In the afterglow of the setting sun, I carried the Odachi that constantly mocked me and walked home staggeringly.

On the way, I couldn't help wondering: "What material did you use to make it?"

Odachi smiled in a very wretched tone, and said, "Even if I told you, you still can't find a way to melt me."

"That's not necessarily" I said: "As long as you know the name of the material, there will always be a way."

"Hahahaha, brat, my uncle advises you, don't bother to waste your thoughts." Taidachi said in a disdainful tone: "May I tell you the truth, my uncle, like you, is not a product of this world at all!"

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue sky, freezing me in place, and my mind becomes blank.

After a long while, I took off the big sword and stood on the ground with wide-eyed eyes, and said, "You, how do you know..."

"I'm curious, isn't it?" Odachi's voice was very proud: "Are you curious, say, are you curious?"

"I will not kneel down and kowtow, nor will I call you Grandpa Dato."

"Cut" it expresses its dissatisfaction at the moment with a very disdainful tone.

The topic ended here, and I walked home silently, thinking about how to do things in my mind.

The voice of Odachi also kept ringing in my mind at the same time, teasing my bottom line.

I was not in the mood to pay attention to it, and selectively filtered all its sounds.

Until entering the house, Odachi still did not give up teasing me, and by this, I understood its first attribute-chat.

However, when I put it aside, I discovered another attribute that can restrain its chatter-as long as you don't directly touch it, you can't hear it.

For me, this is a very good situation, because when I am in battle, all my energy will be concentrated on the enemy, and I will deliberately ignore its words.

As for the battle, as long as you go home and throw it in the corner, you can spend the day quietly.

Think about it, such a peaceful day really makes me a little excited~

After dinner, everyone was sitting in the yard, chatting, playing cards and nonsense. The three Phoenix girls dragged me into the room and said there was something to discuss.

Closing the door, we sat opposite each other, and Kagali said, "Today, we met the masked female elf again."


"Her eyes are very tired and her spirits are also very weak."


"I told her about the idea of ​​looking for heroes in the mausoleum."


"Don't always answer ‘oh’, okay? Kagali pouted, not very happy: "Say something too."

"Oh, good."

Kagali: ...

She pouted again, as if she was going to give me some advice, but finally gave up and continued with the previous topic: "She told me that the elves have tried to find all the surrounding tombs, and have not found any legends. Traces of the person."

"Oh" I squeezed my chin and said, "This is also reasonable. After all, it is said that the strong are not turnips and cabbage. You can't find them in every tomb."

"But there is one in the tomb of Ai Rui City. It stands to reason that Moonlight City should also have one."

I spread my hands and said, "There is no such reason, just like some people can’t find a girlfriend, but I have three fiancees like flowers and jade. What can be found in the Mausoleum of Ai Ruicheng, the Mausoleum of Moonlight City may not be. There will be, on the contrary, there will be those in Moonlight City, and there may not be in Eri City."

"What you said makes sense." Kagali nodded in agreement: "However, this has nothing to do with what I want to express."

"Oh? That's it..." I was startled and said: "Then what do you mean by that?"

Kagali said: "What I want to say is that since no trace of the legendary strong can be found in the tomb of Moonlight City, then it is very likely that there will be no legendary strong in other towns. Maybe only Eri City has the legendary powerhouse."

"Well, what does this mean?"

"In other words," Kagali worried: "Our previous concerns are still there."

I scratched my head: "The previous concerns...what is that?"

Three black lines hung from the top of Kagali's head to her forehead, and she suddenly said loudly, "Did you forget our conversation two days ago?"

I am embarrassed to laugh.

She sighed helplessly, and said, "The worry is that the peace situation of the entire Hefeng Continent has become out of control because of the super power in Ai Ruicheng, and chaos and war have begun."

"Oh, you mean this" I waved my hand: "I still remember this."

"So, Xiaoyi, you should also think of a way to try to prevent this terrible thing from happening."

I was a little confused and confused and said: "I didn't understand too much. You said you want me to find a way to prevent terrible things from happening, but what can I do and how can I organize it?"

Sighing, I continued: "I have said before that Achilles' combat power is not what I can match. Even if I fight with all my strength with the belief that I will die, it may not hurt him at all. With such a gap in strength, I can only do one thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Pray that the war will come later and let me work harder to become stronger. Although I may not be able to beat him, at least I will have the strength to protect you."

The three girls were silent when they heard it. For a little bit, Phoenix walked to me lightly and leaned on my shoulder: "Xiaoyi, you are so nice~"

Barbara also leaped over, hugging my arms, and a pair of cats kept turning around.

Kagali pondered for a while, and said: "Xiao Yi, I know you may be embarrassed to do this, but I have promised the masked female elf."

"Huh?" I said in surprise: "What did you promise?"

Kagali said, "I promised you to let her go to Moonlight City."

"What are you going to do?" I asked again.

"Go and fight against the strongest female soldier in Hefeng Continent."


I almost spit blood: "Hey, although you are my fiancee, you can help me decide many things, but please ask my opinion for this kind of painful thing!"

Kagali curled her lips and said, "Xiao Yi, you seem to be upset."

I collapsed and said: "I have just been abused by the super strong, and this is going to be abused by the strongest female soldier. I am not being abused, how can I be happy!"


Kagali lowered her head and muttered softly.

"Hey, forget it." I lowered my head, a little helpless, and said, "Who told you to be my fiancee? For you, it's okay to be abused once."

"Xiaoyi, you are so kind" Kagali also took the opportunity to sneak over and kept beating my legs and shoulders.

I thought for a while and asked Kagali: "Can you tell me why the strongest female warrior wants to fight me? Whose idea is this? What is the purpose?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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