The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 930: Talking nonsense over and over

Repeated the nonsense that I made up several times to the fairy patriarch, this old woman still looks like she can't stop, just like a drug addict is obsessed with drugs.

Seeing this, I had to continue talking. Later, I felt disgusted by the nonsense, but the patriarch of the fairy was still listening. Not only her, I was shocked to find that during the time I repeated the nonsense. Here, behind the head of the fairy patriarch, her clansmen were already surrounded, and the expressions of these people were the same as those of the patriarch.

I was embarrassed by this act of making up nonsense in front of a group of people, especially when the group of people was still listening to it.

"Is this really good?" Odachi's voice sounded in my head: "A lot of nonsense in exchange for the debt on the bill?"

"I don't feel good either..."

"Does it really feel bad?" Taito said again: "You can see that all of them are fascinated, like drug addicts. This shows that you have met their needs, and so is getting funding. It should be."

"Are you going to approve or oppose my behavior?"

Odachi said hehe: "I'm just making fun of you. If I were you, I would definitely make up more exciting stories to make them happy and in exchange for more profits."

"I always have a question that I don't understand" I said in my heart: "As a knife, why are you so persistent and money?"

"Your question is very rude, brat" Datadao said: "Although I am a knife, I am a knife with goals and pursuits. My dream is to hang all kinds of knives on my body. This kind of gold and silver jewelry, with countless valuable pearls and diamonds inlaid on the handle of the knife. Whenever people see me, they can’t help saying, “Ah! This must be a valuable knife! Only the most noble identity Talents deserve it!'"

"How do I feel that your dream is difficult to realize?"

"Where is it difficult?" Odachi asked.

"Ordinary people should say this after seeing you, ‘Ah, your knife is so gorgeous, it must have cost a lot of money?’"

Odachi: "Although I don't like your speculation very much, I can't deny it. This should be the most true first reaction of mankind, a sad reality."

"Yes, the reality is so sad." I sighed deeply: "While talking nonsense with you in my heart, I have to make up a group of people while listening to a group of people, and make them believe in my nonsense. It’s true, and I have to deal with any questions that may be raised at any time. It’s so stressful!"

"Who told you to make up a lie?" Otato said contemptuously.

"Can you not make up nonsense!" I said: "Look at their longing eyes, and think about our understanding of Ophelia. In addition to continuing to make up the plot according to the plot that may appear on the sculpture, there are other Way?"

"You can tell her the truth," Dadachi said.

"Is this the suggestion you made just to make me laugh?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm getting smarter, brat, you know it's an answer."


This is the sixty-fifth time that I have told the fairy patriarch and people of the fairy tribe, and I feel that my mouth is almost unwilling.

Finally, a younger goblin sighed, and then some goblins around her began to sigh, and not long after, even the patriarch of the goblin sighed.

The patriarch rubbed his eyes, stood up, and said to the clansmen behind him: "This is the end of today's story. You can all rest."

The clansmen dispersed in twos and threes, and soon, only me and the fairy patriarch were left on the ground.

Although the patriarch sighed, she still looked at me with vigor and said: "The sleepy clansman has rested, and no one affects the atmosphere anymore. You can tell the old lady a few more times."

With a miserable expression on my face, I sneaked out my pocket watch and took a look. I wiped it. It was almost two o'clock!

I looked miserable and said, "Grandma patriarch, to tell you, in fact, I am also sleepy."

"Are you sleepy too?" The patriarch approached me and took a look, and said, "No, I think you are quite energetic. You haven't even sighed."

"Yes, I seldom exhale when I'm sleepy. I basically fall asleep on the pillow."

She sighed, feeling a little disappointed, and said: "Since you are also sleepy, then I won't force you. I'll order someone to prepare a room for you, so you can rest well."

Although I can't bear to look at her disappointed expression, the feeling of not sleeping all night is really uncomfortable. I haven't gotten to the point where I abandon sleep because of sympathy.

Seeing the fairy patriarch instructed the clansmen to help me prepare the room, I reached into my pocket and prepared to grab a sip from the water bag. Unexpectedly, my fingers touched a hard, cylindrical object.

Subconsciously took it out and took a look: it was that wooden, very gorgeous and exquisite scepter!

Meowing, I even forgot about it. It happened that the fairy patriarch was by her side. With her knowledgeable vision, it might be possible to save the cost of finding an appraiser to appraise this scepter.

I approached the fairy patriarch, looked at her sideways, and saw her with an obsessive expression, sometimes smiling, sometimes shocked, and sometimes pensive. These expressions were the same as when I told her about Ophelia.

It seems that the patriarch is falling into her own yy world and should not be disturbed.

So I retracted the scepter and sat back to the original position, waiting for them to help me clean up the room.

At this moment, the body of the fairy patriarch trembled slightly, she recovered, turned to look at me, and said, "Did you want to ask me any questions?"

"Ah, there is a small request" I said, "but it's not a big deal."

"Speak up" the patriarch said: "Perhaps I can help you. After all, you have brought me the precious deeds of Your Majesty Ophelia. It is impossible to pay off this kindness with 10,000 gold coins."

"Okay, then" I took out the scepter again, handed it over, and said: "You can help me see what this is."

The fairy patriarch took the scepter cautiously, and she slightly looked at the patterns and patterns on it, her calm expression suddenly changed, and layers of doubt appeared on her face.

She frowned and looked serious. She raised her head and asked me: "Where did you get this scepter?"

"It's in the tomb I explored yesterday" I said: "It was packed in a very large metal box. It took a lot of effort to get it out. By the way, do you know what it is? ?"

"Know" the fairy patriarch said solemnly: "Of course I know what this is."

I checked her expression and said cautiously: "Look at your appearance...this is not an ordinary scepter?"

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