Stopping in front of the gate of the mausoleum, carefully recognizing the few patterns and patterns on the gate, I was lost in thought: none of these patterns and patterns is something I can understand.

Egg hurts...

This is my only thought.

The reason why I stopped to identify these was to find out some information related to the tomb, to facilitate the exploration of the tomb for a while, and to make some guarantees for safety.

However, when I found that I couldn't understand the meaning of the above pattern at all, my mood instantly became very bad.

Really fucking, I knew I didn't watch it.

Secretly murmured, I raised my leg and stepped into the tomb gate.

When I first entered the gate tens of meters, everything around was still bright, at least I could see everything around clearly.

The walls on both sides of the tomb were very smoothly cut. The walls were bare, with neither frescoes nor carvings. The whole was an earth-yellow stone wall.

I pulled out the straight sword and slashed it hard, leaving only a shallow trace. It seemed that the rock wall was still very hard.

Putting the sword into its sheath, I was about to continue going inside, when Odachi's voice suddenly sounded in my head: "Try me."

"You want to draw the wall too?" I asked.

"If the road ahead is very safe and open, I will naturally refuse to draw the wall" Otato said: "But who knows if there will be any disasters in a while, if you are really trapped here, there is a better way to escape. Sit and wait to die."

"That's right." I nodded in response, then drew out the Odachi, and made another stroke on the tomb wall as before.

The sharpness of the Odachi is far from that of the straight sword, but with a random stroke, the wall of the tomb is cut half an inch deep.

"Oh, this sharpness" I was a little surprised, took the Dadachi back, wiped off the stone powder on it, and put the knife in its sheath.

"How about it!" Odachi said proudly: "It's much more powerful than the famous knife you have just acquired!"

"It's not comparable at all." As I walked, I argued with Odachi. "You are for a head-on confrontation. Naotato is used for self-defense, can it be the same."

After listening to Odachi, he refused to accept: "Can't I be used as a self-defense weapon!"

"Have you ever used a cannon to hit mosquitoes?"

Odachi was silent, and I continued: "What are you? Odachi, Leopold's Blade, a guy specially used as a big killer, how could it be similar to a weapon used for assassination and self-defense? Than it!"

"What... are you complimenting me?" Odachi suspiciously asked.

"What do you think?"

"Hehehe" Dadachi made three wretched laughs that could only be made by a middle-aged wretched uncle, and then stopped talking.

It seems that the touts just now are really effective, and at least this guy can get rid of the resistance that I had after ordering a new knife.

As I was walking forward, I suddenly thought of something: "Hey, Odachi, I ask you, did you increase the weight when the two elves checked you just now?"

Odachi made no secret, and said, "Yes."

I wondered, and asked it: "Huh? Why are you doing this?"

"Isn't this just able to show your kid's natural and infinite heroic posture~"

"Why can't I feel the slightest sincerity from your words?" I pinched my chin while frowning in doubt.

Odachi instantly increased the volume by several percentage points: "I am Odachi, and every word I say passes through the soul! You can't slander me casually! Believe it or not, I sue you!"

I laughed: "Hey, sue me? Who are you going to sue me?"

I was smiling and suddenly felt that the pressure on my back was increasing. It must be the Odachi who changed the weight without authorization: "Hey, hey, lighter, lighter, don't be too heavy, it's tiring, don't you know!"

As Odachi made a wretched chuckle, the weight on my back disappeared.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the light in the tomb was very scarce, and the ground, ceiling and surroundings became gray. I took out a luminous spar from my pocket, and in an instant, scattered white light spread all over me. Everything will shine brightly around.

"It's really a magic light spar that can illuminate the spacious living room. The effect is really great!" I praised the spar while walking.

A while after this, I encountered more than a dozen institutions that had been destroyed. As a result, I had to wonder: How many groups of tomb robbers would have to come here to destroy the trap institutions like this, and, there are such In a tomb where many people enter and exit, will there really be treasures left for me?

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but hesitate, and my pace slowed down at the same time.

"Hey, brat, what are you thinking about!" Odachi's voice instantly sounded in my mind.

I sighed and said, "You don't know anything about it. Many groups of tomb robbers have already visited this place. I don't know if there will be any treasures in it."

"It turns out that this is what you are worried about!" Odachi laughed, and said, "The tomb robbery is based on luck. If you can get something, you are lucky. If you can't get something, there is nothing to be discouraged. The big deal is to change to a tomb and continue. Pirate."

"Hey, hey, please, how come I hear you, I'm like a professional tomb robber?"

"I'm just telling you the truth, it has nothing to do with the occupation" Otato relieved me: "Furthermore, even if you really don't get any treasures, you are at least familiar with this mausoleum. Knowing its location and structure, when you go to other tombs to robber in the future, this is also an experience."

After listening to Odachi's words, I carefully pondered for a while, let alone, it was such a truth, so my mood immediately calmed down, relieved, and I continued on.

Walking through the long tomb passage, I saw one after another destroyed organs and traps, but I didn't encounter one that was still intact. This also disappointed me after walking carefully for so long.

In fact, the tomb robbery in my dream is like this: various traps are triggered randomly, various organs are released abruptly, sand pits, crossbow arrows, stone pillars, crackling at me, I hold a straight sword in these dense traps. Shuttle, occasionally some non-fatal wounds were added to my body. In front of my powerful healing power, they healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After that, they passed through the long ground tomb path to the tomb. In the tomb, I encountered a group of people. The moving mechanism puppet monster, holding two long and short knives, had a desperate fight with the mechanism puppet monster, and finally won a narrow victory. Leaning on the wall of the tomb, recalling the expedition, um, that's probably what happened.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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