The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 910: The way to get rich overnight

I think so, but after all, Ai Rui City and Moonlight City are far apart. Once in distress, it is difficult to get support in a short time. After thinking twice, I decided to put this idea on hold. After all, there is still a month left. During this period, try to think of a feasible way.

Early the next morning, instead of going to the dungeon with Fenghuang, I found an excuse to stay at home. When they all went to the dungeon, I slipped to the Elf Palace by myself.

This time I was very lucky. The guard at the door was an old acquaintance of mine. He didn't stop me, or even asked me why I came to the palace and let me go. Sure enough, it's good to have an acquaintance.

When I entered the palace, I looked around and found a few palace ladies who were cleaning, and then stepped forward to say hello and asked them where Emily was.

After that, I followed the maid’s direction and quickly found an inconspicuous room, knocked on the door, and a familiar voice came out: "Please come in."

I opened the door, Emily was not wearing a combat uniform, but a plain formal dress, sitting at a spacious desk, leaning her chin in thought.

Seeing me coming in, she put down the arm supporting her chin and said, "Xiaoyi? What are you doing here?"

I closed the door casually, looked around in the room, found a chair that was shelved, moved to the opposite side of her and sat down, hehe smiled: "I didn't expect you to be so beautiful in formal clothes~"

"Really?" Emily looked down at her clothes, sighed, and said: "This kind of clothes is very restrained and does not fit in a combat uniform. By the way, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Oh, actually, I'm here for a reason..."

"You will definitely not come here without a reason" Emily said: "Get to the point."

"Okay" I said: "Do you know any way to make money quickly?"

Emily was startled, puzzled: "What do you ask this for?"

"What else can be done, of course, is to make money."

Then, I talked about the causes and consequences of buying weapons and paying the bills. After listening, Emily nodded and said, "It turns out that it is, I know."

"Then what can you do?" I asked.

"If there is a way..." She paused, and said: "There is indeed."

I can’t wait to ask: "What is the solution?"

Emily didn't speak, but looked at me with a calm expression, her clear eyes gleaming in the light.

Staring at her for a few seconds, I sighed and said, "Uh...I understand, tell me your conditions."

"Get me a weapon too" Emily said: "It's also produced by Master Simon. I want a two-handed sword."

"Eh? Are you not the president of the Rose Legion? You should be very rich, right? You want to order a two-handed sword or something?"

Emily shook her head and said, "If I were rich, I wouldn't live in such a small house."

Ahhh...what's the situation! I didn't make a cent of the money, but the bill added another!

I almost wanted to cry without tears, but Emily still stared at me firmly and persistently, as if I was sure that I would promise her.

...Well, she guessed it right.

I nodded and agreed to Emily's terms. Emily told me: "Since you have been to the Burial Ground, you should have seen the imperial tomb near the Burial Ground, right?"

I thought about it and answered honestly: "Yes, I saw it."

Emily continued: "There are many valuable things in the tomb..."

Hearing this, I was stunned, raised my hand to interrupt her, and said, "Hey, wait, are you asking me to steal the imperial tomb?"

Emily shook her head: "No, listen to me first."

Seeing that it wasn't such a bad idea to steal the imperial tomb, I calmed down again.

She continued: "In fact, the specifications of these imperial tombs are modeled after the tombs that are deeper in the Fairy Forest, and the location of the treasures of the imperial tombs is generally designed according to the locations of those tombs."

After listening to her, I squeezed my chin, and wondered: "Where did you hear about this kind of thing?"

"I saw it in the book," Emily said: "It's in your majesty's study."

"Is this a myth?"

"No," Emily said: "That is a history book, it records history, there will be no fakes."

"It turned out to be a history book" I nodded, "So, how many treasures will there be in those tombs in the depths of the Fairy Forest?"

"The book says there are countless."

"Don't always say it in the book, have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"No," she denied.

"What you said makes me very entangled..." I helplessly said: "There is a written in the book, but you haven't seen it before. If there is a deviation in the book, wouldn't I be too busy? "

"However, this is the only way I know of getting rich overnight," Emily said.

"Get rich put it lightly" I sighed: "God knows if these tombs are full of institutions and constant traps."

"Yes," Emily said firmly.

"That's what the book says?" I asked.

She nodded.

Okay... She is really a good boy who believes in books.

"I said, Emily, would you like to go with me...expedition?"

"Don't" Emily vetoed: "You want me to robber the tomb with you, please allow me to refuse. As an elf, you won't set foot in your own tomb casually."

"Is it required by law?" I asked.

"No" Emily said: "It's self-persistence, and I don't have time to go with you..."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help sighing, and said: "I'm already very overwhelmed by investigating the case of the missing puppet design, and I have no time to estimate anything else."

"The case of missing the puppet design? Isn't that timeless?"

"Did you forget what I told you before?" Emily said solemnly: "The sooner this kind of case is revealed, the less threat to my clan."

"Okay, I see. If there is nothing wrong, I will go." With a sigh, I plan to leave.

Emily stopped me suddenly and said solemnly: "If you want to explore the tomb, you must be careful. Not only are the organs and traps in the tomb very dangerous, there are also many terrible monsters around the tomb, some of them even I can't fight it."

"Even you can't fight against" I spread my hands: "Then I will definitely die if I go."

"The more terrible the monster's activity space is, the closer to the center of the Fairy Forest" Emily said: "As long as you don't get too deep, the danger will be relatively small."

"If you don't get too deep, can you find the tomb?" I asked.

Emily nodded and said: "It can be found, but it may have been explored inside. The chance of finding treasures will be relatively less, but it is relatively safe."

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