The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 459: Embarrassment is a disease

A few days passed in a flash. Seeing that tomorrow is the day when the world BOSS appears, members of the Adventurer's Guild of Erri City no longer spawn mobs today. Instead, they raced around the market, asking the weapon merchants to help them. Weapons and equipment are maintained and repaired, and some of them are constantly selecting new weapons and equipment.

These are all preparations for tomorrow's world BOSS battle.

I checked the records about the items dropped by the world BOSS. As the masked female elf said, I have never dropped any finished weapons.

Although it does not drop finished weapons and equipment, it does drop materials, and they are all materials that can be used to create top-quality equipment.

This is completely equivalent to dropping the best equipment in disguise!

No wonder the adventurers in the whole city, and even the whole Hefeng Continent, are boiling.

According to the record, the World Boss that appeared in Ai Rui City last year is a giant mouse, more than four meters high, and the hair on top and bottom of the body is very tough, and ordinary sharp blades cannot be pierced. In the end, it seems to be It was grilled on charcoal by a powerful wizard guild.

However, the wizard’s guild also received a lot of impact. Six people were seriously injured and 14 people were slightly injured. They were traumatized by quarrels with other adventurers’ guilds around because of the fallen coins and materials. people.

Hearing from Master Hall, this magician guild has disappeared for a while since the World BOSS. The commissioner sent to him reported to him that there was a dispute over the handling of materials dropped by the World BOSS.

After showing up again, some of the core personnel have already left the guild and set up another door.

Master Hall told me that if you don't have those materials, you won't have them. What you want with good equipment is that you can contact Dewey if you have no money. There is no need to start by fighting the world boss, and it is easy to cause the guild members to fall apart.

What Master Hall said is indeed a kind of worry, but unfortunately, this kind of worry will not happen to the members of my guild.

This is a group of people who eat and drink well when they have money, eat frugally when there is no money, and are happy to fight monsters every day. They have no ambitions or ambitions, except for the occasional beautiful clothes and various kinds of food, they have almost nothing. I don’t even pay attention to it. Money, power, what is the purpose of it, enough?

Yes, what I said above is the group of people in my guild, starting from me as the guild leader, to any member of the guild, this is true!

After deciding on the plan to swipe the world boss tomorrow, the members of the guild have also started their own preparations, but in my opinion, this preparation does not seem to be used to swipe the boss at all, but rather like... .

"Hey, Susan, what are you doing with such a big tuft of fat beef?"

"Hey, Belle, what are you holding? Fruits and vegetables? Huh? How come there are chicken thighs? I said, what is that bag of chicken wings for?"

"Hey, Kunna, what do you do with a big bucket? Yes, yes, I ask what you do with a big bucket? Hey, why are you staring at me? Staring at me, you stare at me again. Believe it or not, I bit you!"

"I said, what do you guys do with the bamboo sticks? Are you planning to shoot the world boss to death with this stuff? Stop teasing, this stuff won't hurt even if it pierces people... Ah, Billy, Your grandson, who told you to pierce me with this stuff!"

Everyone was busy for a while, and finally, everyone sat together, looking at the steaming oven and the skewers of food on the oven, and relieved with a sigh of relief.

A black line on my face: "You...Is this for tomorrow's world boss, or just for a barbecue?"

"Eat barbecue~" Fenghuang's mouth was straightforward, and he took this string of chicken wings that had been tested and jumped to my side, blew it, and passed it directly to my mouth.

I reluctantly took a bite.

"Does it taste good?" Fenghuang asked me milkily.

"Okay, delicious" I had to smile back.

At this time, Barbara also ran to me, and handed a bunch of roasted garlic to my mouth.

I also took a bite and chewed a few times.

She also learned the tone of Phoenix, and said, "Is it delicious?"

I chewed and smiled brightly: "It's delicious, it's delicious."

As he said, he took the roasted garlic from her hand and handed it to her affectionately: "Come on, you also have a piece."

Barbara ate a piece of roasted garlic with a happy face and bite twice. Suddenly her expression became very weird. Then she turned her head and spit it out with a wow, and then kept flapping her tongue: "Woo, okay Spicy, so spicy, not cooked!"

Kagali stood up at this moment, stretched out her hand, pulled me back to my seat, and said: "Even if you are fighting a world boss, you have to eat your food first, and you can fight with strength."

"But... do you have to prepare a time-wasting meal like barbecue?" I frowned: "If you want to eat barbecue, you can eat it anytime after finishing the World BOSS tomorrow. Today is the most important thing. It is to be ready for battle."

Tyler, who was gnawing on roasted chicken legs on the side, wiped the oil from his mouth, and said, "You bastard, don't you understand it. In fact, barbecue is also a kind of battle."

"Huh?" I looked at him blankly.

"Grandpa Tyler" Lily swallowed the roasted vegetables in her mouth and said, "Are you going to tell us a story again?"

"Hmm!" Taylor said solemnly: "What story, this is not a story, this is a real historical event!"

As he said, he took another bite of the chicken thigh, swallowed it, and said, "It was a long, long time ago. In order to face the terrible dungeon boss, the first generation heroes had no choice but to sit together and discuss countermeasures."

"They discussed it for a long time, but they didn't even come up with a fart... ah, but they didn't even come up with a solution. Everyone felt very anxious and didn't know how to deal with the next day's battle."

"At this time, there was a hero's suggestion that we should eat first and then make plans. Everyone else felt hungry when they heard it, so they all agreed to this suggestion."

"At this time, the problem is coming. Heroes who have been fighting for a long time, the food in the bag is already cold. If you eat it, it will ruin your stomach. If you don't eat it, your stomach growls again, and there is no way to think, so, One of them was very wise, and proposed barbecue."

"Next, needless to say, after the heroes ate the barbecue, they all felt warm and energetic. With good condition, they won a big victory."

"Look, without this barbecue, how could such a big victory be exchanged, so ah" Tyler took a sip of wine, hiccuped, and said, "Barbecuing is also a kind of battle."

After Tyler finished speaking, the scene was quiet, and the silence was terrible, and even the crackling charcoal fire became harsh.

A disease called embarrassment swept everyone present.

I even showed a dazed expression: this is the first time I heard... such a bad story...

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