planning to continue watching a few people’s battles. Suddenly, I feel a little pain in my shoulders and I turn my head to look-Kagali is fierce Biting my shoulder.

"Well, what are you... doing?" I looked at her a little speechlessly.

"Huh!" Kagali snorted again and ignored me again, leaving only two rows of tooth marks and a row of saliva.


After cleaning the monster for almost a day, finally, the small half of the tunnel became bright.

I looked up at the roof, and couldn't help sighing, "It's so bright!"

Kagali snorted and said, "Of course, the nasty demonized bats have been wiped out, and the rest is light~"

"This is really poetic," I clapped clapping.

"Huh~" This time, Kagali's hum was a lot lighter, and it seemed that her mood might have improved a lot.

On the way back, I was looking at Billy, dancing and dancing about the heroic behavior of killing monsters during the day. Suddenly, I heard a woman's call not far away: "Xiaoyi!"

In an instant, I felt the dazzling gazes from the left and the right, like a sharp sword.

The corners of my eyes twitched, I turned my head and saw: It was Yura, who was coming back with Harold's team.

Harold and Yula rushed to us with the team, Harold and I nodded in greeting, Yula looked at Kagali and Phoenix respectively, and said with a weird tone: "I said why didn't I watch it today? As for you, it turned out to be accompanied by beautiful women to clean monsters~"

"Uh, hehe" I endured the sharp pain from my waist, and introduced to Kagali and Phoenix, "This is Rodney's cousin, Yura."

Then, turning his head to Yula, said: "These two are..."

Before I could speak, Phoenix pursed his mouth, and said with a grinning voice: "I am Xiaoyi's fiancee!"

Kagali on the other side smiled brightly and said, "I am also Xiaoyi's fiancee."

For a while, I could even feel that in the eyes of Yura and the two women, there was constant high-voltage current passing through, and there were bursts of screams, which made me frightened.

After a while, Yola smiled slightly and said, "It turns out to be the'fiancee'."

The word "unmarried", she didn't know if it was intentional, but she raised her voice by eight points.

"Yes" Kagali still smiled brightly: "Although we are fiancees now, we will become legal couples in a year, oh, no, it's been less than a year, haha."

"Xiaoyi and I can become legal at any time! Humph!" Phoenix held my arm unhappily, twisting and twisting it vigorously.

Yura did not speak, but cast an ambiguous wink at me. After that, he turned and left with Harold's team.

I said, what does this wink mean in the end? How do you want me to explain to Phoenix and Kagali! Do I have a grudge against you? Why do you still cheat me before leaving?

However, all this, even if I say it, is of no avail.

The eyes of Phoenix and Kagali had already ignited a raging flame.

It's just that the phoenix was twisting my arm in anger, but Kagali was smiling, with murderousness in her smile.

"Um, I can explain..." I whispered.

"I believe you" Kagali suddenly smiled softly.

Thankfully, Kagali was able to say such general words at a critical moment, she was a model wife! After returning home, I must rub my shoulders and beat my legs to thank you!

However, just before I said a word of gratitude, her face changed and she said: "But I will never tolerate her provocation of my fiancee status! So today, you still have to be subject to family law!"

Wait, wait, she provokes you, what are you doing with me? I'm innocent, OK? Moreover, what the **** is family law? Why have I never heard of it?

Ah, hello, don't twist my arms, ah, don't ride on my back, don't, don't put my arms and legs close together, this, this exaggerated curvature will break my waist!

what! !

With this scream, I lost consciousness.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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