"Oh, singled out the tauren boss left."

The masked female elf bowed her head indifferently, before she breathed a full breath, suddenly raised her head and stared at me with incredible eyes: "What did you say? Level four? When you were at level four, you singled out the tauren boss?"

"Ah, yeah" I sighed and touched the hideous scar on my chest with lingering fears: "It was really dangerous at the time, and I almost died."

"What you said, really? Fake?" The masked female elf stared at my eyes, as if she wanted to see the history clearly from my eyes.

"Fake" I grinned.

"Huh, I was almost scared by you." The masked female elf was relieved with eyes full of relief. She exhaled and said, "Fourth-level singles against the tauren boss, this record is impossible even for ours. "

"That one? Which one?" I was puzzled.

"Is it the female elf who is known as the number one warrior in the Hefeng Continent?" Kagali said at the right time.

"I heard her rumors in the store. She seems to be a very, very powerful adventurer. Many of the shop assistants are her fans!" Barbara smiled and shook my arm.

"Oh? Are you a fan of her too?" I asked Barbara.

"No" Barbara's head shook quickly: "I'm a fan of Auntie."


The sturdy and sturdy posture of the proprietress instantly appeared in my mind, and I shuddered for no reason.

"What about you?" I asked Phoenix who was holding my arm, "What do you think of her?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Phoenix asked with a dull expression.

"Ah, nothing, just ask if you have an idol."

"Yes." She raised her little face high, her eyes bent into crescents: "There are two."

"Who is it?" I asked with a smile.

"One is my master." She looked longing at first, and then smiled sweetly: "There is another, it's you."


I had an old face and kept smiling.

Huh, huh!

A disturbing sound came from the masked female elf's mouth. She turned her face to one side and said, "Okay, let's stop here when we talk about love. We still have serious things to do."

I spread my hands and made a helpless expression at the three girls.

After the team assembled again, we followed the safe route we chose before and moved across the corridor.

In front of me, there was another gate, the same as the gate when I entered, tall and strong.

The masked female elf told me that after passing through this door, it was the main tomb.

It is not a simple thing to open the door, but fortunately there are a lot of people. After a lot of effort, the door is finally opened.

What catches the eye, in addition to the more magnificent and luxurious decoration, is a tall sculpture and some people who are singing.

Those people surrounded a stone statue on the high platform, chanting something like a mantra.

Around those people, there were fourteen adventurers armed with weapons, and a man in luxurious clothes.

Presumably, these people should be the ones who entered before.

Just thinking about it, the man in the luxurious clothes and the adventurer holding the weapon looked at this together.

When I saw the face clearly, I realized that among the fourteen adventurers holding weapons, one of them was someone I knew, Xu Tengbo!

Obviously, Xu Tengbo recognized me too, he stared at a pair of bull's eyes, combined with his rough and awkward looks, it is not too ugly.

I showed a smile at him, and when I gave up, I let out the masked female elf beside me, and said, "It seems this is the last stop. See if there is something you are looking for?"

The masked female elf flashed her eyes and suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Ready to crossbow arrows!"

All the elves uniformly took out an exquisite small crossbow from the side equipment bag, and quickly pulled the crossbow to wind it.


When I gave the order, I watched a dozen crossbow arrows swish straight to the high platform.

If not unexpected, the location they are aiming at should be the stone statue in the center of the high platform!

The stone statue is two to three meters high and is carved into the appearance of a warrior. It holds a shield in his left hand and a gun in his right.

I rub, who is this? Why do I look familiar?

After that, a ping-pong-pong sound came into the ears, and when he looked down, all the crossbow arrows had been dropped by Xu Tengbo and the others.

Gee, that's not bad.

I praised in my heart.

At the same time, Xu Tengbo stepped forward and said: "An Xiaoyi, why are you here!"

I laughed and asked, "Then why are you here?"

"I am for the future of Ai Ruicheng!" He said righteously: "What about you, what reason?"

I didn't answer him, but cut with disdain, and said, "You are still for the future of Erri City. You are an adventurer. On top of it, you are the captain of a certain team under the five major guilds. Don't overestimate yourself. Up."

"Huh!" Xu Tengbo said coldly: "Compared with Ai Ruicheng, I am really not worth mentioning, but I follow the future master of Ai Ruicheng!"

"Huh? Is the old city lord the crown prince? Why haven't I heard of it?" I turned my head and asked the three women: "Have you heard?"

The three women shook their heads.

"That's right." I curled my lips: "Erei City has always had traditions. The establishment of a new city lord is to inform the world. I think the old city lord will not break the rules set by the ancestors."

"Presumptuous, you speak too presumptuously!" Xu Tengbo said angrily: "Do you know who this is standing in front of your eyes! He is the famous Second Young Master in Erri City-Carter Scott!"

Hey, it's no wonder that a tomb robber wears such luxurious clothes. The co-author is the second master of Ai Ruicheng.

I looked at the arrogant young man on the high platform, thinking about whether he should be killed right here.

Although Xu Tengbo is a tenth-level adventurer, I dare to make a guarantee. He is not my opponent at all.

"An Xiaoyi" the second young master murmured while standing on the high platform, but the sound was loud, far away, I could hear clearly: "I remember you, your relationship with my brother Rodney Very good, and I have also investigated you, but your background is very mysterious and you have very little effective information, but it does not mean there is no.

"Oh?" I was intrigued: "Tell me, if you are right, I will admit it."

His voice was very high and cold, and his tone was indifferent: "As far as I know, you are related to several guild destruction cases a year ago."

"How many cases?" I smiled: "Tell me a specific number."

He did not disrupt his thoughts by me, but continued: "I only know that at least four intermediate guilds were destroyed by you alone."

"Do you have any witnesses?" I asked again.

Surprisingly, he paused and said, "No."

I exhaled, and suddenly spread my hands: "Forget it, don't tease you, I admit, I killed some guilds, intermediate guilds and junior guilds have them. I don’t remember exactly how many guilds there were. I don’t remember how many I killed. People, I don’t remember either."

"Just admit it," the second young master suddenly said: "Although killing and extermination of the guild is not illegal in Ai Rui City, as long as I give an order, you will still be sent to jail for the crime of disrupting security. I will give it to you now. An opportunity, as long as you submit to me, I can forgive all your crimes and give you glory and wealth."

"It's that simple?" I scratched my head: "As long as I submit to you, can I get such good benefits?"

"I promise."

The second young master smiled, and from his smile, I read the pride and conceit.

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