The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 891: The aim is to overthrow the regime

"Adopt an orphan?" Lilea lowered her head, put her chin on her small fist, thought for a moment, and said: "It's not impossible, but my organization has limited funds..."

"Don't worry about funds or anything" I said: "Did you forget, who is our backstage."

"You mean...Master Dewey?"

"Yeah" I nodded, "I think, with his daily income, he can almost keep a small town running for several days. Such huge liquidity can be used to cultivate some troubled or potential ones. Orphans, I think it will greatly enhance the strength of our guild."

"That's true." Lilea thought for a while, and said, "Well then, just do what you said."

After that, I contacted Dewey and told him my intentions, including the kidnapping.

After Dewey heard this, he did not criticize me. He pondered a little and said, "I think your plan is very good and can be implemented."

When I heard Dewey's words, I couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Aren't you against my kidnapping?"

Dewey said: "You are not using those children as a tool for fun or killing them as animals, but you train them to become your subordinates and work for you to support yourself. I think this way is very good."

"Oh, so you look at it from this perspective, then I'm relieved."

"Don't pay too much attention to other people's feelings" Dewey said: "Don't pay too much attention to your own conscience, some things, if you don't do it with your own conscience, you will definitely not be able to do it, and often you cannot do this , It is likely to become an important link that hinders your progress in the future."

"Okay, I know."

After hanging up the call, Lilea approached me and asked me, "Xiaoyi, why do you want those kids in such a hurry?"

I asked Lilea, "Remember the twelve elves you sent me earlier?"


"Six of the girls were sent to the palace as maids, and the other six boys were sent to a friend for training." I paused and said, "Assassin training."

"Assassin?" Lilea frowned, and said: "My organization is dedicated to training assassins, do I need someone else to help train them?"

"Look, you are excited again. That's not good. Let's be quiet, come, sit down and listen to me slowly" I explained to Lilea, "Of course I know that your organization specializes in training assassins. Of course, I also recognize your ability and work attitude very much, but, there are days outside the world, there are people outside the world, this friend I am talking about, his strength is very strong...Uh, better than me anyway, let’s put it this way, If he wants to assassinate me, with my current level of strength, he can't even detect it."

"Is it really that powerful?" Lilya's brows spread, but her star eyes were full of doubt.

"It's true" I said: "Furthermore, I don't have to deceive you."

Lilea nodded, and then another question emerged spontaneously: "Since the strength is stronger than you, why should he be loyal to you?"

"The answer to this question may sound a bit false, do you really want to listen?"

She nodded.

"Well, let me tell you, I actually met that person by mistake. As for his allegiance to me, it was because I promised him to lead him to overthrow the power of the descendants of legendary heroes."


Aside, Kagali, who was listening to us chattering, spouted water.

Yura’s expression is also very wonderful, her mouth is wide open and her face is complex: "Huh?"

Phoenix and Barbara didn't react much. They had no interest in creatures like descendants of legendary heroes.

I took a look at Lilya, Kagali, and Yula, and I sighed, "I'll just say it, you must think this is fake."

"This is not a question of whether or not it is fake at all!" Kagali blurted out: "Overthrow the power of the descendants of legendary heroes? Xiaoyi, your brain is broken?"

"That's right!" Yura also excitedly said: "Brother, do you know what this means?"

I wondered: "What does it mean?"

"This means that you will be an enemy of the entire Hefeng Continent!" Yula emphasized excitedly: "The entire Hefeng Continent!"

"Is that why that person is loyal to you?" Lilya's expression is also serious, but compared to the exaggerated expressions of Kagali and Yura, she is already quite calm.

"In fact, it doesn't mean to overthrow the power of all the descendants of legendary heroes in the entire Hefeng Continent," I explained: "It's mainly to overthrow the Carter family's existing power."

"What is meant by overthrowing the existing regime?" Lilea couldn't help asking without understanding what I was saying.

"It's the people who are in power in the city of Ai Rui, for example, the current city lord of the city of Ai, as well as the young master and the second young master."

"What about Carter Rodney, the three young masters?" Lilea asked.

"He has to keep it" I said: "I intend to support him to become the lord of Ai Rui City."

"Really, Xiaoyi!" Kagali got off the bed, walked up to me, stared at my face for a while, and said, "You want to support the monarch of a country?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise why should I say it."

"Xiaoyi, you have to know that although Ai Ruicheng looks turbulent now, its memory strength is still beyond the control of ordinary organizations. Do you really plan to use our guild... to fight against a country? ?"

"To say that our guild’s current strength is used to fight against a country is naturally idiotic, but this does not mean that we will not be able to fight in the future. Frankly speaking, I am currently trying to develop three new forces, one of which is Li For the six boys that Leia gave me, I asked my friends to help me train them to become first-class assassins, then recruit new people and continue to train them. Ultimately, my goal is to establish an assassin group that specializes in assassination operations. "

After a pause, I continued: "Another force, now hiding in the territory of the fairy patriarch, is the group of goblins that I should have sent away before but was dropped by me. They are making puppets day and night, for the future is unknown. Prepare for the battle."

"There is one last force" I frowned, and said: "Speaking of which, I don't expect much of this force. Maybe it will play some role in the future, but now... it's very weak. The strength is the New Heroic Guild."

"New Valor Guild?" Yula took the lead in asking questions: "Is it related to the Valor Guild that I have stayed in?"

"It does matter," I said, "The vice president of the New Valor Guild is the former president of the Valor Guild, Harold."

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