When the crystal was switched on, the girl's grandma's voice came to my ears as soon as it was a phoenix.

"Xiao Yi, are you coming back for dinner?"

I looked at the sliding door at my feet and said, "Uh...the situation is a bit special, I can't go back temporarily."

"Then let's eat first," she said. Then, Barbara's scream came from the crystal: "Don't grab my white fish, it's mine, it's not cooked yet!"

It seems to have a barbecue today.

Click, Phoenix hung up the crystal, and then Kagali called again: "Hey, Xiaoyi, why did you run away again?"

"I just went out to make some foreign money. After all, I have to pay the bill."

"Taylor said, I already know, so I'm not angry, but I still feel very upset" Kagali said: "Why didn't you bring me foreign wealth? I also want to add more reserves to the guild."

"Is the current reserve fund insufficient?" I wondered: "I remember that there were several consecutive deposits of more than 100,000 gold coins in the warehouse."

Kagali said casually: "Yes, but isn't the more money the better?"

"Well, you are right, I will consider it next time I make foreign money."

"Well, this is good" Kagali said hehe: "Okay, I'm going to eat barbecue, do you want to save some?"

"no need."

After hanging up the crystal, Li Leia called again and said, "Xiao Yi, where are you now?"

"I don't know which one it is. The specific location is about 100 meters west of the imperial tomb."

"About a hundred meters to the west of the imperial tomb..." Lilya thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Ah, that ancient tomb, I know, it has been raided no less than a hundred times. Can you find something valuable? Even a gold coin?"

"You can still find it," I said, "After all, this is a pretty big tomb."

"Is it big?" Lilya questioned what I said: "I have also entered the tomb once, and it was only two floors underground to reach the main tomb. Except for the broken clay tiles and ceramics, There is really nothing valuable."

"It should be said that you didn't find the right place," I said: "In this way, I will talk to you when I go back."

"it is good."

Lilea hung up the crystal.

This time, I didn't take the crystal back into my pocket, but continued to hold it in my hand, because I felt that someone would definitely call.

Sure enough, Yula called right afterwards, her voice still so charming, her tone still so seductive: "Brother, how are you busy?"

"It's not so good" I said: "I am sweating profusely, and now I can't wait to go back to take a bath, eat barbecue and sleep soon!"

"Then come back," Yula said: "The meat is already roasted. Well, it tastes great~"

"Don't be so cruel, okay" I said depressed: "I only ate dry bread and water, and now the poor guy who is still groaning in my stomach."

"Okay, it's time for me to eat" Yula said: "The vegetables are already roasted, wait for you to come back~"

She also hung up the call.

This time, the call crystal did not light up again. In fact, I didn't expect Barbara to call. For a foodie like her, fragrant food is far more important than me.

Remy doesn't need to say much, she looks like Barbara one size smaller, well, a snack.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the call crystal really never turned on again. Just as I was about to put it in my pocket, there was a flash in my mind, and a thought suddenly popped out: Will the fairy patriarch know these words on the ground? ?

When she gave her a secret letter in Fairy Language, she told me that when she was young, the Fairy Patriarch had learned many languages. Although not proficient, reading and conversation were completely unhindered. .

Thinking of this, I opened a call request to the fairy patriarch.

The call was quickly connected, and the fairy patriarch's voice was as calm as ever: "Xiaoyi, what's the matter?"

"Grandma patriarch, are you free?"

"If you are free, just tell me if you have anything."

"I want to ask you a few words, can I?"

"Yes, what words do you want to ask me?" said the fairy patriarch.

Then, following the strokes, I repeated the words on the sliding door to the fairy patriarch. After the retelling, the fairy patriarch was silent a little and said, "Where did you see these words?"

"An ancient tomb" I truthfully replied: "It's the one not too far from the Elf Emperor's Tomb."

"Oh..." The fairy patriarch groaned for a while, and said, "I know these words. To explain in common language, you can choose one of the two."

"Choose one of the two?"

"Yes, just choose one of the two."

I looked at the small sliding door in front of me with a dazed expression, unable to understand what this sentence meant.

"Xiaoyi, are you still there?"

The voice of the fairy patriarch came from the crystal, and I hurriedly replied: "Yes, I'm still there."

"Xiaoyi, tell me, what is the situation before you now?" the fairy patriarch asked: "Is this sentence written at the fork in the road or somewhere else?"

"It's not a fork in the road," I said: "It was written on a floor tile. There is something like a sliding door in front of the floor tile."

"Pull the door..." The patriarch thought for a moment and said: "Open it, Xiao Yi."

"Huh? Are you sure I want to do this?" I hesitated.

"I'm sure" the patriarch said: "I have seen the kind of sliding door you mentioned. It is a kind of magic restriction used by our fairies when placing rare treasures."

Magic prohibition...

Odachi and I unannounced and secretly said in our hearts: No wonder there is a thin layer of magic shield on it. It turned out to be a kind of prohibition used by the goblin clan to hide treasures. In other words, this prohibition is a bit strong, even Odachi and my killing intent It cannot be destroyed.

According to the fairy patriarch's words, I forcefully pulled the sliding door open, and at the moment I opened it, a light shot from behind the sliding door, scaring me all over and leaping back subconsciously.

Fortunately, all the mechanisms within a few meters behind me have been cracked by me by throwing bricks. Otherwise, if I stepped on a trap, it would be embarrassing.

The light emitted does not seem to be a trap, but a distinctive reminder, because I saw that a few seconds after it was shot out, the rays of light rejoined together at an extremely fast speed, forming a lifelike Human form.

This person is a female with a very small body and delicate face. She is somewhat similar to Remy, but her temperament is quite different. Remy is a young and tender little loli, but the woman in front of her possesses an indescribable maturity. charm.

She wore a dress. This dress was very similar to the gown of the fairy patriarch, but it was more luxurious than the patriarch’s gown. Comparing the two, the patriarch’s dress was simply a copycat version.

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