"Then what can I complain about?" Ota Dadao said, "I didn't say anything when you used me to chop the carrion puppet! No matter how stinky the stuff is, can it be better than the carrion puppet?"

Hearing what it said, I thought about it a little bit, and it was right. Compared with the unpleasantness of carrion puppets, the smell of corpses that a half-dead corpse can emit is not to mention.

So, with my wrist force, I continued to cut downwards. While cutting, I said to Odachi: "If you get to the position of the corpse, remember to tell me to stop. I don't want to destroy someone else's corpse for no reason."

"Hey, he's quite morally conscious," Odachi joked.

Then, both of us were dull and kept cutting down and cutting... Soon, the entire coffin was cut in half by me. Not only did the Odachi knife make no sound, but No fart!

I am also true, patronizing the cutting and cutting, I forgot to raise my eyes to see where the cutting has been. The tomb owner of the coffin met a tomb thief like me, but it was really **** and sinful. Sin.

I was confessing, and suddenly heard Odachi call me: "Smelly boy, cut the coffin into pieces!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh? Not to mention damaging other people's bodies, but even destroying the house where the bodies are stored, you are too ruthless, right!"

...Ahhhhhhhhhhh, the Taita sword is originally made of metal, and it is irrelevant to say that it is ruthless.

"What do you think, brat!" Odachi reprimanded, "There is no body in this coffin. The upper layer of the coffin is stacked with a pile of jewelry that doesn't seem to be worth too much. The middle layer is a large wooden board. Below is a tunnel with stairs!"

"Huh? Jewelry!"

Without waiting for Odachi to say it again, I stepped forward and used the metal guard and my brute force to forcibly tore down the coffin, and then went to break the lid on the coffin.

Although the lid was cut in half with a big knife, it was still very strong because it had a lot of nails on its four sides. I didn’t want to pull out one nail by nail, so I just used brute force to fight it. I lifted it up for life, almost exhausting my milk-feeding effort, and then I lifted the lid. Damn it, I'm really tired.

Sitting on the ground, I thought, if I bring Phoenix or Kagali, with their brute force, maybe I can relax a lot.

After complaining for a while, I recovered a lot of strength, stood up again, reached out into the coffin and touched it for a while. As expected, there were a lot of jewels in it, and all of them looked beautiful, and put them on the auction floor. They will definitely be worth a lot of money-if they weren't chopped into two pieces by a big sword.

"Hello" I said to Odachi: "Do you remember the purpose of our expedition?"

"Remember," Taitadao said, "In order to pay your vacant bill back."

"Then you have to cut these jewels into two pieces for Mao!" I collapsed and said, "Do you know that this is a waste of gold coins!"

"Just these tatters?" Otadao said disdainfully: "Forget it, these things can sell for a few hundred gold coins at most, and you won't bring more than a thousand."

"Hey, how did you know?" I wondered.

"Of course I know," Taita said, "The tomb where I stayed before has such jewels. Your friend didn't even look at those jewels exactly once when he walked by me."

"You mean Harold?" I asked.

"Well, that's the guy" Otato sighed, "But it's a pity that he can't hear me."

"Oh~" I nodded: "It turns out that not everyone can hear your voice."

"Nonsense" Otadao said: "If everyone could hear my voice, I would have left that cold and damp ancient tomb for hundreds of years!"

"Okay, let's not mention this for now." I pointed to the jewels on the floor and said, "Let’s talk about it, how do you know they are worthless, even if there was a pile of such jewels lying next to you, but you were What is the basis for valuing them?"

"You're still better!" Ota slashed, and said, "Well, I'll tell you. In fact, your friend’s teammate grabbed a handful of jewelry on the ground and went out. Much more than these, the result, guess what when appraisal."


"That large amount of jewels only cost more than 1,000 gold coins. The angry guy almost fainted on the spot, hahahaha!"

Odachi’s laughter was harsh, and I couldn’t help frowning, thinking about the golden content of Odachi’s words. It speaks directly with the soul. It shouldn’t be fake. If it is true, even if I hold it. Going back with a lot of jewels can't solve the urgent need either.

With this in mind, I decided to abandon this pair of jewels and first look at the tunnel under the wooden planks.

Ever since, I raised the big sword and slashed it against the plank. After a while, the plank was chopped in pieces by me.

Kicking the fragments of the wooden plank aside, I squatted down and looked at the dark tunnel, always feeling a cool breeze from the inside out.

I shuddered, and couldn't help asking, "Hey, Odachi, what do you think will be under this place?"

Odachi thought for a while, and said, "It may be a deeper tomb."

I despised its answer in my heart, turned around to retrieve the magic spar, and took a photo of it inside. It was a long staircase, and the bottom of the stairs could not be illuminated by the magic spar.

The corners of my mouth twitched, and said, "If this continues, will there be any danger?"

"I don't know," Taita said, "But well, the greater the risk, the greater the return, don't you think?"

"It's not convincing to say this from your mouth." I looked around and said: "Looking at the things I have worked so hard to obtain, but you said only a few hundred gold coins. The price before you cut it in half."

"Come on," Ota said: "The risk I said has nothing to do with manual labor. Risk is a test of life. Your manual labor will not have any test effect on life."

"Hey, you are really interesting. Anything can make you tell three points, why don't you go to the debate!"

Odachi said: "I think, but besides you, who else can hear my voice! Mom sells it!"

I stopped arguing with it, and once again illuminated the stairs of the tunnel with the magic spar, and hesitated: "Really going down?"

"Are you afraid of traps, or are you afraid of being buried in it?" Odachi asked.

"Fear of both."

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