Seeing that Ryan couldn't convince me, he had no choice but to remain silent.

I understand that he is out of good intentions and for my sake, but he still doesn't know the relationship between me and Dewey.

Failure to tell him about the relationship between me and Dewey is not to say that I don't trust him, but that it is unnecessary.

To him, I was just his loyal boss, advising me to save money, just to make my organization as rich as possible. For this kind of master-servant relationship, I don’t need to explain everything to him. .

When I arrived at the door, I asked Renne: "Would you like to have a dagger? I can ask the most powerful craftsman to help you build it."

Ren shook his head and said, "I use the current one very smoothly. I don't need to change it."

"Okay." I nodded and said, "If you want to use a new weapon, just tell me."

Ren nodded and left alone.

Watching him disappear into the night, I curled my lips and pushed open the door.

Finally home!

This is my only mood so far.

Just ten minutes ago, I was besieged by four elven assassins and injured my ass. I was really hanging by a thread!

Fortunately, Renn took the shot in time and killed the four guys one by one, and I just escaped.

Now that I think about it, there are still lingering dim sums.

As I was about to take a shower in the bathroom and change clothes, I heard Barbara exclaimed behind her: "Xiaoyi! Why did your pants break a hole?"

"Oh, I slipped my foot when I was walking back, and I was sitting on a stone, and I pierced my pants."

Barbara let out a ‘oh’ and asked, "Why is there a dark red around the hole?"

"Dark red...It's a tomato. I don't know who dropped the little tomato on the ground, and it was crushed by my ass."

I smirked, and before she and the others asked again, I slipped into the bathroom.

When I was washing, I looked at the hole in my pants. It was a big cut. The blade of the dagger that stabbed my **** must be very wide. There was a dark red blood stain around the hole. The wound must be very deep and big, no wonder it hurts so much!

Fortunately, my own healing ability is strong, otherwise, I must not drag my **** and limping back.

If Phoenix and the others saw the scene, they would be worried. Needless to say, the most terrifying thing is the lingering embarrassment. After all, the place of injury is very subtle.

Thanks to the red Amon who gave me the red crystal, which saved me from embarrassment.

However, the pants are broken...The **** are also broken. It’s still a bit bad. You can’t go out wearing pants and **** with holes. Besides, they are all stained with blood, even if they can be washed clean, they are still wet. , Can’t go out wearing wet underwear and wet pants.

Really, in a panic, I forgot to prepare a spare set of clothes!

Just thinking about it, the door to the bathroom opened, and Godot walked in with a suit of casual clothes.

He faced me, smiled slightly, and said, "Captain, I have brought you clothes."

This is simply giving charcoal in the snow!

In an instant, Godot's image in my eyes became tall and holy, even comparable to an angel in the sky!

I was so grateful that I almost cried, but when I was about to say thank you, I was stunned. Numerous black lines hung on my forehead, setting off my embarrassment at this moment.

Godot, the man who was almost regarded as an angel by me, while holding his clothes, looked up and down my body with a pair of wretched eyes. His eyes were extremely greedy, as if he wanted to imprint my naked appearance deeply on his brain. Medium.

Damn it, I forgot, this guy is a **** guy!

To ensure the integrity of my chrysanthemum, I resolutely drove this product out of the bathroom.

Godot was driven away by me, while wiping the corners of his mouth and said, "Captain, I am the cute player who brought you clothes. You can't be so rude to me! Captain, Captain!"

After locking the door to the bathroom, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously covered the chrysanthemum. Fortunately, it didn't hurt.

After taking a shower and changing my clothes, I threw the original clothes into the trash can not because it broke a hole, but because the blood stains were too difficult to clean. Once I was seen it would cause a lot of trouble.

Back to the room, I took out the call crystal to make a call to Dewey. Soon, Dewey connected the crystal and said in a very tired voice: "Hey, it's Xiaoyi?"

"It's me" I said: "What's wrong with you, it sounds like it sounds particularly tired?"

"It must be tired," Dewey said, "studying the rune you sent for twenty hours."

Then, he said in a very excited tone: "Although it has been a long time, I have to say that I have made a new breakthrough in ancient runes. When you are free, I will tell you in detail!"

"Ah good."

"By the way, Xiaoyi, are you in a hurry if you contact me so late?"

"Not in a hurry, but it belongs to the kind that is as fast as possible" I said: "Can you help me get a shorter Tachi and mail it over, I want to use it."

"Do you want a magic weapon or an enchanted weapon?" Dewey asked.

"Ordinary is fine, but the material must be good!"

"Why don't you want magic weapons and enchanted weapons?" Dewey wondered.

"Magic weapons and enchanted weapons are too cool, and mailing is not safe" I said: "However, if you have to mail me these two types of swords, I am naturally embarrassed to refuse, hehehe~"

"Forget it," Dewey said: "You are right. Both types of weapons are at sky-high prices. If you lose them, I feel a little pain. You should wait until you are free before you come and get them."

"Huh? Let's forget it?" I looked disappointed: "I thought you could hold on for a while."

"Stop it, I'll rest in a while" Dewey sighed, and said, "So, let's make a long story short, tell me what type of sword do you plan to take?"

"The same as the normal Taitou will do." I thought about it, and added: "It doesn't matter if you sink a point, but don't be too wide or long."

"Okay, I understand."

"That..." I hesitated, but decided to say: "When will I get the knife?"

There was silence on the call crystal, and after dozens of seconds, a series of snoring sounds rang, which shook my ears.

Dewey may have been exhausted to the limit and fell asleep when he lay down.

I sighed and hung up the crystal.

When I lay down, my arm just touched the blade of Odachi, and the sound of Odachi came into my mind in an instant: "Hey, brat, do you have any dissatisfaction with me?"

"No," I said silently in my heart.

"Since there is no dissatisfaction, why would you ask others to help you get a Dachi of other styles?"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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