The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 896: Don't scare the kids

"Don't kick, Xiaoyi, don't kick, kick Xiaozhi again and you will die!"

Behind me, everyone began to persuade me, and the three little loli even ran up to Xiao Zhi, all of them desperately acting as Xiao Zhi's protective shield.

Seeing the pitiful expressions of the three little loli, I finally held back the fire, knelt down, and said to Xiao: "Give me a reasonable reason for your sudden disappearance, otherwise, hum."

I sneered three times and Xiaozhi trembled three times.

Xiao Zhi doesn't speak the lingua franca of the Hefeng Mainland, it speaks insect language.

If you want to clarify the meaning of Xiaozheryu, you have to find an expert who is proficient in Zongyu.

In the guild, there are only three little Lolita and Godot who can understand insect language. Obviously, it is better to find Godot for this kind of translation work.

Calling Godot to my side, I grinned at Xiaozi and said, "Okay, explain."

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak..."

Xiao Zhi barked and danced with her claws, as if dancing, but wanted to convulse.

After a long time, it finally stopped its movements, its tentacles raised, revealing the arrogant movement that is unique to the worm, and raised its front legs, pointed at me, and said, "Squeak!"

I feel so angry all over, Tsundere, your sister Tsundere, believe it or not, I will hang you up to make a dried beetle!

Godot nodded after Xiao Zhi's last ‘squeak’, turned to me, and said: “Xiao Zhi said, it has cleaned up some bad guys in the forest who shot everyone with crossbows.”

I frowned, a little suspicious, and subconsciously blurted out: "Xiao Zhi?"


Xiao Zhi let out a dissatisfied roar, and its front paw stretched out, and it touched my knee.

Not to mention, the kick was quite painful.

I screamed in pain and gave a small squeeze, but because the Phoenix was lying in my arms and had no spare hands to beat it, I could only bear it.

"Take me to see" I said: "If you really did it, I will admit it to you."


Following Xiao Zhi, we entered the only forest that was not attacked. We entered the forest for three to four meters. Xiao Zhi stretched out his front paws and pointed. Following its front paws, I saw four fragments that were caught. The corpse of the elf, and an elf who is not dead, but has a big hole in his legs, feet and arms.

The elf was dying at the moment, but after seeing Xiao Zhi, he still subconsciously twitched all over, thinking he was frightened.


Xiao Zhi came to me proudly, her Tsundere expression even more grandiose.

"Okay, okay, I see." While holding Phoenix tightly, I lowered my head to admit that I was wrong: "I am wrong. I underestimate you. Please be generous and forgive me."


Godot on one side explained: "Xiao Zhi said that he forgave you, but not as an example, otherwise it will **** in your shoes."

"Nima egg!" I scolded in my heart.

Putting the phoenix on Xiao Zhi's back, I walked to the elf, crouched down, and watched him quietly, as if looking at a desperate rabbit.

His eyes shrank sharply, staring at me tightly, filled with hatred and killing intent, and the only remaining mouth that could make him grind his teeth, it looked like he could not eat me. Meaty.

I laughed, approached him, and said: "Who sent you?"

He didn't speak, but stared at me fiercely, grinding his teeth.

Reaching out to pick up the crossbow scattered on the side, I stood up and handed it to Lilea: "Help me identify it."

Lilea looked over and over again: "Same as the last time, it's the equipment of the newly formed assassination team."

"Yeah, really assassinated the squad." Subconsciously, I patted my chest and said, "I was worried about whether it would be the friendly army sent by Emily to test our strength. Now I can rest assured."

As I said, I squatted down again and leaned close to him: "In this way, I will negotiate a condition with you. You tell me who your client is, I will heal you, and then let you go. How about this condition, no matter Whatever you think, it’s all for you, right?"

He still gritted his teeth and stared at me, refusing to utter a word.

"Ahhhhhhhhh? Did the negotiation fail?" I said with a curled lips, "Well, let me give you a more favorable condition. I will not only heal your injuries, but also prepare an airship ticket for you. Leaving Moonlight City, you can go wherever you want, as long as you don’t show up next to me, how about it?"

This time, the elf's eyes shook, he slowly spoke, and said, "What...really?"

"Of course it is true, but well, since the conditions for you have become more favorable, then my requirements will naturally have to be raised accordingly." I smiled and said, "Tell me everything you know, and don't hide anything. , There must be no falsehood."

"You!" His expression instantly turned hideous, and it was probably because of my additional conditions that angered his anger, but while increasing the reward, the requirements were also raised accordingly. Isn't this normal?

There is no free lunch in the world. The more you give, the more you will ask for it. This is equivalent exchange and the law of immortality.

"Why, do you not intend to accept this expression?" I shrugged: "It's a pity, since the negotiation failed, I have to act according to my own code of conduct."

After all, I took out the small call crystal and dialed the call.

"Hello, this is Moonlight City Adventurer Base."

"Hello, I want to find Ren..."

Then, I told the staff of the house number of the tree house where Renn lived. After a while, Renn's voice came over: "I'm Renn."

"I'm Xiaoyi" I said: "Ryan, I will tell you a position now. Come here quickly."

Then, I told Renn where I was now.

Ten minutes later, Rennes arrived.

From a distance, I saw Renn still clutching a few heads.

I frowned, wondering: "What is that?"

"I came across a few mice that wanted to attack me on the way," Rene said, "It's not easy to catch alive, so I brought their heads over. Maybe it will be useful."

Seeing that he was fully armed, and even brought the tools for torture, I couldn't help but give a thumbs up and praised: "As expected of the commander-in-chief of the assassination team in the future, I really like it."

"Assassination squad commander-in-chief?" everyone around me couldn't help but wonder.

"Uh" I paused, with a bright smile, covering up all the doubts and embarrassment: "This matter, I will explain to you later, this Mr. Rehn, you have seen before, is my friend. He is also a member of the establishment of our Fearless Guild, it's just that, now he has an important task and cannot get along with us."

After the introduction, I said to Ren: "This person may be in the same group as the person who assassinated me last time. You can help to find out his information. The method does not matter. Try to keep the screams as small as possible and don't scare the children. ."

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